113: Grave1 (Carly)

Here lies Carly, the information minister,
who died under circumstances sinister.

114: Grave2 (Gary)

Here lies Gary who choked on a canary.

115: Grave3 (Amy)

Here lies Amy. Or maybe she lies somewhere else... she could never make up her mind on anything.

116: Grave4 (Bill)

Bill worked too hard.
Now he's resting in the yard.

117: Grave5 (Matthew Crump)

Here lies Matthew Crump, went dragon hunting a man, came back a stump

118: Grave6 (Sir Rand)

Here lyeth the body of Sir Rand
He fed on the fat of a lamb
Slipping on its biscuit
His head doth twisted
Now only the worms will kiss it

119: Grave7 (Scott)

Here is the plot
Of our friend Scott,
He guessed it was a pig he bought,
"That's no pig, it's far too big,
And it has fangs!"
Was his last thought.

120: Grave8 (his bones)

Six feet under you'll find his bones.

121: Grave9 (Jennifer)

Here lies Jennifer
our beloved bringer of donuts
lost but not forgotten

122: Grave10 (Jim)

Poor Jim lies in this Sepulture, His misfortune plain to see
While wandering in the wilderness, He came upon a tree
The view atop magnificent, For miles all around
But it grew dark, and like a lark, Jim took the short way down

123: Grave11 (Richard)

Here lies Richard cold and dead.
A big metal plate bonked him on the head.

124: Grave12 (Vaden)

Here lies Master Vaden
His body is a wreck
Buried as we found him
Hands ‘round Bonner’s neck.

125: Grave13 (Brian)

Behold, Brian's last plot.

126: Grave14 (Jana)

Here lies Jana, in [her] time of dying.
Hear the rustin' rivers call, and the wind is cryin'.

127: Grave15 (Mikael)

skild of cravt
sk�ld of old
a wintre dravt
lay Mikael cold

128: Grave16 (Kay)

We buried Kay on a rainy day,
sad to say she washed away
(rest in peace wherever you are)

129: Grave17 (Dave)

Here lies Dave, quite the knave.
A practical joke sent him to the grave.

130: Grave18 (Squire Bonner)

Here lies Squire Bonner
His shirt is clean and new
Buried straight and proper
His shirt was still askew

131: Grave19 (Roful)


132: Grave20 (Mao)


133: Grave21 (Lohl)


134: Grave22 (Bob)

One last bone I want to pick;
it was this grave that made me sick.

135: brokntombstone

Here lies--

136: generictombstone


137: Grave23 (Jim)

Here lies Jim,
Stuffed into a bin

138: dinastone (Dina)

Here lies Dina
Dumped in a grave
An innocent girl
Who refused to behave

250: Here lies Malcom (Malcom)

Here lies Malcom

251: dead mitch (Mitch)

Mitch got PK'd

402: mitchstone (Mitch2)

Mitch got pk'd.

409: ericstone (Eric)

Eric has left us, and gone where it's sunny.
Now we can spend and not worry about money!

410: jeanlucstone (Jean Luc)

Jean-Luc is gone, but to us he's not dead,
For in our storehouse we kept his head.

411: ninastone (Nina)

None so fair graced this arena
As the memory of our lovely Nina.

412: sethstone (Seth)

Here lies what's left of poor Seth,
Driven by a cat to his death

420: gregstone (Sir Gregory)

Sir Gregory went out one fateful day
And found himself a gazer's prey.

421: frankstone (Frank)

Frank is gone, he is no more
He saw his last American tour.

422: laurstone (Laurent)

Poor Laurent was out, just gathering moss
But lightning struck, and he is now a loss.

423: torstone (Torsten)

Alas, for Torsten, it is the end
Would that I had been his friend