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Solution Reference

    The following tables include all the pertinent information on key objects and places in the game as well as helpful references. Note that this page is full of spoilers. This is a much updated copy of my first set of notes on the game I typed into the VAX at college.

Single Key Commands

AAttack NNew Party Order...
BBoard Horse/Ship/BalloonOOpen Door
CCast a Spell...PPeer at Gemuse 1 Gem
DDescend Ladder/Land BalloonQQuit & Save
EEnter Towne/ShrineRReady Weapon...
FFire Ship�s Cannon SSearch
GGet Chest and Open...TTalk
HHole Up & CampUUse...
IIgnite Torchuse 1 TorchVVolume Toggle
JJimmy Lock use 1 KeyWWear Armour...
KKlimb Ladder/Fly BalloonXX-it Horse/Ship/Balloon
LLocate Positionwith SextantYYell Giddy-up/Woah
MMix Reagents...ZZtatistics...
- Command requires a direction.
... - Command requires more.

Spells by Key and Mixture

KeySpellMix ReagentsKeySpellMix Reagents
AAwakenBCNNegate CastingACF
CCure PoisonBCPProtectionABC
DDispell FieldA CFQQuicknessABE
EEnergy MistADFRResurrection *ABCDEH
GGate Travel *AFHTTremorAEH
HHealBDUUndead Fear *AC
IIceballFHVView AreaGH
JJinxFGHWWind ChangeAE
KKillFGXX-it DungeonADE
LLightAYUp LevelDE
MMagic MissileA FZDown LevelDE

Reagent Locating Guide

Buccaneer�s DenMoonglowPawsSkara Brae
KeyReagentMagic MentarMagical HerbsThe MagicsHerbs and Spice
ASulfurous Ash6232
DSpider Silk9396
EBlood Moss9664
FBlack Pearl1978
GNightshadeSearch Lat J� F� Lng C� O� during twin new moons
HMandrake RootSearch Lat D� G� Lng N� G� during twin new moons, Warning: poisonous swamp area

Virtue Checklist

ShrineMantraRune �StoneMoon Phase
HonestyAHM___Blue___ New
CompassionMU___Yellow___ Waxing Crescent
ValorRA___Red___ First Half
JusticeBEH___Green___ Waxing Gibbous
SacrificeCAH___Orange___ Full
HonorSUMM___Purple___ Waning Gibbous
SpiritualityOM___White___ Last Half
HumilityLUM___Black___ Waning Crescent

Moongate Quick Chart

ToMoonglowBritainJhelomYewMinocTrinsicSkara BraeMagincia
Moonglow Loop
Britain None
Jhelom None
Yew Loop
Minoc Shrine
Trinsic None
Skara Brae None
Magincia Loop

Stones of Virtue

VirtueColorWhere Found
HonestyBlueOn an altar on the 7th level of dungeon Deceit.
CompassionYellowOn an altar on the 5th level of dungeon Despise.
ValorRedOn an altar on the 7th level of dungeon Destard.
JusticeGreenOn an altar on the 8th level of dungeon Wrong.
SacrificeOrangeOn an altar on the 7th level of dungeon Covetous.
HonorPurpleOn an altar on the 2nd level of dungeon Shame.
SpiritualityWhiteUsing the balloon, land in and search the clearing high in the Serpent�s Spine Mountains, northwest of Castle Britannia, F� A�, E� A�.
HumilityBlackStand in the spot of the Phase 1 moongate (gate of both new moons) near Moonglow and search when both of the moons become new.

Runes of Passage (Finding each rune adds 100 points of experience to the player character.)

VirtueWhere Found (All coordinates local)
HonestyUnder Mariah�s gold, Moonglow A� G�, A� I�.
CompassionIn an alcove at the back of the hallway of the Wayfarer Inn, Britain A� B�, B� J�.
ValorHidden in southeast tower of battlements around the city, Jhelom B� O�, B� O�.
JusticeIn the corner of the north-most jail cell, Yew A� G�, A� N�.
SacrificeBuried in the corner of the blacksmith�s forge, Minoc B� O�, B� M�.
HonorBuried in southwest corner of town near mage surrounded by poison fields, Trinsic B� N�, A� C�.
SpiritualityUnder chest in southeast corner of the castle treasury, Castle Britannia A� I�, B� C�.
HumilitySet in a nook of the southeast hills, Paws B� N�, B� N�.

Other Special Items

___Book of TruthIn the Lycaeum library, under �T�, Lycaeum A� G�, A� G� (Local).
___Candle of LoveIn a secret closet behind the fire field in shrine to love, Cove A� B�, B� G� (Local).
___Bell of CourageSubmerged in deep ocean well, N� A�, L� A�.
___Skull of MondainSunken in the Volcano Isles east of Serpent�s Hold, retrievable only on the �darkest night,� with both moons in their new phase (phase 1), P� F�, M� F�.
___Mystic ArmorWhen 8 parts avatar, in the training halls of Serpent's Hold, A� P�, A� I�.
___Mystic WeaponsWhen 8 parts avatar, buried in the grove in the back of Empath Abbey, A� E�, B� G�.
___Silver HornBuried on an islet in the keys southeast of Skara Brae, K� N�, C� N�.
___Wheel of HMS CapeOn wreck in deep water in the Cape of Heroes south of Trinsic, N� H�, G� A�.
___BalloonAfter entering Hythloth behind Castle Britannia and descending to the eighth level, a new balloon appears near exit, P� C�, O� J�.

Site Information

Virtue (Component Principles)Corresponding Towne Party Members, (Local Towne Coordinates)Adjacent MoongateShrine & MantrasDungeon of Opposing Concept
MoonglowI� H�
O� I�
MariahA� F�
A� I�
I� F�
O� A�
C� E�
O� J�
AHMDeceitE� J�
P� A�
BritainG� K�
F� C�
IoloB� N�
B� M�
G� G�
G� A�
F� M�
I� A�
MUDespiseE� D�
F� L�
JhelomN� O�
C� E�
GeoffreyB� K�
B� A�
O� A�
C� G�
O� F�
C� E�
RADestardK� I�
E� I�
YewC� L�
D� K�
JaanaA� F�
A� G�
C� F�
D� C�
A� L�
E� J�
BEHWrongB� E�
H� O�
MinocB� E�
J� P�
JuliaA� J�
B� J�
B� D�
K� G�
C� N�
M� N�
CAHCovetousB� L�
J� M�
TrinsicL� I�
G� K�
DupreA� F�
A� C�
M� C�
G� I�
M� P�
F� B�
SUMMShameG� G�
D� K�
Skara BraeI� A�
B� G�
ShaminoA� P�
A� K�
H� O�
B� H�
B� D�
K� G�
OMStygian Abyss �O� J�
O� J�
MaginciaK� J�
L� L�
KatrinaB� M�
A� B�
K� H�
L� L�
N� I�
O� H�
LUMHythloth �P� A�
O� P� *

* Hythloth may also be entered via a ladder outside to the north of Castle Britannia, (Local) Lat A� C� Lng A� H�.
** Humility has no component principles, it exists without them.
� The Abyss and Hythloth appear to be unaligned rather than in opposition to Spirituality and Humility respectively.

Buccaneer�s DenF� K�
I� I�
CoveJ� O�
I� I�
PawsJ� B�
G� C�
VesperD� L�
M� L�
BritanniaG� L�
F� G�
Lycaeum (Truth)G� L�
N� K�
Empath Abbey (Love)D� C�
B� M�
Serpent�s Hold (Courage)P� B�
J� C�

The Avatar Visions
