Message Box Texts for Quest Items


328: itmtoolbelt   I have found my tool belt!
256: itmbackpack   I have found my backpack!
296: itmjournal   I have found my Journal!
267: itmcompass   I have found my compass!
326: itmspellbook   I have found my Spellbook!

The Glyphs

285: itmglyphonest   I have found the Glyph of Honesty.
284: itmglypcomp   I found the Glyph of Compassion!
291: itmglypval   I have found the Glyph of Valor.
288: itmglypjust   I have found the Glyph of Justice.
289: itmglypsacr   I have found the Glyph of Sacrifice.
286: itmglyphonor   I have found the Glyph of Honor.
290: itmglypspirit   I have found the Glyph of Spirituality.
287: itmglyphum   I have found the Glyph of Humility.

The Sigils

318: itmsigilhonest   I have been given the Writ of Honesty!
317: itmsigilcomp   I have been given the Heart of Compassion!
324: itmsigilval   I have found the Dagger of Valor!
321: itmsigiljust   I have been given the Quill of Justice!
322: itmsigilsacr   I have found the Tear of Sacrifice!
319: itmsigilhonor   I have found the Chalice of Honor!
323: itmsigilspirit   I have found the Ankh of Spirituality!
320: itmsigilhum   I have been given the Crook of Humility!

The Lighthouse Gem Quest

303: itmlhemerld   I have found an Emerald Lighthouse Gem.
304: itmlhruby   I have found a Ruby Lighthouse Gem.
305: itmlhsapph   I have found a Sapphire Lighthouse Gem.

Kiran's Quest in Despise

297: itmksblue   I found the Blue Kiran Stone!
298: itmksgreen   I found the Green Kiran Stone!
300: itmksred   I found the Red Kiran Stone!
301: itmksyellow   I found the Yellow Kiran Stone!
299: itmkshield   I found the Kiran Shield!

Hythloth and the Dome of Ambrosia

335: itmstatkey   I have found a Statue Key.
302: itmlevitation   I found Deresh's corpse, along with Boots of Levitation!
311: itmpwrcube   I have found a Power Cube!
325: itmsingularity   I have found the Amulet of Singularity!
313: itmqnpowercube   I have found the Queen's Power Cube.
312: itmqnegg   I found a Queen Egg!


270: itmduncandag   I have found Duncan's Dagger.
307: itmmagshield   I have found the Mage Shield!
294: itmheartstone   I have been given the Heartstone.

Minoc, Cove and the Covetous Mines

278: itmghostbraclet   I have bought a Ghost's Bracelet.
279: itmghostnecklc   I have found a Ghost's necklace.
269: itmdayla'sdoll   I have found a child's doll.
309: itmminegear   I have found a Mine Shaft Gear.
292: itmgringolet   I have found the Gringolet.
261: itmbrcrystalbal   I have found the Blackrock Crystal Ball!
314: itmraxoskey   I have found Raxos' key!

Trinsic and Shame

271: itmdupreash   I have found Dupre's ashes!
263: itmchalice   I have found a chalice!

Valoria & the caves of Destard

295: itmheirloomshld   I have found an Heirloom Shield.
327: itmtomedemon   I have found the Tome of Demonology!
315: itmredcandl   I have found a Red Candle.
316: itmredskul   I have found a Red Skull.
330: itmvialblod   I have found a Vial of Blood.
259: itmblodcorps   I have found a severed head.
268: itmdarimjrnl   I have found Darim's Journal.
272: itmeggshlblue   I have been given the Blue Eggshell.
273: itmeggshlgren   I have found the Green Eggshell.
274: itmeggshlred   I have found the Red Eggshell.
275: itmeggshlwhite   I have found the White Eggshell.
276: itmeggshlyelo   I have found the Yellow Eggshell.
334: itmreddraghead   I have found the head of a Red Dragon!

Bell, Book & Candle, Spirit Realm & the Deeps of the Abyss

260: itmbooktruth   I have found the Book of Truth!
262: itmcandlelove   I have found the Candle of Love!
257: itmbellcourag   I have found the Bell of Courage!
277: itmelizbaby   I have found Elizabeth's Baby.
258: itmblackthrnnote   I have found a note from Blackthorn.
280: itmglobeair   I found the Air Globe.
281: itmglobeearth   I found the Earth Globe.
282: itmglobefire   I found the Fire Globe.
283: itmglobewater   I found the Water Globe.

The Codex

265: itmcodexblu   I have found the Blue Codex Lens!
266: itmcodexred   I have been given the Red Codex Lens!
332: itmcodex   I have been given the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom!


331: itmwtrvalve   I have found a Water Valve!
308: itmmathisnote   I have found Mathis' Note.
434: itmrvnkey   I have received a key from Raven.
264: itmcharts   I have the Charts of Britannia!
333: itmbritstar   I have found the Britannian Star.
293: itmguardletterkillig   I have found a Guardian Letter.
310: itmnunsfund   I have found the Cathedral Charity Funds.
435: itmstones   I have been given the music to 'Stones'!
306: itmmagicglobe   I have found a magic globe.
329: itmtreaskey   I have found a Treasure Room Key!