Ultima VIII - Pagan
Walkthrough by Glenn E. Brensinger

"You have been a thorn in my side for far too long, Avatar.  Your two
worlds will be crushed - Britannia first, then Earth.  I shall parade you
before their conquered peoples, as the fallen idol of a pathetic ideal!  I
banish you to the world of Pagan.  No one here has heard of the Avatar."

You're dropped into the water, to be dragged ashore in a fishing net.  Here
you meet Devon, who informs you that you're not in Kansas anymore.  Iolo
and Shamino are who-knows-where, and won't be able to help you here.
You're on your own this time.

When in Pagan....
Devon points out the city of Tenebrae, and tells you to go there.  Upon
arriving, the first thing you witness is an execution.  Toran, the gem
cutter, is on the chopping block, being ordered executed for crimes against
Mordea, the Tempest.  You won't be able to talk to anyone here, so wait
until everyone's returned to the city.

By talking to various people in Tenebrae, you find out that Mordea is the
ruler of Tenebrae, known as a Tempest for her powers to control the
weather.  A Tempest is granted powers by Hydros, aka The Lurker, aka the
Titan of Water.  With these powers she rules with a heavy hand, and there
are more than a few who do not like her.  Bentic, the librarian, has a
diary which outlines a few things that he has noticed; be sure to talk with
him.  He will tell you of the Necromancers, and suggest you speak with them
about leaving Pagan.  You can talk to Salkind about many things and people,
and if you wait until he leaves you can find a list of people that are
considered "enemies of the state."  Lady Mordea won't be much help - she's
a Class A Bitch, and won't take any time to speak with you no matter where
you say you are from.

One of the first places you should visit is the Plateau.  Go towards the
northern part of town, into the "country" section, and find a cave.  The
cave leads into the mountain, and will take you to a platform with a broken
lever on it.  Cross the bridge, and pull the levers in the order (counting
from left to right) 4, 2, then 5.  Go back over the bridge; you should now
be able to pull the broken lever.  Go south (south being bottom left) and
you'll pass by a bunch of undead, and eventually get to a passage leading
outside.  (Can't exactly call it "out into the daylight" cause there's no

Find the hut, and enter.  You'll be teleported to a house on the ethereal
plane, where you will meet Mythran.  Mythran is a hermit who practices in
the magical arts and sells magical scrolls.  Tell him you wish to study
magic, and he will refer you to the Necromancers in the graveyard.  He'll
also give you a recall disc, which will let you teleport yourself to any
teleporter pad you have visited.  (Be sure to go out on Mythran's balcony
in order to activate the teleporter pad out there so you can return to him
at any time.)  If you have been on the roof of the Castle in Tenebrae,
you'll see "Central Tenebrae" as a teleport option.  If not, then you'll
have to walk all the way back, but return to Tenebrae and go to the

Dem Bones, Dem Bones....
When you get to the cemetary, you'll meet Vividos.  He'll tell you that
Lothian, the Necromancer, is dying, and needs to be sent to Lithos, the
Titan of Earth.  However, Lady Mordea stole their ceremonial dagger, and
without that, he cannot perform the ritual.  Offer to get the dagger for
him and he will promise to teach you the arts of the Necromancer.  Go back
to Mordea's castle.

Dames and Daggers
Mordea still won't talk to you, but Aramina, one of her assistants, will
tell you to look for her at her house on Bloodwatch. (The days of the week
on Morgaelin are Bloodwatch, Firstebb, Lastebb, Twomoons, Daytide, and
Eventide.)  At her house, she will ask you about Devon - apparantly she has
a crush on him - and if you ask her enough times, she'll admit that she
doesn't exactly agree with the way Mordea is ruling Tenebrae.  As a servant,
of course, she is not one to speak against the Tempest, but she will help
you if you promise to mention her to Devon.  Ask her about the dagger;
Aramina will tell you it's in a locked chest in Mordea's room.  Aramina will
give you the key to the chest.

If you go back to the castle on Bloodwatch, Mordea is sleeping.  It is NOT
a good idea to try and sneak in while she's in bed, or she'll demonstrate
the powers of a Tempest - on you.  Wait until she is in another room of
the castle, then take the key from under the skull-cushion in the throne
room and go into her bedroom.  Take the dagger from the chest and return it
to Vividos.  He will kill Lothian with it, and accept you as a student.  He
will send you to find an executioner's hood and a magic stick.  The
executioner's hood can be found east of the path leading to the cemetary -
it's protected by changelings - and the sticks can be found near a beat-up
wooden building with a lot of undead and ghosts around it.  Take these back
to Vividos, and he will give you the Key of the Caretaker, which will allow
you to create spell talismans.  He'll tell you to go upstairs to study
spells so you can become a Necromancer.

It's important to note that, even though the spells are written in the game
manual, you don't actually "know" a spell until you find a book with the
spell's instructions listed or are taught the spell by someone in the game.
Make sure you read all the books in the library, and take any necessary
reagents.  You may want to practice creating spell talismans here.

When you are finished, Vividos will send you to speak with the dead
Necromancers in the Catacombs.  Go north of the Necromancers Hall and enter
the building.  Cast Open Ground at the end of the central hallway, and enter
the opening.

Before going to the Catacombs, you may want to find yourself a better
weapon.  There is a magic mace called Slayer hidden away in an underground
area.  Go to the eastern end of Tenebrae, and look for a building with no
roof and a chest in it.  Walk into the building, and if you have the right
place, the ground will open up and you'll fall in.  This passage leads to a
series of hallways that will lead you to Slayer.  The way to tell if you're
going the right direction is if you find a book warning you about what lies
ahead.  When you find the book on the altar, go west and follow the southern
fork.  Kill the troll if you can - at this point dodge and run may be a
better plan - but you need to get the key from the backpack in that room.
At the end of the north passage, there is a guard who will attack you.  Your
choice if you want to mess with him, I didn't find anything of import
there - it wouldn't even let me take the weapon the guard had after I killed

Continue on towards the north, and follow east to yet another book warning
you of the dangers of possessing Slayer, and all the people who tried and
failed.  Go north, and cross the water by hopping from stone to stone.
(Get used to it, there's a lot more of this to come.)  The door can be
opened with the key you found in the troll's lair, which will lead to a
crypt. Go through the cobweb, and grab Slayer.  (Slayer is great for
knocking undead heads, and makes a really cool thunder and lightning effect
when they die.)  Climb to the second level of the altar, and you'll be
teleported back to Tenebrae.

He's Dead, Jim
You'll enter the Upper Catacombs.  Be real careful, and save often in here,
as there are a lot of places where the floor will open up and you'll drop
into a pool of lava.  (And, interesting to note, you DIE in this game - no
one to save your sorry butt if you screw up this time, Avatar.)

To get to the dead Necromancers, find a building marked "Kaylith -
Treasurer" and enter it.  You'll fall through the floor to a lower level.
Grab all the reagents you can, and head north.

The first Necromancer will teach you a spell called Mask of Death, and send
you on your way.  If you found a wall with spikes on it, go back there -
the spikes are now gone in one section so you can climb over.  I did not
actually use Mask of Death to get past the demons - it was easier to run
past them.

The second Necromancer will teach you a spell called Rock Flesh, which you
will need to get past the lightning blasts in the hallway north of him.

The third Necromancer will teach you Summon Dead, which will call forth a
skeletal warrior to help you in battle.

The fourth Necromancer will tell you how to cast Grant Peace, which comes
in handy for skeletal warriors.  Simply bashing them to pieces doesn't
always work - they often get right back up again.  (Interesting thing to do
- if the skeletal warrior you killed has a fire or chaos gem on him,
activate it and leave it there.  When he gets back up again, BANG!) :)

The final Necromancer will give you the Create Golem spell, necessary for
getting into the Hall of the Mountain King.

Continue onward, until you find a large open area (Stone Cove, I believe it's
called.)  There is a large double door that can only be opened by a Golem, so
create the Golem and tell him to open the door.  Go through, and you're on
your way to Lithos.

If you so choose, on the southern end of Stone Cove, there are rocks
leading to a stone altar with a magic axe called Deceiver.

Super Avatar Brothers
Many people have commented that the next part resembles a Nintendo game.  I
personally have not played any Nintendo games, nor do I desire to if this
is what a Nintendo game is like.  When you enter, go north and climb over
the west wall to get to the lever by the torture chair.  Pull it, then go
back where you came in and go west.  There is now a series of platforms
that you must jump across before they disappear out from under you.  Beyond
the platforms are ponds with more moving rocks, and moving platforms.
Finally, after much jumping, much patience, and much restoring, you will
reach the Hall of Lithos, the Mountain King.  He will tell you that Lothian
must be interred to send her body to him.  There is a platform southwest of
him that will take you back to the entrance of the Hall.

Return to Vividos, and tell him what Lithos said.  He'll give you the Key
of the Scion, which you need to inter Lothian.  Go to the NE corner of the
building, and use the Key.  Lothian's body will be pulled into the ground.

*                                                                        *
* NOTE: Vividos will send you on a pilgrimage to see the burial place of *
* Moriens.  According to Origin, this place doesn't actually exist - it  *
* was originally a part of the game that never made it in.  Don't waste  *
* your time trying to find Moriens - you won't.                          *
*                                                                        *

Go back to the Catacombs and find the door that leads to the Lower
Catacombs.  You can now open a lot of locked doors with the Key of the

There is a building with a plaque marked "Towards your Destiny."  This door
can be opened with the Key of the Scion.  You'll find a large double door
that leads to a series of rolling spiked balls.  Past these is a stone
platform with a series of levers on it and a bunch of fences and floor
tripswitches.  Beyond this is a chest with the Skull of Quakes.  Keep this,
you'll need it later.  This also leads to a gravestone; cast Open Ground
here and drop down to the lower level.  Go east to the table with all the
balls around it, and toss the skull over the fence to the platform.  The
gate will lower so you can get past.  There are a lot of reagents here, as
well as a few keys - be sure to grab as many reagents as you can carry.

Go north to the tower puzzle.  By stepping on the stairs, you will either
remove or place a stair.  This is similar to the pyramid in Underworld II -
step once and it places, step again and it removes.  Go into the temple
with the three statues, and take the key from the dead body.  Go back and
open the door with the Zealean Ceremonial Shield behind it.  Take this
shield backl to the shrine and place it on the altar.  These are the statues
of Apathas, Amoras, and Odion, the Zealean gods.  They tell you of the four
Titans, and that you must stop them by becoming the fifth Titan - the Titan
of Ether.  You must go through the west door and kill the ghost of
Khumash-Gor to take the obelisk tip from his hold.  A Grant Peace spell
will make it a short battle.  Take the obelisk tip and his scimitar if you
want it, and leave the crypt.

Take the door leading to the Lower Catacombs and follow the passages to the
Pit of Death.  Head south and west, to find the Coventicle of the Dead.
Inside is a grave - cast Open Ground and you'll find the Heart of the
Earth.  You will need this later.

Before leaving the catacombs, find the altar northeast of the Lower
Catacombs entrance.  Go to the building west of it with the red
indentation, and place the Skull of Quakes in the indentation.  The altar
will collapse into the floor.  Take the stairs down, and inside the room
is another teleporter platform.  (This saves a LOT of walking later.)

Return to Tenebrae, you'll find out that Bentic has been killed for
treason, and Devon has been jailed and will be executed.  He's locked up in
the basement of the castle.  Looking around the basement, you will find a
book in the corner, but you can't get to it - there's no door.  If you
don't have a scroll of dispelling magical portals, go to Mythran and buy
one.  (Or two, they can only be used once.)

Use the scroll near the book, and a door will appear.  Go in and read the
book - you will find out that Bentic discovered the Tempest bloodline leads
to Devon first, then Mordea, making Devon the rightful Tempest.  However,
as soon as you find this out, the guards come and grab you.

You're taken to the dock where Toran was killed.  Devon is about to be
killed - speak up and tell what you learned.  Mordea will try and press on
with the execution anyway, but Devon will defy her.  His power turns out to
be greater than hers, and he kills her.  Devon is proclaimed the new
Tempest, but he needs time to think.  He walks away on the water.

Speaking to Mythran (if you did) suggests that you should visit each Titan
to learn their power.  Now that you have the Key of the Scion, you can
get to the other three colonies.

Argentrock Isle
You'll cross a wooden bridge, and find Stellos, the leader of the Order of
Enlightenment.  The Theurgists here are dedicated to Life and Healing, and
worship Stratos, the Titan of Air.  In order to become one of them, you
must take a series of tests.  Brother Xavier will ask you a series of
questions - answer them to the best of your ability.  Try to keep in mind
what these people believe in - truth and the value of human life.  If you
get stuck, there are books in the Monastary that will tell you more about
their lifestyle.

You won't be asked every one of these questions, just a random few.  if you
do get stuck, the questions are answered in WISDOM.TXT

Upon successful completion, Xavier will send you to take the Test of
Centerdness.  This requires you to climb to Windy Point (the large rock
with the symbol of Stratos) and stand in the center.  Wind will try to blow
you off the rock, but you must attempt to stay on the rock.  When you
complete this test, go to Stellos.  He will send you to the caves below the
Monastary to collect eight pieces of silver.  (If you have a scroll of dispel
magic portal, use it at the brick building to find a magic longsword called
"Protector.")  Take the pieces of silver to Korick in Tenebrae to forge
into foci, then return to Argentrock Isle.  (Hopefully, you found the
teleporter platform south of the entrance to the Order.)  Take the foci and
place them one at a time on the altar in the center of the Monestary.  When
all eight have been enchanted with Stratos' power, take them to Stellos.
He's not too willing to talk though, as Brother Xavier has lost his Healing
Touch foci.  There seems to be a suspicion that someone stole it, but
Stellos can't seem to bring himself to think that one of his followers would
steal.  Speak to Xavier and find out more about it, then talk to Holy Cyrrus.
Cast "Hear Truth" and talk to Cyrrus again.  He will admit to knowing that
Torwin, the boastful one, is up on Windy Point performing some experiment.
Go there, and ask him about a missing focus.  He'll deny knowing anything
about it, yet he knows it was taken from Brother Xavier.  He'll admit to
borrowing it to try and raise his father, Toran, from the dead to get
revenge on Mordea.  If you have already freed Devon by this point, tell him
Mordea is already dead.  (If not, it doesn't change anything.)  He'll jump
into the water, leaving his ring and Xavier's focus behind.  Go back to
Stellos and tell him what happened.  He will ask that you return Torwin's
ring to his mother Rhian, and then tell you to seek Stratos.  Go to the
pillars at the end of Windy Point where Torwin jumped, and jump towards the
water.  You'll be carried to the first platform.  Hop from rock to rock
until you reach Stratos.  She will accept you as an Adept and give you the
focus to cast Air Walk.  Casting Reveal here will show you the Breath of Air
on a pillar.  You can cast Aerial Servant to bring it to you, however a word
of warning - if you take the Breath of Air, you will cut off the bond
between Stratos and her followers, meaning Stellos will die, and your
Theurgistic spells will not work.  You will need the Breath of Air later,
however if you take it now, you will not be able to get to Daemon's Enclave
later.  Teleport back to Argentrock Isle.

Releasing Hydros, or, "Who left the water on?"
Take the door into Carthax Lake, which is not even a lake anymore, it's a
dry riverbed.  If you read the history in the Chronicles of Pagan, you know
that Hydros was bound by a blackrock dam.  Well, now you're going to let her
loose.  Cross the riverbed via the stone bridges, and go into the cave to
the west.  Follow the passages until you get to a gravestone.  Cast Open
Ground here, and the blackrock barrier will crumble, letting the water (and
Hydros) loose.  Return to Carthax Lake, which is once again a lake, but now
you notice storms and fog.  Return to the castle at Tenebrae, where you
find Devon has returned.  Tell him you let Hydros loose, and he suggests
you seek out the Sorcerers at Daemon Enclave before Hydros floods the whole

You will have to use Air-Walk to get across the lava.  Jump to the south to
land on an island, then jump from there to the southern passage that leads
into the Enclave.  Find the teleporter pad, however for some reason the
recall disk cannot teleport you out of the Enclave.

There are only two people who will speak to you now, Bane and Vardion.
They will answer your questions, and each will ask you to help overthrow the
other. I picked Vardion to trust, but it doesn't make any difference who
you pick.

You will be admitted into the Library, where you should read the books
contained therein, and practice preparing spells.  When you are ready,
take the casting test with your mentor, who will send you to the Obsidian
Fortress if you are ready.

The Trials of a Sorcerer
You will be sent to the Master, Malchir.  He will challenge you to the
tests of the Obsidian Fortress, then unleash his daemons on you.  You will
have to kill them or run past them.  Down the stairs, you meet Arcadion,
who may or may not be the same Arcadion you remember from Forge of Virtue.
He certainly doesn't recognize you, that's for certain, although he has
been to Earth.  He will allow you to take any supplies you feel you need,
so gather up any reagents of foci you are short on.  At the very least, you
will need Flash, Endure Heat, Extinguish, Banish Demon, and Armor of
Flames.  Symbols can only hold one charge of each spell, so if you can, use
the more powerful rod, daemon talisman, wand, or staff symbols.  When you
are ready, walk west and take the teleporter to the testing grounds.  You
must collect the four blue symbols in order to pass and return to Arcadion.
The plaques on the wall will tell you what spell is needed in that area in
order to retreive the symbol.  Once you have all four symbols, return to the
teleporter and you will end up back at Arcadion's area.  He'll congratulate
you on your success, and send you to see Malchir.  Take the teleporter to
his Inner Sanctum, where Malchir will test you further.  You must cast a
flame bolt, explosion, and then finally summon a daemon against him.
Before beginning the tests, make sure you have in your inventory a red
candle, an ignite spell, and a banish daemon spell.  You may use any of his
reagents, candles, or symbols to prepare the spells before starting the
tests.  Be sure you have everything you need before casting flame bolt,
because once the tests begin, there's no going back for supplies.

Cast flame bolt, then explosion, then finally summon a daemon against him.
He will banish the daemon, then send one after you.  Banish that daemon,
and you will be taken to the center of the Enclave to summon Pyros.  (If you
don't have the above items at this point, things will go seriously wrong.)
Follow along with what the others do, and Pyros will appear and attempt to
break loose.  If you have all the proper items, then no one will get hurt
and he'll be sent back.  If you were missing anything, and it had to be
provided for you, then he will still be sent back, but one of the Acolytes
may be killed and Malchir will be most displeased with you for almost
destroying the entire island.

"Now, I am the Master..."
By talking to others in the town, you find that the Master carries the
Tongue of Flame, which keeps Pyros in check.  The only way to get it is to
become a Master, and the only way to become a Master is if the old Master
dies, or meets with an untimely demise.  Go back to his Inner Sanctum, and
kill him.  Take the Tongue of Flame from him.

The book entitled "Tongue of the Flame" tells never to let the Tongue of the
Flame near the center of the great pentacle, however I did anyway.  Caused
great flaming rocks to come out of the sky. :)

Return to Tenebrae, and ask Devon for the Tear of the Sea.  He won't know
what you are talking about at first, but then will recall something he
dragged in with his fishing net.  He'll give you the key to a chest in his
study (sw corner of the castle.)  Go get the Tear of the Sea, and go to
Mythran.  Tell him you are now ready to meet the Titans on their own turf,
and want to leave Pagan.  He will sell you an Ethereal Travel scroll and
any reagents you need.  Use the pentagram to cast the spell, and you will
arrive in the Ancient Temple.

Clash of The Titans
Upon arriving, you now have to contain the powers of the Titans in the four
items you collected.

Use "Endure Heat" to get past the lava, and use the Heart of the Earth
against Lithos.

Hop from stone to stone, until you get to the white bridge.  Use the Tear
of the Sea against the large tentacle.

Go into the stone house and get the white balls from the chest.  Use these
on the glowing squares, and use the Tongue of Fire against Pyros.

There are many magical items laying about - ignore them, the rocks will
collapse and you'll fall into the water if you try to grab them.  Hop from
rock to rock until you get to Stratos, and QUICKLY use the Breath of Air
against her before her wind demons knock you off the rock.

All four objects should now be glowing.  Place them on the giant pentacle
to match the locations of each Titan:

Mesostel Pa - Heart of Earth
Mesostel Ze - Breath of Wind
Perivolcan Pa - Tear of Seas
Perivolcan Ze - Tongue of Flame
Aphelion - Obelisk tip

Double click on the obelisk tip.  If you did everything right, the Black
Gate will open, and you can walk through.  If the objects are not exactly
in the right place, you'll say "I feel powerful" but nothing more will
happen.  Jiggle the objects around to get them exactly right, and the gate
will open.

There has been some discussion as to what exactly the ending means.
According to the latest scuttle on the Internet, there are two

1) You made it back to Britannia, but the Guardian has taken over.  The
flying things are Gargoyles.

2) You are now on the Guardian's home world, ready to face him as the Titan
of Ether.

I guess we won't know for sure until Ultima IX - Ascension comes out.