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William Herrin's Walkthrough

The following is the work of William Herrin except where mentioned otherwise.

ULTIMA 7 PART 2: THE SERPENT ISLE - Walkthrough and Help File 
By William Herrin


If you encounter incorrect information in here, or have information you 
think should be added, send it to me at the internet address: 


Helpful stuff:

Here's a map of the serpent gates, courtesy of Lord DCD (with a couple of 
changes by me.)

                 D                     F
                 |                     |                 
                 |          E          |          
         C-------+          |          +------G 
                  \         |         /              
                   \        |        /           
A       B           +-------+-------+            H        I
|       |           |               |            |        |
|       |           |               |            |        |
|       |           |               |            |        |
+-------------------+       +       +------------+--------+
|       |           |               |            |        |
|       |           |               |            |        |
|       |           |               |            |        |
R       Q           +-------+-------+            K        J
                   /        |        \      
                  /         |         \       
         P-------+          |          +-------L 
                 |          N          |           
                 |                     |                   
                 O                     M

A)  Sleeping Bull (Silverpate's Cellar)
B)  Furnace (Somewhere underground between Monitor and Moonshade)
C)  Temple of Emotion (21N 50E)
D)  Temple of Chaos
E)  Temple of Balance (Sunrise Isle)
F)  Temple of Order (Near 39N 96E)
G)  Temple of Discipline (Near 43N 86E)
H)  Monk Isle (Beneath the main building)
I)  Isle of the Dead
J)  North Woods (4S 77E)
K)  Fawn (Beneath the palace)
L)  Temple of Logic (Near 23N 64E)
M)  Temple of Ethicality (30N 133E)
N)  Monitor (Near 148S 9W)
O)  Temple of Tolerance (61N 63E)
P)  Temple of Enthusiasm (82N 141E)
Q)  Moonshade (95S 152E)
R)  Erstam's House (22S 110E)


First, find a convenient place to drop stuff you don't think you need
anymore. (Near a serpent gate is good.) This way if you're wrong you can
find it again.

Second, don't use the cheat mode. With this walk-through you shouldn't need
to, and not only is it more fun if you don't, you can screw up your game by
using it.

Third, create the two zero-byte files "quotes.flg" and "endgame.flg" in
your "static" directory. This will give you the quotes and endgame main
menu options. Don't look at the endgame until you win -- if you're actually
far enough along in the game to understand what it means, it'll spoil the

Points of Interest:

House of wares: To gain entrance to the house of wares, get the key from
the ghost in the dungeon that connects the area with the Gwani to the north

Hollow Trees: A lot of hollow trees have useful stuff in them. You should
make it a point to check every hollow tree you pass.

Cat Isle: I've only heard about this one. Apparently, the island you can't
get to east of the sleeping Bull has bunches of cats and duplicates of most
quest items. Use the teleport cheat mode to get there if you really want


There are several different types of money. I'll use Monetari as the
standard currency. 1 Monetari = 3 Guilders = 4 Filari = 2 gold coins. Topo
(77S 141E) will give you 100 Guilders for gems. Gold nuggets are worth 10
Monetari. Jewelry is worth 100 Monetari. Gold bars are worth 200 Monetari.


You can buy Reagents from three people: Pothos of Moonshade, Harma of
Monitor (160S 4W), and Delphynia of Fawn (69S 17E).

Black Pearl -- Pothos wants 50 Guilders. Delphynia wants 70 Filari. Magic
Gremlins are a convenient source of black pearls. You can find some in the
Temple of Chaos, as well as other places.

Blood Moss -- An unlimited supply of blood moss can be found in the swamp
at 122S 147E. Just get what's there, go away, and come back.

Blood Spawn -- Blood spawn is made by using a ritual blooding device on
yourself and then using it on some stoneheart. Finding stoneheart is the
difficult part...

Garlic -- Pothos wants 8 Guilders. Harma wants 8 Monetari for 3 cloves.
Delphynia wants 15 Filari.

Ginseng -- Harma wants 9 Monetari for 2 bunches. Delphynia wants 20 Filari.

Mandrake Root -- Pothos wants 75 Guilders. Delphynia wants 65 Filari.

Nightshade -- Delphynia wants 25 Filari.

Serpent Scales -- There are a few of these at various places throughout the
game. There seems to be a very limited supply.

Spider's Silk -- Pothos wants 35 Guilders.

Sulfurous Ash -- Pothos wants 36 Guilders.

Worm's Heart -- Pothos wants 100 Guilders. Worm's heart can also be found
in the Gwani area -- just find some ice worms and kill them.


Head south a bit from the ship. (Its the only way you can go.) After a few
steps, lightning will strike you and your companions, making them and most
of your stuff disappear. Continue south a little further, and you will be
confronted by a monk named Thoxa.


Thoxa will give you the Hourglass of Fate, which will allow you to be
resurrected if you die, or allow you to call a monk to resurrect a party
member if they have died. When she gets ready to leave, another monk will
appear, angry that Thoxa has contacted you. The two will battle and then

Continue south. You will find Shamino, who will rejoin you. You will also
find Shamino's magic bow. Just north of Shamino's bow is a secret cave,
near a red bush. Go inside and get the two chests, the bedroll, and the bag
behind the barrel, and anything else you want. There is an illusory wall
that leads to the second chamber where the second chest is. Be sure to get
the sextant as you will need it to find some of the locations I will give
you. Continue southeast again, until you reach the gate to Monitor. Talk to
the guard and have him raise the gate.

There are essentially two periods in the game -- before killing Batlin and
after killing Batlin. What you can do in each town before and after this
varies. First, what you can do before: (Note: Many of these things can be
done in whatever order you desire, but some of the require you to do them
in sequence. The sequence below will work, but it is not necessary that you
follow it strictly.)


Follow the road north. The Crematory is the first building on the left.
(147 south, 10 west) Cantra will have caught up with you by now... Talk to
her and listen to what she says about the Knight's Test. Go inside the
Crematory. Renfry will tell you that there is a funeral in progress and
that Lord Marsten can be found in the Crypts. The crypts are through the
curtain in the southwest part of the building. Follow them south until you
get to Lord Marsten. Ask him for permission to take the Test of Knighthood.
After you break off conversation, Dupre will be escorted in and rejoin you.

Things to do at Monitor: Take the Test of Knighthood, Get Iolo out of jail,
recover the Helm of Courage (and reveal the traitors), Training at List
Field, Re-acquiring Dupre's Shield.

Knight's Test:

Go north, and turn east. RUN until the explosions stop. The door to the
east is locked, so take the south passage. If you approach the chest,
you'll be attacked by magic gremlins, which are powerful when you only have
a mace and leather armor. Go south until you can just see the chest, and
move it as far as you can north. Bash it with the mace and get the key.
Open the door to the east and then the double doors to the north. Get the
key on top of the monolith by stacking some rocks until they form stairs.
You may want to stay in combat mode while you do this as snakes will
attack you when you move certain stones. Use the key to unlock the door to
the south. Run quickly past the cyclops and the fireballs and get the key.
You can try to kill the cyclops if you want to, but remember what weapons
and armor you're using. Use the key to unlock the door to the east. Run
past the lightning and fireballs until you get to the room with the four
chests. Go through the illusory wall to the east and get the key.

Run northwest to the next door and unlock it. Get the key to the south and
unlock the next door. Return south and pull the lever. Enter the room and
get the next key, while avoid the rats. Unlock the door to the west of the
door you just unlocked. Go north and then east, following the passageway
until you see a table with a scroll and claws on it. Get the claws and read
the scroll.

Return to the door. Head south until you are attacked by the invisible
pikeman. Kill him and get the note off his body. There are two torches near
each other on the west wall near where the pikeman attacked you. Open the
secret door that is between the two torches and go west and then south to
the next hallway. Proceed northwest until you get to the goblin king's
ashes. Use the claws on yourself to draw blood and then use the claw on the
ashes to mix your blood with them. An animal will appear.

Slay the animal and take it with you southeast to the door. Use the key
inside it to open the door. Proceed southwest, and Shmed will let you out.
He'll be most disappointed that you're still alive, and will try to remedy
the situation. Kill him, and read the note on his body. (You may wish to
run past him and retrieve your stuff from the chest in his house and your
companions first.) Return to Monitor. at 133 south, 19 east. Give the wolf's
meat to Lucilla at the pub so that she can make the banquet stew. (152
south, 13 east). Give the wolf to Cellia the Furrier so that she can make a
Wolf Cloak for you. (139 south, 1 west). Return in 24 hours and collect the
cloak. Visit Lydia and get your tattoo. (147 south, 12 east) Find Lord
Marsten and let him know you've completed the test. Go to the banquet hall
and listen to everyone talk. (157 south, 12 east) Harma will come in and
exclaim that Cantra is gone. The knights will argue about goblins and
traitors and the dinner will break up. Talk to Harma about Cantra and go
look in her Crystal Ball. (157 south, 9 west). Talk to Harma again, and ask
her to heal your recurring poisoning. She'll tell you to bring her Varo
Leaves from Fawn, and she'll also tell you that the source of the poison is
the tattoo you just got (i.e. Lydia poisoned you.)

Go to fawn. (85 south, 9 east) (You may wish to avoid the road since there
are goblins at Fawn Tower) A fellow named Ruggs will ask you to carry a
letter to Delphynia, who also happens to have the Varo Leaves, so take it
to her. Go to the fellowship camp and give Ruggs the letter she gives you
and also get a map of the Serpent Isle from Scots. Return to Monitor and
have Harma heal you. You should also talk to Harma about some of the
strange objects you picked up as she will give you some leads. Confront
Lydia about the poisoning and kill her.

Rescue Iolo from Jail:

Go talk to Iolo in jail. (139 south, 14 east) Now that you're a knight, ask
Lord Marsden for the key. Release Iolo from jail. (Lord Marsten can
generally be found at the Hall of Monitor around noon. 144 south, 5 east.)

Training at List Field: Whenever you have three or more Training points, you
can go to List Field and train. (155 South, 8 East) Training costs 50
Monetari. Caladin (who is there from 9 am to noon) improves your strength
by 2 and your combat by 2.  Shazzana (who is there from noon to 3) improves
your dexterity by 2, and your combat by 4. Brendan (who is there from 3 pm
to 6 pm) improves your dexterity by 1 and your combat by 4. Luther (who is
there from 9 am to noon) improves your strength by 3. Note: your combat
skill seems to progress more slowly as it gets higher. Be warned: After
Batlin's death, you will no longer be able to train at list field, so plan
on doing all the training there that you are going to do before killing
him. Footnote: It appears that if you defeat Caladin, you will be
teleported to some house in the void with a lot of dead people. The
problem, however, is that unless its your avatar who was training at the
time, your game will be stuck, and you'll have to exit.

Retrieving the Helm of Courage and exposing the Traitors: Talk to Krayg the
provisioner about his long walks in the woods. (Some times of the day he
can be found at 140 south, 1 east.) Get the bottle of Fawnish ale from the
monolith in the forest. (82 south, 18 west). While you're at it, get the
serpent crown from a hollow tree at 86 south, 23 west, and the destroy
trap scroll from the hollow tree at 77 south, 16 west. Only one person in
Monitor drinks Fawnish ale: Simon the Innkeeper. Go have a talk with him.
(144 south, 14 east) Kill the vile goblin, and head for the hollow tree he
talks about. (69 south, 32 west) Descend the stairs, and head north killing
the goblins. Open the door with the key Simon had. Head north down the
stairs, killing goblins and headlesses. Go north until you reach another
set of stairs. Go down the stairs to the west instead. Go around the pool
and up the other stairs. Continue north and west (going up two flights of
stairs). Go north until you have to go east out of the mountains.

Head southeast to the goblin encampment. (get the scroll of protection out
of the hollow tree at 19 south, 26 west.) Shortly after dawn is the best
time to do this, as all the goblins will be asleep. (Check the bodies too,
one of them will have a magic axe.) The goblin king's hut is the biggest
one in the southern part of the encampment. Be careful! If you're still low
level, he's tough! The king has another magic axe, and a key to the locked
room you passed on the way through the mountain.

Return and unlock that door. Collect the loot, and read both the scroll and
the document. Get both, and return to Monitor. On your way back would be a
good time to kill the Jester at 87 south, 28 west. He'll have a duplicate
of whatever weapon you are using. Return to Monitor and  talk to the head
of your command (Brendan.) Tell him about the two traitors. He'll call the
pikemen, and they'll be thrown in jail. Talk to Lucilla the barmaid. She'll
give you a key she was keeping for one of the traitors. The key opens a
door just inside a cave hidden by an illusory mountainside. (154 south, 13
west) Open the door and go in. You'll find a bunch of powder kegs (a couple
of which you'll need later, but you probably don't want to carry them
around until then) and Harma's husband. Get the note off the body, read it,
and return to her.

Sleeping Bull: (109 S, 29 E)

Money exchangers: The lady who runs the place will change money, gold
nuggets, and gold bars for you. Things to Do: Find Silverpate's Treasure,
Gain passage to Moonshade, Buy spells from Enscorcio

Gain Passage to Moonshade:

Talk to Flindo about Captain Hawk. Go to Bull Tower and ask about Hawk.
(100S 28E) These pikemen are real butt heads: They'll keep raising the
ransom. Go talk to Selina at the Sleeping Bull. She'll offer to help you
get money at a building that appeared where the lighthouse used to be.
(Keep your friends with you though -- you'll need their help.)

On your way northeast to the treasure, drop by the shade of the Chaos
Hierophant at 71 south, 52 east and collect the scroll that explains how to
reunite the Chaos Serpent. This appears to be a bug, so if its been fixed
in your version of the game, wait until you get the Eye of the Serpent
later in the game.

Proceed to the haunted treasure room at 76 south, 82 east. Note that the
key to use is the key Selina gave you, not the one in her pack. Grab as
much gold as you can carry (you may want to go to inventory mode, as you'll
be teleported chaotically around the building.) Then leave. You'll be
attacked by some of Batlin's minions and Selina will depart (Yes, that is
why she wanted you to go alone. See, aren't you glad you kept your
companions with you?) Kill them. You may want to take the Sword of Defense
that one of them is carrying. With a gold bar, return to the Bull Tower.
(Drop all but one -- they only require one, but they'll take all you've
got.) Give them a gold bar for the key to hawk's cell. Go beneath the tower
and let him out. Meet him back at the inn and ask him for passage to
Moonshade. Go to his ship and get on board.

Find Silverpate's Treasure:

Go downstairs. Open the secret door in the north wall behind the casks. Go
north and flip the switch. Also get the key. Go south into the main room of
the cellar. The sliding door that was at the south end is now open. Do
through and down the stairs. Read the scroll on the bones in the cell. Go
north and then west to the treasure room. Get the scrolls and money out of
the invisible chest on the north wall. Get the treasure map and key out of
the second chest from the bottom. The key operates the door immediately
east, where you can flip the master switch which allows you to teleport
into each of the rooms at the bull. Return to where you turned west from
going north. Go east now. When there are two torches immediately to you
west, go east through the illusory wall. Turn north and you will arrive at
the serpent gate #1, and a teleporter that takes you back to the sleeping

Fawn: (85 South, 9 East)

Moneychanger: Zulith (The chancellor) will change coins for you. First
thing to do is to get your magic armor out of Kylista's chambers (just to
the west of the temple 54W 6E). Don't talk to her about it, or you'll have
to give back the armor you've got.
 Things to Do: Retake Fawn Tower, Dupre's Trial

Retake Fawn Tower:

Just go there and kill the goblins. The next time you pass by, it will be
manned by knights.

Dupre's Trial:

Find the barkeep and ask him about the ring. (64S 3E) Find Alyssand. She's
probably at the provisioners. You will need the silver ring that the
lightning gave you. If you managed to lose it (like I did) you are SOL and
will have to restore the game to a point where you still had it. (72S 14E)
(I nearly had to start over at this point -- Fortunately when I did so and
went to take the knights test, I noticed that the silver ring was in the
chest, and wondered, "Gee, I wonder if I left it there, thinking that I
wouldn't need it?")

If you can't find Alyssand, it seems that eventually, she'll find you.
(After you've talked to the barkeep) She'll give you your magic gauntlets.
Join the cause she speaks about. Zulith will be following you. Ask him for
an audience with Lady Yelinda. Go to the palace (61S 9E) around noon.
Between talking to Zulith and Jorvin, you should be able to get an audience
with Lady Yelinda. She'll give Iolo a diamond necklace. She and your
companions go into a series of toasts. Can you guess what faux pas Dupre
makes? Anyway, Dupre gets tossed in jail. Go to the temple for the trial.
Listen to your accusers and leave when the trial goes into recess. Alyssand
will find you and give you a key to get into the basement of the temple
where Dupre is being held. You won't be able to release Dupre, but you will
find controls(!?) for the oracle! Voldin is also there, instructing the
oracle how to rule on Dupre's trial. Pull the center lever and then the
right lever. Tell the oracle to tell the truth. Return to the trial, and
Dupre will be declared innocent. Lady Yelinda will apologize and give you
the Crystal Rose of Love.


Head southeast from where the ship lands, and pick up the bloodmoss in the
swamp. (123 South, 147 East) Now, head north to Moonshade (you may want to
hit the basement of the shack to the southeast of the swamp first.) Money
exchangers: Topo (at the Artisans guild, 77S 141E) will give you Guilders.
Bucia (at the provisioners, 73S, 134E) will trade in money, nuggets, and
gold bars.

Things to do an Moonshade: Get a spell book, talk to the magelords, get
seduced by Frigidazzi (and thrown into the Mountains of Freedom.), Visit
Erstam, the mad mage, Buy Spells, Buy Reagents, Get the Comb of Beauty,
Help Gustacio with his weather experiments, and get back to the mainland.

Audience with the Adepts:

Talk to flindo (probably at the inn, 67S 133E). Ask him about his
connections. Wander around, you'll soon be approached by an automaton who
gives you a scroll. Use it and talk to Rotoluncia. Go talk to Flindo again.
A couple hours later you'll be teleported to Filbercio's dining room. Watch
the mages quarrel until Pothos comes in and informs Filbercio that he
couldn't find any bloodmoss. Now, ask Bucia about Pothos. Visit Pothos at
the apothecary (78S 136E). Talk to Pothos and ask him about his secret.
Now, put down most of the blood moss you picked up: You only need to give
him a little of it. Talk to him again, and he will tell you how to get to
the Mad Mage.

One of your companions will be teleported away. Go talk to Filbercio (where
you had dinner) about it. He'll tell you to search Rotoluncia's house. (74S
155E) Kill the automaton there, and be sure to get the serpent tooth. Also,
pick up the burner that's sitting on the table -- it serves the purpose of
a torch or light spell, and never goes out. Return to Filbercio and report
your findings. Return to Filbercio and he'll give you the key to his boat
and tell you to go to his cottage in the middle of the lake.

Go to the cottage and go upstairs. (88S 129E) Get the key out of the
dresser. Go all the way downstairs and open the door. Kill Rotoluncia and
her gremlins. (Footnote: Magic Gremlins are an excellent source of black
pearls, but you must look closely to see them.) Free whoever was taken, and
leave. The other key operates the door at the other side of the teleporter.
(In Filbercio's mansion.)

Get the comb of Beauty:

Visit Columna's house at 85S, 150E. Open the locked door with the key in
the chest. Go down stairs (immediately go into inventory mode or see your
friends chopped to bits.) Get the stuff you see, and go back upstairs. Open
the secret door in the north wall of the house. Go around inside the fence
to the south side of the house. Use the green key you just picked up to
open the chest hidden behind a tree. Get the comb of Beauty.

Visit Erstam (The Mad Mage):

After getting instructions from Pothos, go Northeast and then west around
the Mountains of Freedom until you get to the dock Pothos describes. (15S
128E) Ring the bell and get on the turtle. He'll take you to the dock at
Erstam's house (after which you'll never see him again, so don't leave
anything on his back.) Talk to Erstam and Vasel until Erstam agrees to let
you help him. You'll be teleported to a cave. Follow it to its exit, and
find the entrance to another cave. Follow this to a ruined area with a
switch. Hit the switch. Skyrise, the phoenix will come back to life. Talk
to him and get the phoenix egg. Continue through the cave to the teleporter
back to Erstam's house.

Gather various body parts and put them in the machine. Boydon -- a
Frankenstien if I've ever seen one -- will walk out. As a reward, Erstam
will give you the key to his storeroom and a tooth. Go get the jawbone.
Return to Erstam and he'll give you two more teeth. If you've been
following my instructions, you should now have four teeth. Put them in the
jawbone. Leave by using the serpent gate in Erstam's storeroom. (Use,
that's a double click on the gate -- merely walking on it will do you
little good.) If you want to, you can talk to Boydon and Erstam until
Erstam allows Boydon to join your party -- one of your party members will
complain, but no one else in the game will have a problem, and Boydon is a
level 1 character who already has a 30 strength.

Get a spell book:

Talk to Fedabiblio in the Seminarium. (93S 149E) Ask him for a spell book.
He'll want some mandrake root from Monk Isle. Use the serpent gate to go to
Monk Isle. Go to the swamp on the northern part of the island. Circle it,
picking up mandrake roots as you go. (Eyes sharp, they're hard to see.)
Return to Moonshade and collect the spell book. Copy Protection AGAIN! Same
questions as before. Now would be a good time to transcribe any scrolls you
have into your spell book.

Get seduced by Frigidazzi:

Go talk to Frigidazzi, and ask about spells. (77S 150E) If you have to get
in to her cold room, the key is under the vase. She'll tell you to return
after midnight alone. Ask you party members to leave and return just after
midnight. Do the naked pretzel (or not) and get sentenced to the Mountains
of Freedom. Kill the automaton at the entrance, and use his key to get out
into the rest of the dungeon. Go through the illusory wall to the north.
Make sure you take some torches. Wander around, looking for illusory walls.
Eventually you'll find a teleporter inside a locked area. Pick the lock and
teleport. Wander again, teleport again.

This time you'll meet Stefano. Have him join you. Head northeast. Get a key
out of the bag on the table. When you get your black sword back, do not let
the demon out. Continue north and teleport. Unlock the door to the west
with the key you just picked up. Kill the dracolich. Get another key from
the room to the south. Unlock the door back to the east.

Pull the levers (you may want to get the stuff in the chests too, but watch
out: They're trapped.) Teleport again and kill the guy who attacks you. Go
north and get the scrolls. Return south, and telekinesis the drawbridge.
Proceed east and kill the old man. Go north into the room with the levers.
There are 8 levers in the center, numbered top to bottom, left to right.
Pull levers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7. Go into the room with the woman. Now go to the
room with the Nightmare. Get the carrot from the girl and put it on the
plate in front of the rabbit. Get the flowers and put them beside the
ranger. Now pull lever 8. Go to the teleporter. Pull the glowing lever, and
then try to go somewhere. Pull the bottom left lever. Head south.

Walk around the fire until it goes out, then walk in it. Go south for a
while. You are in a repeating passage. Turn north again, and find the
illusory wall to the east. Go through it. Stack the crates to reach the
bell. You will have one too few: put a rock on top of highest stack. Now,
go to the west teleporter. Talk to the automaton and kill him. Go south.
Talk to the demon sword and release him when Lorthondo attacks you. Head
south and teleport. That's it, you're out!

Collect your companions. Dupre is at the pub. (Where else?) (67S 133E)
Boydon (if he's in your party) is just south of there. Iolo is at
Gustacio's house. (92S 151E) Shamino is in the forest to the west of
Moonshade. (79S 111E) Shamino also has a present for you: The serpent
earrings (so that the balance serpent can talk to you) and the chill spell.

Help Gustacio with his weather experiments:

Go to Gustacio's house and talk to him about his experiments. (92S 151E)
Take the energy globe to his testing area, put it on the table, crank the
winch and flip the levers like he wants. Return to Gustacio with the
results. Consult Fedabiblio in the Seminarium and then look at his crystal
ball. Consult Fedabiblio again and then tell Gustacio that Ale is Edrin.
He'll give you a new globe and a cage.

Capture Ale in the cage, and return to the platform, put the new globe on
the alter, put the cage with the bird in it where lightning can strike it
and call the lightning. Restore Edrin. Return to Gustacio. He'll now teach
you every spell he knows, free of charge, as well as giving you the mirror
of truth.

Return to the mainland:

Ask captain Hawk about leaving. He'll tell you to ask Julia, the Ranger for
a key to Furnace. Go and ask her, and if you have the chill spell (from
Frigidazzi, when you returned from the mountains of freedom) she'll give
you the key you need. The entrance to Furnace is at 96S, 133E. Follow the
dungeon around past the ratmen. Go west from the ruins by the lake and up
the stairs. When you get to the gargoyle, convince him to lower the

Press the button on the wall, and proceed southeast through the city. Stop
briefly at the library and go to the door to the west. get the key off the
skeleton in the room to the north and go down the stairs to the northeast. 
Take the scrolls. Go back upstairs and take 3 books. (Two are obscured by
rubble). Immediately south of the library is a big pool. A skeleton to the
northwest has the key of fire. Get it.

Continue southeast around the arena and enter it from the east side. Kill
all the automatons. Walk around in the arena until the northeast gate
opens. Get the key and unlock the doors to the east of the arena. Proceed
southeast and search all the skeletons until you find the one with the key
of Ice and the serpent tooth. Magically unlock the door and go north. A red
pillar will be beside a broken blue pillar. Double-click the red pillar.
The test: Push the button the girls tell you to (the right button). Refuse
to follow Iolo through the gate. Hack all the worms (there is no treasure.)
When you return, the gargoyle will give you the serpent ring. Go north and
put the keys of fire and ice on the altar within the temple to get the
blackrock key. Use the blackrock key to open the door upstairs which leads
to the Furnace Serpent Gate.

Explore furnace: There are magic items and reagents to be found. When
you're ready to leave, find the gargoyle and tell him so. Go to where you
first met him, and proceed west. (Do not exit via the serpent gate as you
still need to get the serpent staff.) In the troll area, find two things: 1)
the serpent staff (there will be a bunch of trolls nearby. Kill them. The
one with the two-handed sword has the key). 2) there's a magic axe around
somewhere, under some junk.

Sleep Swamp:

Once you have the Rose of Love, the Mirror of Truth, and the Helm of
Courage, its time to brave the Gorlab Swamp to the north. Its entrance is
at 47S 53E. Enter and you will fall asleep. You will enter the dreamland...
You may want to wander around before solving it -- there's a lot of
interesting stuff here, including Lord British. Anyway, you need to find
Siranush. Then go and kill Rabindrinath. Return to Siranush with the dream
crystal, and she'll give you the serpent necklace, as well as break the
spell on the swamp, so that you can pass through it to the North Forest.
(Man, I just wish I could have kept the Infinity bow I found here.) To get
through the swamp, follow the path, taking these directions at the
intersections: EENEEENNNWNN. You are now at a building. Follow the path
around the building and go north, and you will be out of the swamp.

North Forest:

There are two things to be done in the north forest at this stage: First,
find Cantra, and second, work your way north into the Skullcrusher

Find Cantra:

Go to the gold miners' camp at 0S 67E. Talk to the lady there -- agree to
help her. The King's Savior is a plant that will turn arrows into sleep
arrows. Some King's Savior can be found at 34S, 40W. Go get some and treat
an arrow with it. the fellow you're supposed to kill will no longer be
invincible after he's been shot with one of them. (If you need a bow and
arrows, they're in the woman's cabin, but Shamino's magic bow will work
much better. The forest master will pop in shortly and ask for the orb of
Elerion (which Draygar (the guy you just killed) had on him.) Give it to
him and he'll give you the whistle to call the Hound of Doskar.

Call the hound and have him sniff Cantra's wooden sword. The hound will
point east. Head for Shamino's castle, taking the secret entrance at 2N
78E. Once inside, go to the northeast most room (via a secret door in the
east most room) and flip all the levers down. Grab the treasure in the
outer rooms (particularly the magic stuff) and then head into the center
building. (If you're blocked by an energy barrier its because you didn't
get the hound to sniff Cantra's sword.) Go east and kill Batlin's minions.
Batlin will come downstairs, taunt you, and teleport away. Go upstairs. A
monk will teleport in and take Cantra's body back to Monk Isle for
resurrection. Take Batlin's Medallion with you and have the hound of Doskar
sniff it after you leave.

Head to Skullcrusher Mountains:

First, you need to outfit all of your party with fur boots, fur hats, and
cloaks. Use the north woods serpent gate to return to Monitor and procure
these things from the furrier. (If you haven't already got them. You can
get one less hat and boots than you need as you will find a pair before it
gets cold. Pick up two powder kegs from the stash in Monitor as well.
You'll have to head north through the swamps again, since you don't yet
have the tooth that will allow you to go to the north woods serpent gate.

On your way north, drop by the trappers' cabin and get the key. (17S 29E)
The key is on a table on the first floor. Head SW to the dungeon entrance
(28S 3E). Wander through it (killing goblins and worse) until you come out
on the other side of the mountain. You're now in Gwani territory.

Gwani Territory:

Things to do: Save the Gwani Child, retrieve the Magebane, Kill the
trappers, find Gwenno, and visit the Temple of Chaos.

Save the Gwani Child:

Talk to Bailanda about Ice Dragon blood. (23N 14E) You will find an Ice
Raft at 50N 3E. Take it north, stopping at 61N 1E to grab some loot. (You
can also find a key of ice here.) Head north again to 85N 27W and then head
due east on foot. Kill an ice dragon, and fill the bucket with its blood.
(Go north and collect some treasure too, but you'll have to kill the rest
of the ice-dragon family.) Return to Bailanda and give her the Ice Dragon
Blood. After you give the blood to Yenani, one of the Gwani will have a
secret for you. (If Yenani stubbornly refuses to tell you the "valuable
secret", try calling in the hound of Doskar and having it track Batlin's

Retrieve the Magebane:

Take the Ice Raft to 53N 33W. The Magebane is there.

Kill the Trappers:

The entrance to the trappers' cave is at 60N 25E. Use the key you found in
the trappers' building in the north forest, or blow the door down with a
powder keg. Kill the trapper and collect his treasure. Return the Gwani
Amulet to the Gwani and receive the serpent tooth that takes you to the
Temple of Balance.

Find Gwenno:

Once you have the Gwani horn, use the Ice Raft to go to 102N 55W. Free
Gwenno using the horn, and call in the monks for a resurrection. You'll
need to visit the monks after acquiring the three waters of order (two each
is a good idea) for instructions on what to do. Talk to Karnax about Gwenno
and the Bane of Chaos. You'll be able to do nothing more for now.

Temple of Chaos: (2N 2E)

Go inside and double-click the runestones (after placing them each on the
proper alters) in this order: ISCGI. Proceed east to the main building. To
the north is Vasculio's crypt. Grab the stuff inside, and use the flux
analyzer on the Black Sword. Unlock the cell to the west and get the Fawn
and North Woods serpent teeth. Save your game and have someone ready the
Magebane. Go east and read the scroll in the room with the coffin. When you
go to leave, Vasculio will appear and attack. Kill him. The Magebane is
supposed to help, but it did me little good. Vasculio will be willing to
swap a mass death spell for the Magebane before entering combat, but you
can buy the mass death spell from Enscorcio while the Magebane is

Note that the Gwani horn is here, but without a dispel field spell, you
can't get to it. Be patient, you'll get it soon enough. The key on
Vasculio's body will let you out a door to the east (not the gold doors to
the east.) Before you leave, blast the northern gold doors open with a
powder keg. Head on out to the east, and off to destiny.

Northern wastes:

Before proceeding, it is a good idea to go back to Monitor and train, cash
in the loot you found and bring some Guilders with you, and get some
buckets (try the monk's isle -- there's a lot of em there.)

There's a bunch of stuff to do in the northern wastes: You can visit the
temples of emotion, ethicality, discipline, tolerance, enthusiasm, and
logic. You can confront Batlin at the Temple of Order. You can also
retrieve Silverpate's treasure.

Temple of Emotion: (21N 50E)

Grab the three lodestones. Talk to the green spot on the wall. The girl
imprisoned there will tell you to smash the broken column in the room she
is in. Do so, and get the fourth lodestone. Go around to where the moon's
eye is, and place the lodestones (one each) on the four pedestals near the
door. The water will now be the water of emotion -- you should get some
with a bucket. (You will need one bucketful) Look into the Moon's Eye to
see the trap Batlin has set for you.

Temple of Ethicality: (30N 133E)

Descend the east stairs. Go all the way east and double-click the
meditation mat. Press the button, saving the fellow surrounded by fire.
Drop all your gold and valuables on the pedestal and then proceed all the
way east and press the button. Do not yield to Batlin. When you're done,
the water of ethicality will flow upstairs. Get a bucket, and use it on the
water to get some. (You will need one bucketful.)

Temple of Discipline: (43N 86E)

Go inside and press the two buttons. Go downstairs to the west. Go south,
open the secret door, and get the key out of the invisible chest. Go back
upstairs and take the west stairs up. Read all the books to the south (cast
translation if you haven't already.)  If you need some buckets, get them
from the north. Go back down and go up the east stairs. Open the secret
door to the south and read all the books. get the key and the obsidian y-
shape out of the desk. Go north and unlock the door with the key you got
downstairs. Get the quartz y-shape out of the chest. Go downstairs to the
altar. Place the obsidian y-shape on the left and the quartz on the right.
Open the south door with the key you got upstairs, and open the north door
with the key you find to the south.

If you really want to, you can go through the acid corridor, healing
yourself every couple of steps. What is much easier, though, is to return
to Moonshade and talk to Petra about the acid. She'll happily join your
party, and you can go do the mind transference thing... And use her body to
reach the waters! (You will need two bucketful's.) (BTW, if you're willing
to take the time to raise her from level 1, she makes an excellent
companion... Requiring no food, impervious to cold and acid and poison,
etc. Oh, and did I mention that her natural armor class is quite high?
Note: A good way to get her experience is to drop everyone else from your
party, give her a magic axe, and go to the swamp where you find the
bloodmoss. But yourself in choose target mode, and let her do all the
fighting against the slimes. Be prepared with enough heal spells, though:
She may not need them, but you will.)

Temple of Tolerance: (61N 63E)

Mortegro is stuck here... he needs your help. If you don't have 2000+
Guilders, come back when you do. Get the key out of the far west room, and
head downstairs. Go to the southernmost cell and talk with the fellow. Cast
serpent bond to go through the hole, and flip the lever when you get to the
other side. Get the key and treat yourself to some treasure. Go back
upstairs, unlock the winch, and lower the drawbridge. Learn some spells
from Mortegro and then let him join your party. (have a friend wait there
if need be). As soon as you get outside, Mortegro will get zapped away, so
you can go back and get him then. The waters of tolerance can be obtained
by returning to Moonshade and setting a bucket on the altar in Gustacio's
basement. (You will need one bucketful.)

Note: Sethys has the Eye of the Serpent This is used in conjunction with a
summon shade spell to talk to the Chaos Hierophant. If he won't give it to
you, kill him and take it. (He's going to die anyway.)

Temple of Enthusiasm: (82N 141E)

Get the lightning rod outside, and make your way through the maze. The wand
you find in the chest lifts things up off the ground. The hammer and
scepter seem to serve no purpose. Use a bucket on the well to get the
water. (You will need one bucketful.)

With the Eye of the Serpent in hand, cast Summon Shade near the skeleton in
the northeast portion of the garden. Talk to the Chaos Hierophant.

Temple of Logic: (23N 64E)

From the serpent gate go: WWNNENWN. Use the Gwani Horn on the Ice Blocks in
front of you. Walk over the teleporters in this order: Red, Yellow, Blue,
Red, White. Place the runes on the floor in front of the door in this
order: BCOW. Enter the temple, and accuse automaton number 4. Use the key
to unlock the west door. Place the leftmost stone on top of the center
stone and get the key that the energy field was protecting. Unlock the door
to the fountain, and get some water. (You will need one bucketful.)

Silverpate's Treasure: (50N 40E)

Enter the dungeon via an illusory wall at 50N 40E. Follow the map you found
in Silverpate's Cellar. Among other things, this is where you find the
balance blackrock serpent.

Temple of Order: (39N 96E)

Get a key off one of the automaton's bodies, and kill the automaton that
attacks you. Walk north and telekinesis the button on the other side of the
gate. Go through, and kill the automaton. Go east. open both gates... A
pirate will arrive from the south and tell you to follow him. What, are you
stupid? Go north and through the illusory passage around to the south. go
east until you can see the bows (but don't enter that room.) Find the
secret door in the north wall and go north. Head east and around the other
side of the library. There is a book, a pedestal, and a plaque there.

The order symbol that speaks of principles and wisdom requires a scroll on
ethicality that can be found to the southwest. Order symbol for the
strength of the mind and willpower is the serpent dagger that can be found
to the northwest. Order symbol for a straight path of truth is the abacus
that can be found to the southeast.

The library will open. Enter and wander downstairs. Lie to the automaton:
Tell him that you are the Hierophant. Go back upstairs and put the scepter
he gives you on the altar. You'll be teleported to the library. Read ALL
the books and pick up the key on one of the desks. There are 8 books total.
Also get the key on the table. Teleport back to the temple. Have your
companions wait by the serpent gate, and head east. Press the button by the
gate, and Batlin's pet gargoyle will come up and greet you. Follow him,
and run as fast as you can to get past the fireballs. Go east and talk to
the automaton. The right book is listed last. Head north (fireballs!) and
get the key off the pirate's body. The door to the north can't be unlocked
with that key, so return to the south and collect your companions.

Head northwest from the serpent gate and unlock the door with the key you
got off of the pirate. Continue north and press the button on the carpet.
Follow the passage around, and you'll be attacked by all four of Batlin's
companions. Kill them, and get the scroll off of Selina's body (its a
dispel field. You'll need it to get the Gwani Horn. Transcribe it into your
spell book.) Walk north and open the doors, but before proceeding north
and confronting Batlin, read the next section carefully.

Batlin's Death:

Are you ready to confront Batlin right now? Be forewarned that once the
banes escape him, most everybody in the land will be dead, including the
folks who will train you, sell you reagents, and sell you spells. If you
want anything more out of these people, turn around and come back later on.

Before heading north, make sure that Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre are the only
others in your party. Anyone else will be killed, so ask them to wait for
you outside instead. (If any of these folks is missing, the monks will
kindly pop in and rejoin them to your party. Note: You can get more than
five people in your party by having one or more of your original three
missing when you approach the doors.) Also, leave all of their stuff at
the nearest serpent gate.

Okay, so Batlin's dead and the three banes have taken over Shamino, Iolo,
and Dupre. 90% of the human population of the Serpent Isle is dead too. Way
to go bub.

Get the key off his body, the blackrock chaos serpent, and the jawbone of
his. The jawbone has a bunch of the teeth you're missing, so transfer them

After Batlin's Death:

You need to do the following, after the banes are released: Hit Moonshade,
visit the Castle of the White Dragon, finish helping Gwenno, the Temple of
Chaos, the Isle of the Dead, Fawn, and Sunrise Isle.


Visit Fedabiblio first... He's the statue at the entrance to the
Seminarium. Use the philanderer's friend to restore him from stone. If
you've already talked to Karnax about Gwenno, then Fedabiblio will give you
the serpent scroll. He'll also give you the key to Hawk's chest.

You will find that some brass boxes have appeared in most of the mages'
houses. There are serpent teeth in them. The houses with chests include:
Gustacio's, Frigidazzi's, Filbercio's, and Torrisio's.

Visit the inn. Use the key Filbercio gave you or the one off of Hawk's body
to open his chest. If you didn't get the serpent crown out of the hollow
tree earlier on, get it now. Talk to Stefano. Allow him to join, and he'll
give you a serpent tooth. Kill the knight that attacks. He'll give you the
key to the treasure room behind his shack. (83S 97E) It contains the order
blackrock serpent.

Finish Helping Gwenno:

Go to monk Isle and give the serpent scroll to Karnax. He'll give you a
scroll describing the virtues and anti-virtues. Use the water of discipline
on Gwenno. Talk to Gwenno for information concerning the banes. Return to
Moonshade and visit Torrisio (he's now in Filbercio's mansion). Get the
create soul prism spell from him, and have Ducio make you 3 gems, and cast
create soul prism on them. Treat one with the water of tolerance, one with 
enthusiasm, and one with emotion. You will now have soul prisms in
Technicolor, and its time to visit the Castle of the White Dragon.

Castle of the White Dragon:

First, get the waters of Discipline, Logic, and Ethicality. Then, go back
to the knights test and pick up a bunch of the rocks you used to get to the
key. The castle is at 33S 86E (take the north woods gate) Go upstairs and
then back down in the room to the west. Get the key off the table.
Supposedly there's another key in here, but I couldn't find it. Use the
rocks you brought to finish the stairs, and go upstairs. Go downstairs in
the west room, and get the key out of the desk. Go downstairs in the main
north chamber. Lock pick the door to the southeast and open the secret door
to the north. Get the key from under the plate. Go back upstairs and down
the stairs you made. Open up the west door with the glowing key. Flip the
lever under the bales of wool, go through the secret door, and open the
door to the north with the key you found on the table. Blow up the door to
the east with a powder keg (It may be lockpickable too.) Pick the lock on
the door at the northwest end of the hall. Get the blue key out of the

Go downstairs. Use the blue key to open the door to the northwest. Open the
secret door. Go through and open the secret door in the room to the south.
Pull the lever, and go back in the secret passage. Follow the passage
around north then east then south. Pull the lever and then go through the
secret door. Go north through the secret door and get the key out of the
dresser. Unlock the door to the west with it, and go back out into the main
hall. Also unlock the door to the south with it. Go west into the torture
chamber. Pull the lever. Go back around through the secret passage again,
and through the newly opened secret door. Head south then west and meet up
with the banes. (Approach from behind the statues to the north.)

To kill the banes, you'll have to use the black sword. The trick is to let
your companions do the damage with their other weapons, and then go in and
kill them with the black sword. Once they're dead, use the sword on each of
the soul prisms. Call in the monks and have your Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre
resurrected. Use the water of Discipline on Dupre, Logic on Iolo, and
ethicality on Shamino. You will then be teleported to Monk Isle, and Xenka
will appear. She'll give you the serpent tooth to get to the Isle of the

Isle of the Dead:

Go to the Isle of the Dead via serpent gate. Follow the shore around to the
cave entrance. Head south from the first room, and follow the serpent
emblems on the ground. Go: SNN. Push the button on the wall and go north.
Go north until you're teleported. Follow the passage past the pedestal with
the gold serpent. Continue following the passage, kill the skeleton, and
take the scroll. (BTW, you should be pressing every button you come
across.) Go back and put the scroll on the empty pedestal in the room with
the gold serpent.

Read the book in the center of the room you're teleported to. You'll be
teleported again. Head west. Cast dispel field and get the chaos eye. Open
the secret door in the north wall and teleport. Cast summon shade to talk
to the Great Hierophant. Go east until you're teleported back to the entry 
chamber, and return to the serpent gate.


Visit Lady Yelinda in the Sleep Swamp. (Use the north woods gate and
approach the swamp from the north.) Give her the comb of beauty that you
got in Moonshade. She'll give you a key to the treasure room in Fawn. Go
through the illusory wall in the southeast of the palace, and down the
stairs. This is where you get the serpent armor and an infinity bow.

Monk Isle:

Return to Monk Isle after going to the Isle of the Dead, and talk to Xenka
again. Go to Monitor to sacrifice yourself. (Again, if your 3 companions
aren't with you, the monks will intercede and fix the problem.) Dupre will
take issue with your decision to cremate yourself, and he'll kill himself
instead. (Talk about devoted companions.) Take his ashes, the three trapped
banes, and the blackrock chaos serpent to the Temple of Chaos.

Temple of Chaos:

Pop back in via the serpent gate, and if you haven't blown up the door to
the north yet, blow it up with a powder keg now. To get to the Chaos Wall of
Lights, go north, and at the intersections, do the following: NEEWE Go down
the stairs and go south. Go south through the main chamber. SSEESWS You're
now at a chamber with a bunch of mushrooms. Watch out, this area is
gremlins galore. (side note: magic gremlins are an excellent source of
black pearls. You may wish to lure them north and kill them in ones and
twos. There is no limit to this chamber's gremlins.)

Run west through the gremlin chamber, and head south. Follow the passage
east to the dining chamber and take the southeast exit. Go: ES Down  Head
west, and go: WWWNWN and up twice. Magic unlock the door and follow the
passage. Go: WW, leave the room to the southwest, and go south and then
west. Open the double golden doors to the north. Go through the secret door
on the north wall. Place the chaos blackrock serpent in the slot. Put each
prism on the proper altar, and put Dupre's ashes on the fourth altar. The
Chaos serpent will be restored. Xenka will appear and give you the Ophidian

Sunrise Isle:

Before you begin, you will need the three blackrock serpents, the Eye of
Chaos, the Serpent Staff, the Serpent Crown, and the Serpent Armor.

Take the serpent gate to Sunrise Isle (The Temple of Balance.) Put a red
serpent on one side of each scale, and a blue serpent on the other. Collect
the six items that appear. Wander around finding the six shrines. At
Ethicality (ocean shore) place the chain. At emotion (stream and crucifix)
place the abacus. At Discipline (well trimmed garden) place the Rose. At
Enthusiasm (Desert) place the dagger. At tolerance (the swamp) place the
torch. At Logic (The Void) place the heart. You'll get a book. Return to the
area north of the serpent gate. Stand between the pillars and read the book
again. Cross the bridge, and do it between the new set of pillars. Save
your game before crossing -- you can't go back. Footnote: This is not
strictly true -- if you die, you'll be dropped somewhere else in the
Serpent Isle. However, this will cause your game to crash, so its not a
good idea to die at this point.

Go north through the wooden doors. Go west and get the green key out of the
bag. Go east and unlock the brass box. Get a serpent candle. Return west
and put the candle on the pedestal. Get a block of ice, and the Ice
Diamond. On your way back east, put the ice diamond on the blue pedestal
near the golden doors. Go all the way east and put the block of ice on the
pedestal. Get the fire gem, and put it on the red pedestal near the golden
doors. They will now be unlocked. Go through them.

Go up the stairs to the west and press both buttons. Go underneath the
stairs, press the button, and cross a pad. Do not press the button. Go
north, and press that button. Return to the pads. Return across the pads
and get the key out of the chest up the stairs. Go back across the pads and
unlock the door to the north. Past this, I'm not sure what you're
"supposed" to do. I telekenisised the button in the room to the far
southwest. Then, go beneath the stairs and press the button in the room
with the heart. Cross the teleporters, go downstairs, and get the key of
fire. Cross again and get two cubes of ice and the key of ice. Cross again
and get two cubes of fire. Return to the pedestal in the center.

Alternate putting a cube of fire and a cube of ice on the pedestal. Stairs
will appear. Read the scroll, and cross the teleporter. Read the scroll and
cross the teleport.

Proceed north and place the serpent armor, crown, and staff on the table.
You will be declared the Great Hierophant of Balance (Gee, another nifty
title to add to your list). You will also receive the Order Serpent Eye.
You'll be teleported back to your companions and the doors will open.

Proceed north. The Serpent of Order will be most displeased, and send half
a dozen beasties at you. Kill them and proceed north to the altar. Place
the blackrock serpents in their appropriate slots to activate the wall of
lights. Place the two serpent eyes on the gold altar. Equip the Ophidian
Sword that Xenka gave you and chop the statue. Game over. Sit back and
enjoy the ending sequence.

This walkthru is Copyright (C) 1993 by William Herrin for Game Bytes
Magazine.  All rights reserved.