Yes. Far too long since last post.
There was the disturbing fandom fire whose embers still glow in a few places. Also as a personal note, the last week was heat and humidity and rain storms while at work with a multitude of breakdowns and issues of a less critical nature. But as all things, that has passed for now. Or has it?
This is the beginning of the summer. There will be many more of these days and weeks to come and they will interfere and bog down work on all the various projects and schemes I have hatching or are soon to hatch. However I still wish to maintain this stream of consciousness, even though it’s far too broken to be any applicably metaphorical stream.
After a small stream yesterday and some project preparation cleanup work the night before, I made some progress with a few projects I have in process. It’s still a lot of things to get in order and many plans to fix into tasks , written down or recorded and planned out further.
There is also the loss of option to visit the friends online in Vegas this year. I was finally starting to set things in place after a few uncertainties with work and obligations cleared. But the dates i was scheduling for that I could not commit to have been taken. Timing is everything. So be it Hopefully we can make it up some other way in the future. After all the Star Trek convention that will occur concurrently was never the real reason for going.
Now I am finishing this post a day after I started it. This is how things happen, overlapping and interfereing. I think I will go back soon here to fixing and finishing my signet background that I am using an old and unfinished concept for on several sites currently. I made some progress with design issues finally starting this week and I’d like to finish that and kick it out. Produce some accomplishment.
On to the next thing.