
Dungeoneering Herblore

I actually resurrected an archaic project pertaining to Runescape.

Pure Dungeoneering Herblore Table resurrected

The original Dungeoneering Herblore Table was an entry on my 3rd generation Runescape site which was built on the Joomla CMS. I used it for a quick access record to the relationships to make potions while running for 99 dungeoneering. I handed the link off to a few friends so it was the most visited part of my original site besides the group of fairy ring, evil tree, penguin, and fallen star look-ups in the second-generation HTML site.

When that Joomla code aged out and was killed by an update, the link was permanently broken. An internet archive way-back search did turn up one instance of my Joomla site’s front page, but only one.

I was so inured in the day to day of work and dailies on the game I starved the site