
It’s Been a Month

And now arrives my latest installment of the sweltering summer not-journal. Much has happened and I’ve spent far more time on various discords and (may God help me) twitter than thinking about, designing and writing about other projects. Let’s see what I recall over the last weeks:

I celebrated my 50th birthday with a small selection of family and friends. My older sister and my nephew also joined me a week later to commemorate the date’s passing.

“The Suicide Squad” is out and regardless of some issues it’s entertaining with actual strong character development. Apparently, it’s still failing on measures of success.

Netflix’s “Masters of the Universe” premiered and we have Clownfish’s reporting confirmed why He-Man is not in the title.

Marvel’s “What If” is getting worse and worse.

The Nerdrotic-Geeks and Gamers meet-ups in Las Vegas were quite a fired up success. I could not attend and wished I could have.


I’ve achieved the most engagement on a personal tweet ever with a relatively small time investment in making it and the most ironic and obliquely entertaining thing about it was the pissy reply who thought the amount of time I spent was not worth the few people it would entertain. Heh… WRONG! =P


Alex Kurtzman has been renewed to make more cheap, meaningless content for Viacom CBS. I weep tearlessly for “Star Trek.”

The current administration performed a worse logistic personnel pull out of Afghanistan than Vietnam. Amongst all the people I’m praying for and keeping sending positive thoughts for I feel like there isn’t enough in me for the loss of people, the destruction of families, and all other cases of loss and sacrifice.

I’m missing so much… I know it.

While every night I work on League of Maiden’s resources, during the day while I can and sometimes at night I’ve been working on a latest Lego independent project: a USS Daedalus UCS+ class model designed by Requsto. I’ve been virtual building the model and checking it. I’ve also shared some of the details with the designer, Requesto. While waiting for the main parts which have a long lead time, I’m collecting some test build parts and trying out some of the design elements ahead of the final part arrivals. We should have the last of those next week early if one of the shipments appears out of USPS uncertainty.

Until the next update, take care all.

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