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NPC 113: Smith, the Wise-Aleck, Talking Horse

[+bye +job +name]

You see a horse. "What else did you expect to see?"

"What now, <AvatarName>?" asks Smith.


"Yes, I have a name."


"Scoundrel! When thou art asked thy name, thou shouldst respond politely and accurately! The Avatar has just asked thee for -thy- name."

"My name? You can call me what you want, but I will only respond to Smith."

}[+Smith +-thy- name]

-thy- name{

"My name? You can call me what you want, but I will only respond to Smith."

}[+Smith --thy- name]


"Job? -Job-? I'm a horse, what kind of job could I have?" He looks off in the distance. "I can see it now: Smith -- Baker extraordinaire.

"Actually, I have gotten quite good at interior decorating. See how I arranged my abode? You like it, don't you?"


"Good. I will let you continue talking to me then! Which do you prefer, my living room or my bedroom?"

[+bedroom +living room]


"That's funny, I feel the same way about you!" END



bedroom|living room{

"You always did have bad taste!"

}[-bedroom -living room]


"Yep, that's what I told you to call me. Oh, I get it! You <still want|want> something from me, don't you?


"I thought as much. You've always been a selfish one. What do you want? Now, let's see... Money? Advice?

Happiness? No, you usually want a clue of some sort, don't you. Of course, you may have become altruistic over the past 200 years....

"I know! You want to save Britannia!"

[+to save Britannia +happiness +a clue +advice +money]


"Then what are you talking to me for?" END




"From a horse? Right! Like I've got some to give you."

}[-to save Britannia -happiness -a clue -advice -money]


"Don't talk to horses!" END



"Who doesn't?"

}[-to save Britannia -happiness -a clue -advice -money]

to save Britannia{

"You really expect me to believe that? You're just in this for the money."

}[-to save Britannia -happiness -a clue -advice -money]

a clue{

"Now we're getting to the nitty-gritty. O.K., I'll give you a clue, but what's in it for me? Let me guess. Money? Love? No, knowing you it's probably nothing. With any luck, you'll go away and leave me alone."

}[-to save Britannia -happiness -a clue -advice -money +will not make you glue +nothing +love +money]


"I've already got that!" END



"Sure! Like I have a use for that!" END



"Sorry, I don't get into that." END


will not make you glue{

"Threats, huh? And how do you expect me to respond to that? With courtesy and open hooves?

"Tell you what: you go away and leave me alone, and I'll tell you a clue. Fair?"


"Now we're talking! Done deal. Here we go." He checks around to make sure no else is within earshot. "The gargoyles," he pauses, "are not evil.

"And Rasputin is a mean Martian. There, that's it! Now get!" END


"Fine. I'm not going to talk to you anyway!" END


}[-will not make you glue]


"That's just fine. I was getting tired of you anyway."

<Iolo> "Why, how dare thou speakest to the Avatar in that manner, Smith!"

"And who are you? My master?"

<Iolo> "Why, as a matter of fact..."

"Sure, whatever."
