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Game Interface

    The keyboard is the sole input device in the game. Most of the alphabetic keys and the arrow keys are mapped to certain commands. The command list is as follows:

Key Action Description
Up Move/Action Direction (Surface/Towne) move or perform action to north, (Dungeon) go forward
Down Move/Action Direction (Surface/Towne) move or perform action to south, (Dungeon) back up
Right Move/Action Direction (Surface/Towne) move or perform action to east, (Dungeon) turn right
Left Move/Action Direction (Surface/Towne) move or perform action to west, (Dungeon) turn left
A Attack ... (Surface/Towne) followed by direction attempts to attack in that direction, (Dungeon) attack anything in front (also shortcut on numeric pad keyboards with numlock on)
B Board mount horse, board cart, raft, ship, etc...
C Cast cast whatever spell you memorized with the Ready command
D Drop ... when in townes/castles, leave items behind (you can't pick them up again, but why didn't you sell them?), or drop some coins into a pond, if its magic...
E Enter enter the site you are standing on
F Fire ... fire the weapons on any craft you are driving that has them, may require a direction
G Get get items from storage, if permission is granted
H Hyper-jump while in forward view mode in a spacecraft, jump to the next adjacent sector in the direction you are pointing
I Inform and Search (towne/castle) get information about where you are or what you are standing on, (space) bring up a sector scan in a spacecraft, (dungeon) look for hidden passages
K Climb use a ladder in a dungeon
N Noise toggle sound effects
O Open find and procure the cash from a coffin in a dungeon
Q Quit save current game status and information, will not 'Quit' the game
R Ready ... select a ready weapon, wear some armour or memorize a spell
S Steal take items unasked from any storage, and pay the price if detected
T Transact communicate with kings or shopkeepers, if standing in a place nearby them
U Unlock jimmy a chest and acquire its goodies in a dungeon
V View Change toggle view in spacecraft, top-down/forward
X Exit disembark or dismount horse, raft, ship, etc...
Z Statistics display current information about your game, highlighted items are readied 

The display always maintains three regions. The view occupies the greatest part of the screen across the top. This is where the action is, or sometimes, extended information. The bottom left is the activity console where you see the results of your commands. The bottom right region is the short statistics with the most important items.