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Ultima > I Mondain > Development > Global Map Tile List
Global Tiles
Tile mapping for the main world map. Each tile is 16x16 pixels using the 16 color/4 bit EGA scheme. Check out the 52nd tile, Spuds Mackenzie returns!
0(00) | ocean | 13(0D) | raft | 26(1A) | pirate 2 | 39(27) | orc 1 |
1(01) | plains | 14(0E) | frigate 1 | 27(1B) | hood 1 | 40(28) | orc 2 |
2(02) | forest | 15(0F) | frigate 2 | 28(1C) | hood 2 | 41(29) | knight 1 |
3(03) | mountains | 16(10) | aircar | 29(1D) | bear 1 | 42(2A) | knight 2 |
4(04) | castle 1 | 17(11) | shuttle | 30(1E) | bear 2 | 43(2B) | necromancer 1 |
5(05) | castle 2 | 18(12) | time machine | 31(1F) | hidden archer 1 | 44(2C) | necromancer 2 |
6(06) | landmark | 19(13) | ness creature 1 | 32(20) | hidden archer 2 | 45(2D) | evil ranger 1 |
7(07) | towne 1 | 20(14) | ness creature 2 | 33(21) | dark knight 1 | 46(2E) | evil ranger 2 |
8(08) | town 2 | 21(15) | giant squid 1 | 34(22) | dark knight 2 | 47(2F) | warlock 1 |
9(09) | dungeon | 22(16) | giant squid 2 | 35(23) | evil trent 1 | 48(30) | warlock 2 |
10(0A) | player | 23(17) | dragon turtle 1 | 36(24) | evil trent 2 | 49(31) | magic hit |
11(0B) | horse | 24(18) | dragon turtle 2 | 37(25) | thief 1 | 50(32) | hit |
12(0C) | cart | 25(19) | pirate 1 | 38(26) | thief 2 | 51(33) | Spuds |