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NPC 084:
Sasha, Gypsy Fellowship Member[+bye +job +name]
You see a young gypsy lad. He is wearing a Fellowship medallion. His eyes look down and his expression is one of extreme sorrow.
Sasha looks up. "Good day to thee, Avatar."
"My name is Sasha."
"I am too young to have a job. I am a gypsy as my parents vere gypsies. I am also a member of The Fellowship."
}[+Fellowship +gypsies +parents]
"My parents - Frederico and Tania - vere murdered. I do not know vhy anyone vould vant to harm them." The words choke out of the boy. Suddenly he is overwhelmed by grief and is unable to speak further.
}[-parents +murders]
"It happened at the sawmill in Minoc."
"For the past veek I have been avay from home doing vork for The Fellowship."
"I have returned to be vith Margareta and Jergi to grieve for my parents. They did not approve of my joining The Fellowship but I know that they vere concerned out of their love for me, just as I loved them."
}[-gypsies +Jergi +Margareta]
"She is very vise and knows many things but vhen I asked her if I should go back to The Fellowship or stay with them she did not answer me."
"He vas my father's brother. He is a good man and vise. Now he is the leader of our people. He vill do what is right for us."
"Perhaps thou shouldst talk vith him."
The lad stoically nods and turns away.END