How did this come about?
Gary mentioned the Rob Leifeld look referring to the Captain Carter from Disney Marvel’s “What If…?” on the Aug. 13, 2021 FNT. I remembered seeing a submission by @BossLogic. The concept was what if you stretched Chris Evans into Rob Leifield’s Captain America.
I wrote off the work to make it look like the Union Jack costume and shield but I also decided to keep the cowl rather than the Disney What If design. Now, what about Hayley Atwell in a similar aspect and elevation, I found this. (It is cropped as I recall, probably a promo/costume test)
Bloody gorgeous.
The next bit’s gonna hurt a little.
Basically, it’s just matte layers now. Massage size and position. One other decision was to not blend the face into the original art. I preferred how the portrait popped and drew the viewer’s attention from the muted costume and backdrop.
They mentioned it on FNT, I thought about it, looked up images for 3-4 minutes, photoshopped 15-25 minutes, maybe?
Posted it to the FNT crew and the mensch wrench Eric K. And hell, if Az didn’t retweet me, it’s history now, disturbing uncanny history.
@Nerdrotics @DDay_Cobra @KinelRyan @HAWTToys @OdinsMovieBlog @QTRBlackGarrett @XrayGirl5 @ComixDivision @CaliEric0 #FNT #Peg
— MithyrSar (@MithyrSar) August 14, 2021