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0. Morgan's Guide to Unfinished Novels
1. "How Death Affects Those Who Work Around It with
2. My Notebook by Alganer
3. Observations of Black Rock by Rudyom the Mage
4. Stranger in a Strange Land
5. Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang
6. The Wizard of OZ
7. Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure
8. Records of the High Court of Yew
9. Morfin of Paws, Ledger of Venom Sales
10. Ultima: The Avatar Adventures
11. Everything an Avatar Should Know about Sex
12. Encyclopedia Britannia Vol. I
13. Encyclopedia Britannia Vol. II
14. Encyclopedia Britannia Vol. III
15. Encyclopedia Britannia Vol. IV
16. Encyclopedia Britannia Vol. V
17. Key to the Black Gate
18. Collected Plays
19. No Time to Dance
20. The Silence of Chastity
21. Murder by Mongbat
22. Dolphin in the Dunes
23. Mandibles
24. The Book of the Fellowship
25. Lord British Biography
26. Gargoyle like Me
27. To Be or Not To Be
28. Book of Prophecy
29. The Book of Forgotten Mantras
30. Struck Commander
31. Gone with the Wisp
32. Karenna's Workout
33. Karenna's Pregnancy Workout
34. Karenna's Total Body Workout
35. The Five Stages of Lawn Care
36. And Then There Was Karen
37. The Intrinsic Complexities of Investigating a New Species of Flora in the
Land of Britannia
38. Ringworld
39. The Apothecary's Desk Reference
40. Magic and the Art of Horse and Wagon Maintenance
41. Jesse's Book of Performance Art
42. The Write Stuff
43. That Beer Needs a Head on It!
44. The Provisioner's Guide to Useful Equipment
45. The Accedens of Armoury
46. The Bioparaphysics of the Healing Arts
47. What Color is Thy Blade?
48. The Blacksmith's Handbook
49. Thirteen Months in a Year
50. The Day It Didn't Work
51. No One Leaves
52. A Complete Guide to Britannian Minerals, Precious, and Semi-Precious
53. Trees, and Then Some
54. Bloodied Blades and Buxom Beauties
55. The Hundred and Eleven Year, Three-Month, Seven-Day War
56. Black Moon, Red Day
57. Two in the Fold
58. The Forest of Yew
59. This Olde Ship
60. The Carver Chronicles
61. Hero Fertilizer
62. What Could be Left but the Ashes
63. The Summer of My Satisfaction
64. Hither Comes the Rain
65. White Rain
66. Milord Conduct
67. To the Death!
68. Blade of the Gryphon Barony
69. The Winning Number
70. The Scent of Valor
71. How the West Was
72. Thy Message Received!
73. Ribald Encounters
74. The Knight and the Thief
75. The Trio
76. The Black Compendium
77. No Way to Jump
78. Stealing the Wind
79. Brommer's Flora
80. Brommer's Fauna
81. Brommer's Britannia
82. Up is Out
83. Weaving
84. Follow the Stars
85. How to Conquer the World in Three Easy Steps
86. Tren I, II, III, IV ... XVII
87. Sir Kilroy
88. My Cup Runneth Over
89. Spring Planting, Autumnm Harvest
90. Shoot the Moon
91. Outpost
92. Landships
93. Landships of War
94. Why Good Mages Like Black Magic
95. When Starts the Adventure
96. What a Fool Believes
97. The Complete History of the Lute
98. Birds of Britannia
99. I am Not a Dragon
100. The Dragon Compendium
101. The Journal of Garret Moore
102. The Transitive Vampire
103. The Tome of the Dead
104. Artifacts of Darkness
105. The Light Until Dawn
106. Codavar
107. Ritual Magic
108. Pathways of Planar Travel
109. Enchanting Items for Household Use
110. Miscellaneous Cantrips
111. Modern Necromancy
112. The Symbology of Runes
113. The Bunk and Stool Register
114. The Modest Damsel Register
115. The Chequered Cork Register
116. The Honorable Hound Register
117. The Out'n'Inn Register
118. The Wayfarer's Inn Register
119. The Fallen Virgin Register
120. Britannian Mining Company Log
121. The Salty Dog Register
122. A Guide to Childcare for the Rich and Famous
123. Alganer's Book of Marvelous and Astonishing Things
124. Baths - Profits
125. The History of Stonegate
126. The Way of the Swallow
127. Vetrons Guide to Weapons and Armour
128. Vargaz's Stories of Legend
129. One Hundred and One Ways to Cheat at Nim
130. Play Directing: Analysis, Communication and Style
131. On Acting
132. Thou Art What Thee Eats
133. Man Versus Fish: The Ultimate Conflict
134. Knight's Bridge in a Nutshell
135. Mempto Rays
136. The Book of Circles
137. Chicken Raising
138. The Art of Field Dressing
139. Water on the Cat
140. A Short Treatise on Britannian Society
141. A Baker's Handbook
142. Logbook
143. Golems: From Clay to Stone
144 & 145. The Stone of Castambre
146. The Dark Core of Exodus
147. Ethical Hedonism
148. Converting Moongates to Thine Own Use