Signs and plaques can appear in may forms, as their images vary. Some even display text but must be examined closely to get more detailed information.


Item ID

Short Text

Text of the Sign

003 signtest  


This is a sign test.
005 Tapestry of Ages plaque EMPTY Here hangs the Tapestry of Ages. This magical work tells the story of the Avatar, from the Age of Darkness, through the Age of Virtue and even foretells the future in this Age of Enlightenment.
006 Banner of Compassion   EMPTY The Banner of Compassion
007 Banner of Honesty   EMPTY The Banner of Honesty
008 Banner of Honor   EMPTY The Banner of Honor
009 Banner of Humility   EMPTY The Banner of Humility
010 Banner of Justice   EMPTY The Banner of Justice
011 Banner of Sacrifice   EMPTY The Banner of Sacrifice
012 Banner of Spirituality   EMPTY The Banner of Spirituality
013 Banner of Valor   EMPTY The Banner of Valor
017 Britain Magic Shop Plaque   EMPTY That which is hidden may now be revealed.
076 Rune of Compassion   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Compassion. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of compassion, traditionally associated with the city of Britain. This rune, along with the sigil, the Heart of Compassion, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of compassion.
077 Rune of Honesty   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Honesty. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of honesty, traditionally associated with the city of Moonglow. This rune, along with the sigil, the Writ of Honesty, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of honesty.
078 Rune of Honor   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Honor. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of honor, traditionally associated with the city of Trinsic. This rune, along with the sigil, the Chalice of Honor, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of honor.
079 Rune of Humility   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Humility. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of humility, traditionally associated with the town of New Maginicia. This rune, along with the sigil, the Crook of Humility, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of humility.
080 Rune of Justice   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Justice. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of justice, traditionally associated with the city of Yew. This rune, along with the sigil, the Quill of Justice, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of justice.
081 Rune of Sacrifice   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Sacrifice. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of sacrifice, traditionally associated with the city of Minoc. This rune, along with the sigil, the Tear of Sacrifice, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of sacrifice.
082 Rune of Spirituality   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Spirituality. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of spirituality, traditionally associated with the city of Skara Brae. This rune, along with the sigil, the Ankh of Spirituality, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of spirituality.
083 Rune of Valor   EMPTY Here lies the Rune of Valor. This rune is the embodiment of the virtue of valor, traditionally associated with the lost city of Jhelom but now embodied by the knights within the fortress of Valoria. This rune, along with the sigil, the Sword of Valor, and the mantra can be used to gain insight into the true meaning of valor.
084 Avatars Swords 1   EMPTY Weapons of ancient Earth
085 Corrigan Painting   The Adventurer   by S. Wetterschneider 
087 Lord British Painting   Lord British   by S. Wetterschneider
088 Shamino Painting   Shamino   by S. Wetterschneider
089 Despise Fountains   Despise Fountains   That which is not easily found is often more worth finding.
092 Despise Wyrmguard Painting   Beware the offerings of darkness.
095 Altara's Sceptre   Altara's Sceptre   This powerful sceptre was created by the mage Altara to counteract the power of the Guardian's Blackrock Gem.
096 Exodus Cards   The Cards of Exodus   These four cards, Love, Sol, Moon and Death, were used by the stranger to defeat the evil Exodus.
097 Fellowship Medallion   The Fellowship Medallion   This medallion was a symbol for the Fellowship, a very popular organization that thrived during the early days of the Age of Enlightenment. It was later discovered that the founder of the Fellowship, Batlin, had been influenced by the Guardian. This revelation quickly led to the disolution of the organization.
098 Iolo's Music 2  


Ode to Virtue
by Iolo Fitzowen
A classic rede covering the life and adventures of the Avatar and his companions.
099 Korghin's Fang   Korghin's Fang   One of the few relics from the Avatar's exile in the land of Pagan. This powerful dagger helped the Avatar to survive his struggle to become the Titan of Ether.
100 Mondain's Skull   Mondain's Skull   Skull of the notorious Mondain, the evil wizard who threatened our land during the first Age of Darkness.
101 Mosh's Magical Harp  


This is Mosh's Magical Harp. Used by the Avatar to scare off the Rat-Men in his sojourn on Serpent Isle.
102 Serpent Jawbone   Serpent's Jawbone   Another artifact of the Avatar's sojourn on Serpent Isle. This mystical jawbone and its teeth allowed the Avatar to travel quickly around the Isle, much like the moongates do in Britannia.
103 Talisman of Infinity   The Talisman of Infinity   The concept of Infinity is the embodiment of the way of the Avatar. The Avatar created this powerful Talisman of Infinity in the Forge of Virtue on lost Fire Isle during the early years of the Age of Enlightenment.
104 The Badge of Blackthorn   The Badge of Blackthorn   A symbol used during the reign of the ursurper, Blackthorn, to identify his trusted followers.
106 The Blue Tassle   The Blue Tassel.   A valuable talisman used by the stranger to earn passage on ships during the Minax's invasion.
107 The Silver Horn  


Sounded by the stranger at the Shrine of Humility during his quest to become the Avatar, this powerful token has the power to ward off demons.
108 Vortex Cube   Vortex Cube   Using the power of this cube, the Gargoyles were able to bring the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom to their land. It was later used by the Avatar to return the Codex to the ethereal void and allow both humans and gargoyles to share in its wisdom.
140 Shortcut to Yew Plaque  


None shall pass by order of Lord British.
141 Guild Plaque   Guild House   Branded guildmembers only.
146 ambrosiaplaque   EMPTY To enter is to know the Sacred Way.
147 wislems   EMPTY Master Wislem's Workshop
148 Wislems2   EMPTY Master Wislem's Residence
151 levitation   EMPTY Levitation Pad
152 singularity   EMPTY To know the Sacred Way of Singularity lies within.
164 BellofCouragePlaque   EMPTY Bell of Courage
165 CandleofLovePlaque   EMPTY Candle of Love
166 BookofTruthPlaque   EMPTY Book of Truth
167 Libraryplaque   EMPTY Please return all books to their proper shelves when you are through reading them
181 sgfireroom EMPTY This tower is protected from unlawful entry by flames. To exit, clear the way to the source, and extinguish the braziers.
186 WrongWarden   EMPTY Warden
227 Shop of the Moons Sign   EMPTY Shop of the Two Moons
244 animals   EMPTY Animals in park are not tame and may cause injury
245 austinbeaut   EMPTY Keep Austin Beautiful
Use Your Trash Receptacles
246 parkcurf   EMPTY Parks and Recreation Dept.
Park Curfew 10 P.M.-5 A.M.
No Motorized Vehicles
247 wildflower   EMPTY Wildflower Site
248 camping   EMPTY No Camping
252 Gigantic   Piece of HMS Gigantic   The grandest ship ever built, the Gigantic tragically sank on its maiden voyage. This piece of the ship was recovered by Lord British when he led an expedition to examine the wreckage.
253 Scarf   Serpent's Spine Prayer Scarf   This prayer scarf was used by a rare peaceful tribe of goblins that lived deep in the Serpent's Spine mountains. Lord British was given this scarf when he saved the life of the chieftain's son on one of his many exploratory expeditions.
254 Museum Hours   EMPTY Museum of Britannia
339 swimsign   EMPTY No Swimming
No Fishing
No Wading
345 West Buc   West Buc's Den   Keagan's Map World
Herzog's Supply Warehouse
Auction Block
West Dock
346 East Buc   East Buc's Den   The Salty Dog Pub
Jade's Pleasure House
Samhayne's Residence
Would you like a flogging? Misuse this ferry and we will all
take the skin off your back! By order of Samhayne
349 holdingcell   EMPTY Holding Cell
350 holdingcryst   EMPTY Holding Cell Crystal
351 wingedhq   EMPTY Headquarters of the Gargoyle Master Race
"To know the Winged shall rule the Gargoyles, and to stop the False Prophet at all costs!"
352 bakery   EMPTY Bakery
353 bastionsign   EMPTY The Great Bastion
354 blacksmith   EMPTY Blacksmith
355 boyer   EMPTY Boyer
356 cathedral   EMPTY Cathedral
357 covedock   EMPTY Cove Docks
358 crypt   EMPTY Crypt
359 dawn   EMPTY Village of Dawn
360 elenas   EMPTY Elena's Magic Shop
361 gemcutr   EMPTY Gem Cutter
362 innsign   EMPTY Inn
363 Irenes   EMPTY Irene's Provision Shop
364 kingshead   EMPTY King's Head Tavern
365 lbscastle   EMPTY Lord British's Castle
366 magshopsign   EMPTY Magic Shop
367 mayorhouse   EMPTY Honorable Mayor Aidon Residence
368 mazesign   EMPTY The Royal Maze of Britain
369 Mill   EMPTY Mill
370 minocove   EMPTY Minoc / Cove
371 museum   EMPTY Museum
372 outfitr   EMPTY Outfitter
373 prison   EMPTY Prison
374 provissign   EMPTY Provisioner
375 raxos   EMPTY House of the Great Leader
376 tavern   EMPTY Tavern
377 townsqr   EMPTY Town Square
378 vaclavs   EMPTY Vaclav's Blacksmith Shop
379 samhaynes   EMPTY Samhayne's Residence
380 auctionsign   EMPTY Auction Block
381 herzogs   EMPTY Herzog’s Supply Warehouse
382 jades   EMPTY Jade’s Pleasure House
383 keagans   EMPTY Keagan’s Map World
385 saltydog   EMPTY The Salty Dog Pub
386 shipwright   EMPTY Shipwright
387 tunnel   EMPTY New Magincia Tunnel
399 towrong   EMPTY To Wrong
401 GringoletSac   EMPTY One must sacrifice the Swordwraithe's bane to enter in the liche's reign
407 duprestone   EMPTY Here lies Sir Dupre
Never was there a truer friend nor a more honorable comrade.
408 lucero   EMPTY Here lies Lucero
Honorable Paladin, Beloved Husband
414 willlett   EMPTY Here lies the Honorable Sir William Lett
Master swordsman, beloved teacher, valued friend
415 westgate   EMPTY Britain West Gate
416 eastgate   EMPTY Britain East Gate
438 ravenmngw   EMPTY Avatar, I know you may be angry, but I've come to help. I'll drop by the docks periodically to see if I can find you.
450 moonglow north gate   EMPTY North Gate
451 moonglow south gate   EMPTY South Gate
459 MathisMines   EMPTY Mathis Mines