
Hogsmeade Field Guide Pages Checklist ♦ Hogwarts Legacy

Completed Challenges provide experience and quickly level your character. Field guide page recovery is one of the first available and easiest Challenges to access. There are four levels of pages with cosmetic rewards in the Field Guide Page Challenge at 2, 8, 15, and 25 each. These 50 pages will all provide 80 experience points toward leveling your character. The remaining five are for completeness.

Field guide pages occur in several varieties. Hogsmeade contains only Revelio, Accio, and Lumos Moth pages. Moving the quest line to unlock a couple of buildings and learning Alohomora will be necessary to complete finding these items.

  • Revelio pages appear by performing the spell near enough to them. A hazy ghost of the page may appear when approaching the location of the page but this is not always the case. These pages will be accounted for in the Revelio Collection and display details on the objects or locations near where they are placed throughout the Highlands.
  • Lumos pages are discovered in the quest “Like a Moth to a Frame.” Besides using the illumination charm, moth leading is displayed, which will be useful elsewhere in the game. Beyond that, finding locations in the world from a framed picture displaying their flat image adds to this type of page’s challenge. Based on experience, completion of the quest was not always required to start finding these pages. Considering the unknown and how straightforward the quest is, I’d suggest completing it right after “Welcome to Hogwarts” before heading off to classes.
  • Accio pages are the only visible pages. However, they are also enchanted to fly about in a loop until caught with the summoning spell first learned in your “Charms Class.” If you are far enough away from the page and within visible distance, it can appear frozen in place. It may also appear from a recognizable starting point if you approach its location from a distance several times without collecting it.
  • Open – after “Welcome to Hogsmeade” has been started and when you have been left to your own devices by Natsai or Sebastian to meet with them later in the square, all the open items are available to collect. Note: collect Revelio #26 “Hogsmeade” page before crossing the bridge into town, afterward this item is out of the bounds of the quest area and would have to wait until tomorrow in-game.
  • Requires Alohomora Level 1, “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” quest needs to be started.
  • Requires a quest completed which will be stated in the individual item.

Revelio Pages (30 Pages)

Lumos Pages (5 Pages)

Accio Pages (20 Pages)



One thought on "Hogsmeade Field Guide Pages Checklist ♦ Hogwarts Legacy"

  • Marjorie Byrd says:

    I found 54 out of the 55 field guide pages just can’t find the last one…. please help me in finding the last one

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