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NPC 174
: Komor, Paws’ Crutch Bearing Beggar[+bye +job +name]
You see a beggar leaning on a crutch. His eyes shine like diamonds with sheer bitterness.
"Happy days, <AvatarName>?" Komor asks.
"My name is Komor."
"I am a dancer, <AvatarName>." He cannot keep a straight face and almost falls off his crutches.
<Fenn> "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 'Tis a ripe one, Komor!"
"I was not always a beggar. Like Fenn and Merrick, I used to be a farmer, too. But times got worse, and times are always bad in Paws."
}[+give +Paws +Merrick +Fenn -beggar]
"Fenn and me are chums and will be to the day we die. We share in each other's vast expanses of wealth."*
[-Fenn +wealth +chums]
<Fenn> "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! With thy wit thou shouldst be on stage!"*
"Fenn and me have been friends since we were little tiny babes."
"I would bet thee that thou didst not think we would end up like this. Eh, Fenn?"
<Fenn> "Not in me wildest dreams, Komor."
"Yea verily, Fenn and I share all that we own. Which, in its totality, is the clothes on our backs and the snot in our throats!"
"A royal rotten egg, he is. Merrick turned his back on us and now spends each night in a warm, cozy bed. Which is more than either one of us have had for some time."
}[+bed +turned his back -Merrick]
"A veritable wonderland, is it not?"
turned his back{
"The only thing worse than this miserable existence is having Merrick sniff around and try to recruit us! The bloody parasite!"
}[-turned his back]
"Merrick sleeps in the shelter run by The Fellowship. They feed him, too. He had to join before they would help him."
}[+Fellowship +shelter -bed]
"The shelter? 'Tis the large building filled with fawning hypocrites. Thou shouldst have little trouble finding it!"
"We could have joined, but they are a foul lot. Anybody acting so bloody nice must be up to no good. There are some compromises we will not make, even to survive."
"Wilt thou give me a bit of money?"
How much? <5 4 3 2 1 0>
"Thank thee, <AvatarName>."
"I am unable to take thy money, for some strange reason."
"Hmpf! Thou dost not have that much gold! Thou art almost as poor as I!"
"Fine. Go on and live thy life in peace and happiness."
"Hold thine head high, <AvatarName>." END
}//Spare coin for the wretched? ... A modest handout, good person? ... Mercy may change thy luck! ... Any money for me, friend?//