How can you find stars? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stars can be spotted ahead of their arrival by using a telescope in the
Study of a Player Owned House. You can use yours or someone else's and anyone can read
any level of scope at that scope's accuracy. |
What are the telescope accuracies and the associated levels? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Better telescopes give tighter windows for the time that
the star hits.
How do stars appear? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stars arrive at random times in a random location for
each world. Across all worlds, all of the stars land in a 20 minute time
range. The star to star interval in a world is about 2 hours. Immediately following a star fall, a telescope will show nothing (your character makes a random comment). Within a about 10 minutes, the next star to land in the world will show up in the telescope. At the site where the star lands, it will appear with a whistling noise and a shadow moving from the east, west to the site. On landing, it will break into a random level, 1 to 9. When the star has been mined down, the sprite inside the star will be revealed. The sprite now hangs out for about 10 minutes and once its time is up, it will simply disappear. If the star is not mined completely before the next star arrives, it will also disappear. |
What are these levels? Why can't I mine the star? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stars fracture into a random level when they crash. Only
higher level miners can break the highest level stars. Even so, as a
star is mined, it will drop through the levels until it cracks open when
level 1 has been mined down. Anyone of at least 10 mining can mine part
of any star as long as they can get to it and higher levels are there to
break it down to their level. There is also a greater likelihood of gems
being mined from the higher levels of a star.
What is this star dust? What do I do with it? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Star dust is what you mine from the star. Its only use in the game is
to turn in to the sprite at any
star. For turning in the dust you get a proportional amount of
Cosmic runes, Astral runes, Gold ore notes and Gold coins. Talk to the sprite at any cracked open star to trade in your dust. You only get to turn in dust one time in a day, even if you only turn in 1 dust! Days renew at about midnight UTC+0 (aka. GMT or Zulu) within server update tolerance. The maximum amount of dust that you can have is 200, and that is the total on your character and in the bank. You can mine stars without restriction and still get experience for mining dust at the stars current level. If you die while carrying dust, it is not an item left on the ground to pick up. Star dust is untradeable and has no value except what you can trade it for at a star. The maximum amounts of the reward for turning in 200 dust are 50,002 GP, 152 Cosmics, 52 Astrals and 20 Gold ore notes. |
Are there other rewards? What's this tagging first? What is the mining bonus after turning in dust? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Besides the rewards from trading in dust and the relatively fast mining
experience for mining the star, there are 2 more rewards that are
possible. If you are the first person to touch (not necessarily to mine) a star, you get a tag bonus of mining experience that is your level in mining times 75. For example, if you just reached 10 mining and happened to tag a star for the first time that you could mine it, your tag bonus would be 750 mining experience. On the other hand, a 99 mining level player can tag a star first for 7425 experience. The other reward for turning in your dust is the mining bonus. For turning in 200 dust, for 15 minutes afterward you can mine any ore and have about a 10% chance to recover an extra ore. With a Varrock plate mining bonus, it is possible to mine 3 ores at a time from 1 rock. It has also been noted that this mining bonus can score double ores from a runite rock. |
First line: Group:Quick name (response time) Quick name
is suggested for call outs in CC and Private communications. Response times are very
subjective and based on most forms of transport being available. See last lines. Second line: Location or site, description. Remaining lines: Means of reaching location, any FR notes refer to Fairy Rings. |
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Misthalin · Asgarnia · Kandarin · Karamja or Crandor · Morytania or Mos Le'Harmless · Piscatoris, Gnome Stronghold or Lletya · Fremennik Lands or Lunar Isle · Kharidian Desert · Wilderness |
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Mis:Aubrey (average) Northeast of Aubrey's rune shop and southeast of Varrock's East Bank. Varrock Teleport/Tab, head east and south |
Mis:Champ (fast) West Varrock mine, northwest of the Champions Guild.
Mis:LumbyE (average-slow) East Lumbridge swamp mine.
Mis:VarrE (average) East Varrock mine, east of the sheep farm.
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Asg:FallyW (average) The Mine West of Falador
Asg:Rimmy (average) Rimmington Mine
Asg:Craft (fast) Crafting Guild Mine (must have brown apron and 40
Asg:Mine (fast) North of Mining Guild
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Kan:Trucks Coal Trucks Mine (slow)
Kan:Yanny (average) Between Magic Guild and Bank of Yanille
Kan:Monk (average-slow) Mine South of East Ardougne very near and just north of Monastery
Kan:Legend (average) West Ardougne Mine on route to Legends Guild, with Grizzly bears
Kan:Khaz (average) Port Khazard Mine North of East Yanille
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Kar:Crand (slow) South-West Crandor Mine, Glory Amulet Karamja teleport, enter Musa Point volcano cave, through secret wall and Elvarg's Lair, climb rope and move to southeast mithril mine. |
Kar:Brim (slow) Mine by Brimhaven Dungeon Entrance
Kar:Nat (fast) Nature Altar Mine
Kar:Shilo (fast) Shilo Village Gem Mine,
Kar:Hshoe (slow) Mine North-West of Brimhaven
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* Protection in swamp, these are not necessary equipment. |
Mry:Canif (fast) Outside Canifis Bank (
Mry:Burgh (Slow) Outside Burgh De Rott Bank ( Closest approach, Mort'on Boat from Myreque shortcut passage |
Mry:Mosle (slow) South Of Mos Le'Harmless Bank (
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PGL:Pisca (slow) Mine Just South of Piscatoris Fishing Colony
PGL:Gnome (slow) Gnome Stronghold
PGL:Lletya (fast) Lletya ( Elf crystal teleport, a few steps south |
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Frm:Fremmy (fast) The Mine in Rellekka (
Frm:King (average) The Mine on Miscellania (
Frm:Lunar (fast to slow) Entrance to Lunar Isle Mine (
Suqah are hostile here. |
Frm:Neitz (slow) South of the Rune Rock on Neitiznot ( Neitiznot Ferry from north Fremennik docks, across a bridge to first isle and east. Ice Trolls hostile in this area. |
Frm:Jatz (slow) Entrance to Mine on Jatizso ( Jatizso Ferry from north Fremennik docks, into town and out west gate to northwest side of isle and mine entrance. |
Frm:Keld (average-slow) Mine South of Keldagrim
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Des:Quarry (average-fast) Granite Quarry (deep desert water prepare)
Des:Nardy (average) Outside Nardah bank
Des:Uzer (slow) Clay Mine North of Uzer (deep desert water prepare)
Des:Vulture (average-fast) Sophanem Vultures Mine (deep desert water prepare)
Des:Duel (fast) Duel Arena, just west of Hospital Duel Ring Duel Arena teleport, northeast past Arena wall almost thru Mage Training Guild gate |
Des:Kharid (average-fast) Outside Al Kharid Bank Glory Amulet Al Kharid teleport, out and around palace to front of bank |
Des:Scorp (average) Scorpion Mine North of Al Kharid Duel Ring Duel Arena teleport, east and north to mine |
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Wld:Zammy (average) Mine Next to Zamorak Mage, level 7 Glory Amulet Edgeville teleport, north near Zamorak Mage. Revenants are very common here. |
Wld:Bounty (fast) Bounty Hunter Bank (only safe Wilderness mining spot) Game Necklace Bounty Hunter teleport, east to bank |
Wld:Mage (slow) Outside Mage Arena Bank Ruin, level 56 Ardougne/Edgeville Wilderness switch cul-du-sac, west from exit, just north of mage arena. Revenants guard this area frequently. |
Wld:Hobgob (slow) Hobgoblin Mine, south of Lava Maze entrance, level 35
south of the Lava Maze entrance. |
Wld:Skelly (slow) Skeleton Mine Northwest of Edgeville, level 10
Wld:Rune (slow) Rune Rocks at Lava Maze Edge, level 47
Note mining map symbol, north of the Lava Maze from any available approach near the rune rocks there. Revenants are common here. |
Wld:Pirate (slow) Pirates' Hideout Mine, level 53 Ardougne Wilderness switch cul-du-sac, west past mage arena to Pirate's Hideout mine. Revenants often found in area. |