
Hogwarts Legacy Maps & Checklists

I’ve been lost in the Scottish Highlands, on and off, for a few months. Thank “Hogwarts Legacy.”

I loved the books. Considering my concept of how to treat books and movies, I even thought the movies were very well done apart from strict adherence to the books. This game is a Wizarding World simulator, class 0.7. The only real issues that make it short of class 1.0 include 1. the scope of available spells, potions, herbs, monsters, and beasts, 2. a lack of some version of quidditch, 3. lack of consequences considering some events and actions, and 4. the shallowness of character awareness, and this last one is primarily limited by the depth of the character code.

I believe achieving those three points would make the code, the asset tables, and the development calendar so much more enormous. So I accept the game as it is.

And I love this game.

The broom flight, the music, the environment, and even hanging out in the vivarium. I like the game’s experience. I would never be among the first to complete the main quest line when I was enraptured for two hours flying my broom over, around, and through the castle and lake on the last prerelease day.

As I replayed the game several times, and with several characters, I made checklists and maps. I am still working on them even now. They need a lot of work!

The Highlands Map – populating of main objects complete, todo: quest-spots, great chests, individual chests, resources, mobs

Hogwarts Map – Refreshing for changing floors still not working; currently populating sites

Hogsmeade Map – Population of objects and sites complete except quests

Quest List – All quests have placeholders; the list needs sorting

Disillusionment Chest Checklist – todo: few chests left to store

Field Guide Pages- Hogwarts

Field Guide Pages- Hogsmeade

Field Guide Pages- The Highlands

Arithmancy Doors Checklist

Demiguise Statues