Instead of focusing on any one thing, I am laying out this site as a categorized set of bins. If it needs rethinking later, then so be it. For now, I start this way.
This is the notebook and the journal, the monolog or the rant, like every blog you may have seen, I would guess.
The place for my own encyclopedia entries. Any persistent knowledge-based style content belongs here.
This is a place to set a time for anything, from streams to trips to meetups. Here go all the details for any of the above.
This is for long-term records of any project in progress. This subject will be interrelated with similar projects and posts in other categories.
Every video or streaming media will be referenced here. The records will include any location each can be found as well as references.
This is a subcategory of projects and is more specific. This includes anything 2D, 3D, model, mural, of form and feeling rather than function and extant purpose.
And here is where I sell trinkets or other relevant products.
Anything I worked on in the past even incomplete works, will be referred to from here, because I am a romantic and can’t let go of what I’ve put effort into.