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NPC 154: Grod, Troll Guard of Fellowship Dungeon

[+bye +Fellowship +job +name]

The troll snarls at you, obviously displeased at your presence.

"What you want?" asks Grod.


"I Grod. Why you want know? Is voice unhappy?"

He seems truly worried.

"I will do job better. I promise! I beat harder and more often!"

<Anton> "Thank thee ever so much, <AvatarName>," says <Anton,|a prisoner,> sarcastically.

<Sullivan> "Now, now, Anton, the nice person was simply answering a question."

"Good. I do my job good!"

"I Grod. Who you?"


"I not know you." He shrugs.


"Funny name. But, all humans have funny names." He shrugs.

}the Avatar{

"The Avatar?" He begins laughing. "The Avatar not been here for...," he begins counting on his fingers. After several attempts, he gives up, saying, "for many years!

"You no Avatar."




"I torture prisoners," he says, thumping his chest proudly.

<Spark> Spark's eyes light up.

<Spark> "Torture? Wow! He quickly looks at you and changes expressions.

<Spark> "I, er, mean, that is very awful."

"Want to help?"

He points to one of the prisoners.

"He not fun like the other. Torture other first."

<> "What? No, that's all right, <AvatarName>. Torture me, first."

<> "Yes, <AvatarName>. Torture him first."

<> "I thank thee," he says to the other.

"Go ahead," says Grod.

He hands you a whip.

"You too wimpy to use whip!"

"No one here to abuse." He appears disappointed.

"You make funny joke. Go ahead, torture."

}[+prisoners +torture]


"Yes," he nods. "I belong, too. I strive for unity. I be worthy for my reward. And I trust my brother."

He smiles, obviously pleased with himself."

[+trust +worthy +strive]

"Big group, many people. You should join!"

}[+join -Fellowship]


"You don't know?" He frowns.

"You should learn before the voice become angry!"

}[-trust -worthy -strive]


"Good, join. See Abraham or Danag about join."



"None here at the moment..." he appears truly disconcerted.

"There one!" he says, pointing to a man.

"There another one!" he says, indicating the other man.

"How art thou today, <AvatarName>?" he says, smiling.



"Much fun! Prisoners scream loudly."

"Except that one. He not scream. He just talk. And talk. I get so bored I get mad. So I torture more. And," he throws up his hands, "he just talk more! I no know what to do."

<> "That is terrible, <AvatarName>. We must command him to stop!"

"I try make him stop. But he talk and talk. You try? Maybe he stop."

}[+stop torturing -torture]

stop torturing{

"Oh, no! Grod love job! Grod never stop. You go away now." END



"Come back and visit Grod. Hear victims squeal!" END
