
How Captain Peg Carter Appeared

How did this come about?

Gary mentioned the Rob Leifeld look referring to the Captain Carter from Disney Marvel’s “What If…?” on the Aug. 13, 2021 FNT. I remembered seeing a submission by @BossLogic. The concept was what if you stretched Chris Evans into Rob Leifield’s Captain America.

I wrote off the work to make it look like the Union Jack costume and shield but I also decided to keep the cowl rather than the Disney What If design. Now, what about Hayley Atwell in a similar aspect and elevation, I found this. (It is cropped as I recall, probably a promo/costume test)

Bloody gorgeous.

The next bit’s gonna hurt a little.

Basically, it’s just matte layers now. Massage size and position. One other decision was to not blend the face into the original art. I preferred how the portrait popped and drew the viewer’s attention from the muted costume and backdrop.

They mentioned it on FNT, I thought about it, looked up images for 3-4 minutes, photoshopped 15-25 minutes, maybe?

Posted it to the FNT crew and the mensch wrench Eric K. And hell, if Az didn’t retweet me, it’s history now, disturbing uncanny history.

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