Nellie enthusiastically reports the Daedalian Keys have returned to Hogwarts. She explains how a previous headmaster set the challenge of solving the mystery of the keys for the students many years past. They only return occasionally, and this year, they have arrived. The body of the quest details finding and using the first of the keys in the Astronomy wing tower. Once managed, the remaining fifteen can be found as the quest goes from example to wash-rinse-repeat.
The keys resemble the winged keys in the first movie, “The Sorcerer’s Stone.” They can be hard to spot. A cue in the environmental audio indicates a nearby key with a metallic rustling noise, so earphones will help. Once found and pursued, they will make a run for their cabinet, leaving a tail streak to help the player follow. Using the cabinet with the key near it begins a wack-the-key-into-the-lock game. The player must hit the button as the key dashes across the front of the cabinet when it passes over the keyhole. Upon success, the cabinet opens, revealing a house token. The token gets added to the quest items inventory.
The tokens serve as keys of a different kind. Each token slots into a house chest in the player’s common room. After placing the token recovered in the Astronomy classroom, the player informs Nellie of their success and the opportunity to find the rest and discover the reward.
Though twelve of the remaining keys can be caught in any order, the final three require “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” main quest started. All three are in the level 1 locked area, comprising the faculty and clock towers, entered in the process of that quest.
Checklist Tool for the Daedalian Keys: A checklist to mark off the keys as you collect them.
Tokens can be held in the quest inventory until they have been completely collected, or they may be returned individually. When all the tokens have been placed into the common room chest slots, the chest unlocks elaborately, providing the Appearance “Relic House Uniform.” Return to Nellie to inform her of the results and close the quest.