This is the way. The way it has been since 2020 since I created this newest go at this home page. I make a few posts and start or continue a few projects. Then, as more projects get brought forward without staging or completion of others and an unwillingness to sit down and write about […]
Anyone who might follow me online knows I hang out in a handful of karaoke streams. Also anyone who knows a bit about me will know I am easily distracted.
It seems that my host’s WordPress implementation is only allowed to be aware of one item at a time. After cloning all the information out of the previous blog, I deleted the site files and replaced the hosting local with a new installation. Voila! The root site is now WordPress running my handcrafted mash-up theme […]
Although the rest of the post’s will be migrated in, this post can claim the title of the first on the internal blog site. There are several updates to my activity. This updated and integrated site is coming along nicely. A home furniture issue has been moved up and just awaits the final piece to […]
So, Gary of @Nerdrotics has mentioned he is black-pilled on Star Wars. Even so, reading a job posting for the galactic cruiser hotel experience, his emotions cause the damage of the chat display in the Andrew Garfield head throwing incident. I think someone still cares a bit about how far it’s fallen.
How did this come about?
And now arrives my latest installment of the sweltering summer not-journal. Much has happened and I’ve spent far more time on various discords and (may God help me) twitter than thinking about, designing and writing about other projects. Let’s see what I recall over the last weeks:
And once again, I place every possible thing ahead if this little journal task. At this point, it’s barely even useful for me as a record. I have learned one thing. This likely pertains to how I set it aside completely last year. The busy-work of having a dozen tasks and focusing on them to […]
Yes. Far too long since last post. There was the disturbing fandom fire whose embers still glow in a few places. Also as a personal note, the last week was heat and humidity and rain storms while at work with a multitude of breakdowns and issues of a less critical nature. But as all things, […]