SD:U8:Wt:Silver's Walkthrough
Howling in Frustration Over Ultima VIII?
This is a complete, beginning-to-end
walkthrough-essentially the solution--for Ultima VIII: Pagan. If you really want to solve
it on your own, being here may ruin it for you! Yeah, yeah, you've heard it before, but
some people must be told again and again (you KNOW who you are! <grin>).
The links in the body of this walkthrough are to an illustrated glossary including
images of the items as you see them in Pagan. Because of the images, the glossary page
takes a long time to load, especially for those with lower bandwidth. Forewarned is
Everywhere you see this button
you can link to a screen capture
meant to show the currently discussed scene in case the information seems unclear. The
scene is the original screen in 320 x 200 resolution with the standard palette. The
necessary quest elements are numbered in a solvable sequence though, even with the
appalling amount of linearity you find in "Pagan", you do not always need to
progress in this sequence.
So goes Ultima VIII: Pagan ...
Enter the Avatar
- Talk with Devon, he has much information plus knows someone you may
wish to talk to. Get provisions (bedroll, food
- The boat nearby, like all others you may see on this island, is useless. Just a
background prop for environment.
- At the base of the stairs leading up to the docks are barrels, one has a jewelry box
containing a dagger and a key-ring, the other-an
interesting note with information that may prove useful later.
- Down the lawn in front of the city wall to the east of the dock is a ruined building
with a locked chest [16063.2943.*.3]. The chest is trapped, but it holds a full
helmet(A.C. 4) and a body containing five death disks. The key for the chest (K1)
is in a jewelry box hidden down by the east end of the beach near the city wall
- Walk out onto the docks and get a demonstration of current criminal behavior management
policy. You won't be able to enter the city until you do so, a portcullis is fixed over
the main gate and is not removed until you have viewed the execution and then spoken to
the gate guard.
- You can't save the sentenced, Toran. Its no use trying to talk to Rhian
After the execution, she just sobs.
- There are no consequences for your responses when questioned by the dock guard, Tarna.
Say what you wish. When walking by the south city gate, wether on your way in or not, the
gate guard stops you for questioning (he asks for your name, big deal).
- Enter the castle grounds and begin equipping yourself and speak to the Local
- You may attempt to get more provisions about the castle and the city (honestly or
dishonestly-your choice). Once you are done in the city, outside the city walls both east
and west, you may find equipment and some money. At this point you can engage ghouls and
changlings in single combat without too much trouble.
- The southern guardhouses are open and the key (K2) to the chest in the
west guardhouse is on a table nearby
. The west house has some scrolls, the east in a trapped chest
houses an armoured vestment (A.C. 2), arm guards (A.C. 1) and a longsword.
- Around the grounds of the castle are skeletons, some with fire or chaos
gems. Beware of books without titles-the Trickster lives!
- In the castle, in the bunk house of the guards, find the key to the armoury (K3)
under a pillow on the last bunk
. This doesn't do much good anyway, the armoury is always
guarded and you will eventually get better armour soon anyway.
- The key to Mordea's bedchamber (K4) is under the
skull-print pillow in her audience chamber, near the clock
take it while she's present. You'll need this key later.
- On the castle's second floor, in a barrel in the southeast tower is a key-ring.
- Climb the stairs to the roof of the castle. Find the recall teleport pad (Central
Tenebrae [13082.8590.*.40]) and walk near it. This is part of the game's only
means of teleportational travel and will make future tasks easier.
- Talk to townspeople. The Ghostly Armour Quest
starts with speaking to Orlok but at this stage in the game you have not
the skills to acquire it. The quest is detailed at the end of this page reachable by the
link in the last sentence. To continue the main plot-line you should speak with Bentic
the Librarian.
- In the northeast corner of East Tenebrae is a locked house [19018.3367.*.41], often with
children on the roof. Climbing up and walking down the stairs at the north end, you may
find a bag with a key (K5)
to the three doors in it (including the front). The bedrooms
at the west end of the house have several magic scrolls in trapped chests you can find
- In the approximate center of East Tenebrae, you may find a house who's only open
entrance is on the east side[..*.41]. Enter and use switches to get into back room. A
corpse there
holds the
key (K6) to the chest upstairs. More scrolls to find here.
- In Darion's home, adjacent to the Southeast palace gate [..*.41], use
the levers to get to the basement. The key (K7) under the clock in his
opens the
chest in the next room. Therein are several potions.
Finding a Way Home
- Find Mythran's Plateau through caves.
- Follow the path out of the North gate of Central Tenebrae and enter the cave were the
path terminates.
- Navigate the stepping stones. They don't move or sink.
- Move south then west, climbing when necessary. Cross the plank bridge.
- Throw the switches without bones in the front of them (each successful throw causes the
winch to animate and completion causes a tremor). Return across the bridge and throw the
switch in the hall (raising the south gate that previously barred your way).
- Head south out onto the plateau. Mythran's home is in the center of the
- Many of the skeletons you may find in the cave on the way up to the plateau have items
in their inventories.
- The Hammer of Strength (Bonecrusher) may be found in a chest
in a cave in the northwest wall of the plateau (follow the wall west out of the cave until
you come to another cave, inside are missile shooters, mortars, trolls and skeletal
- The above cave also contains the double doors which would have purportedly led to the
add-on for U8 which will probably never be produced. They can't be opened.
- The traps in the entryway of Mythran's home can be avoided by running
through them without stopping. They only appear the first time you enter.
- Talk to Mythran about leaving Pagan, get useful items and perform other
- "I have many questions."
- "How can I leave Pagan."
- "I plan to leave Pagan."
- If you have 50 coins, purchase a scroll. This is the only way to get a Scroll of Unlocking Magic Portals.
You'll need this a few times, it is the only scroll that does not disappear when used
despite what Mythran says.
- He will give you the recall item
which enables you to use the recall
pads, and a red potion, he can whip these up for you daily.
- Purchase your first Thaumaturgic spell, Confusion Blast. Spell availability is
based on events so you may or may not be ready for the next spell at any given time.
- Activate Mythran's recall
pad (Plateau [2764.1828.*.8]) on the second story just
outside the east wall.
- Mythran keeps Korghin's
Fang, a magical dagger, in a pack in his first floor closet, if you are in
need of a magic weapon.
- It's not truly necessary at this time, but taking the Zealan Shield on the upstairs wall
could make a future task a bit easier.
Seek the Way of the Dead
- Go to cemetery.
- The trip can be made easier by using the recall
item, selecting Central Tenebrae.
- On the way to the cemetery, you are close to the quest for the Slayer, hint, hint. See Slayer Quest.
- Talk with Vividos.
- "I want to join you."
- Ask of the necromancers till you can ask about Mordea.
- Ask of dagger.
- Agree to return dagger.
- Return to Tenebrae and speak with Aramina.
- Ask about dagger.
- promise wont get into trouble.
- take key (K8)
- Aramina is only in her house during Bloodwatch, the doors are locked
- Take the dagger from the palace.
- Unlock and enter Mordea's bedroom when she is not holding court.
- Use the key from Aramina on the closet door and the lock on the chest
and remove the dagger.
- The best time to do this is when Mordea is eating.
- If she is in bed (which is most likely since you probably just came from Aramina's
house) stay along the west wall-DON'T approach the bed, Mordea will wake
up and do nasty, deadly things to you.
- Return the dagger to Vividos and witness the ceremony.
- When you return the dagger, Vividos kills Lothian.
(per ritual of succession)
- Vividos requests of you to procure some reagents for him whereby on
your return he will make you his apprentice.
- Agree to his terms.
End a Tyrant's Reign
- On your return to Tenebrae, a guard will stop you and question your involvement with
Bentic and Devon (Bentic has been beheaded and Devon
is in the dungeon under Mordea's castle, awaiting execution). You don't
have to fix this right away, in the past I let Devon rot in jail 'til I
had finished with Lithos and the Zealans. But I recommend it be done now.
- Go to the dungeon in the basement of the castle and speak with Devon
(He thinks Salkind knows why these things have happened).
- Talk with Salkind (Salkind reports that Bentic's
crimes were recorded in his log in the den of his residence).
- Find and read the logbook.
- Go to Salkind's home in east Tenebrae.
- Read the book on his desk in the den (tells of the evidence against Bentic
being in the castle behind magically locked doors).
- Two keys to Salkind's vault and chest are in his house, one (K9)
is under a spittoon in the corner of the den north of the desk the logbook was on. The
other (K10) is under a towel in his bedroom.
- The vault has a sliding steel door controlled by a lever on Salkind's
north bedroom wall.
- Have a look at the evidence.
- Return to the castle basement.
- Find the room with no apparent doors.
- Use the Portal scroll from Mythran here.
- Read the book behind the gate. (It details Bentic's research into the
tempest bloodlines and that Devon is the older brother of Mordea
and therefore the true tempest)
- Some guards will show up (Uh oh...). Go quietly or fighting, it doesn't
will end up led out onto the pier where Devon's beheading is about to
take place.
- Reveal Devon's birthright.
- When the opportunity comes, make known that Devon is the true tempest.
Do not say Mordea has no birthright...she will kill you for that.
- Devon duels Mordea and she falls into the sea. Devon
walks off on the ocean, taking a hiatus to deal with his new stature.
In the Service of the Mountain King
- Now, complete Vividos' errands.
The dead man's
elbow are found in northwestern Tenebrae near a haunted ruin. As long as you don't take a
hostile stance, the ghost you will find there is unlikely to attack. (Not saying he won't,
its just not as likely.)
- Enter the haunted house from the north. Move aside the debris in the entryway and fall
through the hole. There is a bag of obsidian chits here for some easy and honestly found
- The executioner's hood may be found in a nest of mimics to the southeast of the cemetery
gate on a small plateau in the center of a shallow pit.
- Get the key of Caretaker.
- Return the reagents to Vividos.
- Vividos will give you the Key of the Caretaker. (It is VERY important
that you have room for this in your inventory or you will NOT get it and will have to
reload to complete the game!)
- Perform the Quest for the Ancient Necromancers
- As Vividos will have suggested, go upstairs and find the books on the
Open Ground and Death Speak spells (unless you already know them ;) ). Also, pick up
reagents, perhaps a bag to put them in and one empty bag for mixing the spells.
- Mix an Open Ground.
- Go downstairs, leave the Mausoleum, head north through the gate and into the catacombs
entrance building.
- Cast Open Ground and enter the catacombs.
- Don't forget-Save Now Save Often (SNSO) (Yeah, I got it from Pentology, it makes good
sense though), the catacombs are replete with pit traps and falling into the lava of the
island's volcano is a bad thing.
- After entering, head east along the north side of the fenced depression. Turn north at
the second opportunity. Follow the wall back around to the west. You should find a body
with a key on it (K11) near a plaque pronouncing the "Master of
Keys." It opens an empty chest in the far northwest of the catacombs for certain.
your way to the northeast of the catacombs, you should find a building, open roofed, with
a ghoul and a box on a slab.
- By climbing up on the wall and jumping down onto the slab in the room, you can get the
magic leggings found in the box there before proceeding.
- When you open the door and enter the room you fall through the floor and into the test.
- When you fall into the test, you will note four barrels to your west. Stop here to get
reagents from them and prepare six Death Speak spells (one for each of the necromancers).
Now, take these headings: north until you can head west, west until you can go south,
south until you can go west, west until you reach the necromancer.
- Use A Death Speak icon on the first necromancer and he will teach you Mask of Death.
- Head back to the northeast and climb the wall you find. You can use Mask of Death to
avoid the 3 daemons you will find here but I find some fast feet can get the job done
barring getting stuck in a corner. Continue north and a bit east, the second necromancer
rests in an elevated alcove in the west side of the passage.
- Speak with second necromancer using Death Speak and he will give you the Rock Flesh
- Cast Rock Flesh or use a purple potion on yourself and run through the corridor to the
north. Lightning hits you three times, knocking you down, so you have to make it through
before the spell runs out. Continue west until you can go south, south until you can head
east 'til north and northeast to the third necromancer.
- Cast Death Speak on the third necromancer and he will grant you Summon Dead, you will be
transported to the next part of the test.
- Search for reagents then go through electric gates to the east and jump the chasm. Avoid
the lurking dead hereabouts, I've found casting Summon Dead can be as much a problem as an
- Death Speak to the fourth necromancer, endure his accusation and acquire Grant Peace,
one of the more useful Necromancer spells. You will be teleported again.
- Collect the reagents outside of the pavilion found in the center of this area, then
enter it and be teleported.
- After teleporting, move to the southwest. Jump the lava and climb onto the raised
walkway. Make your way around to the west then north. Jump to the next raised platform and
you will be teleported again.
- South on a raised platform in this zone is a magic armour, watch out for the deadly pit
trap in the center of the floor.
- At the end of the westward hall with the mortars is a skeleton with a key (K12)
on it.
- Head southwest and speak to the fifth necromancer. (get Withstand Death)
- After teleporting, move west then north, jog east then run north right into a shooter.
With luck you will go right through running at full tilt, break off to the east at the
stalagmite. Head west and north, then east and north again.
- Speak to the sixth necromancer. (get Create Golem)
- Head up the stairs and through the arch.
- Jump down from the wall, head around to the south and through the black door there.
- Head generally southwest to get to Stone Cove. You must throw a switch to open a gate
and go through another door to get there. You know you are in stone cove if you spot the
three entrances along its north wall:
- The first being the one you came through,
- the second-a set of large double doors, (that no man may open)
- and the third, a door set in a wall with spikes on its top edge.
- Stone Cove has several piles of regenerating necromancer reagents. You can collect all
the earth reagents you'll need for the rest of the game here.
- The magic axe known as Deceiver is
reached from here. Head to the south of the cove and search for some bobbing stones.
Without the patch, crossing both ways is difficult but not impossible.
- Cast a Create Golem on the dirt in front on the large doors.
- Order the golem to open the doors. (you might also have him open the third door, there
is a key for it, but this is easier and the golem is there anyway)
- Enter the cavern and head north. Jump the chasm and take care for there is a pit trap
here. Climb over the throne-room wall. Throw the lever by the throne and avoid the ghouls
on the way out.
- Return to the entryway and head west. Cross the disappearing bridge and navigate the
floating platforms. Jump the disappearing platforms that follow.
- Make your way through the force field maze, you can use the multitude mushrooms lying
about to find the walls by tossing the mushrooms at the fields, making them flash. At the
maze end, stalactites will fall, climb onto them and get the orb and the key (K13)
from the chest. The orb protects you from the fields so you can just walk out. Key K13
opens the west door.
- Head west, then at the fireshroom room veer south, then east. Cross the stepping stones
to the bar at the center of the pond. Grab the key (K14) from the largest
skeleton (location 15904, 20406, 8, 31) and work your way back to the fireshroom room.
- Make north and cross the stepping stones there. The Key K14 unlocks the door here (8462,
5103, 32, 31).
- There are two crevices in the hall here leading to the west, skip the first and make for
the second. You then head north then west.
- Make your way across the three moving platforms. You've reached the Hall.
- Before or after you speak to Lithos, go south and west to find and set
the recall pad (Hall
of the Mountain King).
- Speak with Lithos to seal your apprenticeship and receive a task.
- Recall to Tenebrae, speak with Vividos about interring Lothian's
body. Be honest in response to his question, its important that you do.
- Go around the northeast side of the Tomb and inter Lothian (without
patch, "use" or "double click on" her body; with patch, Vividos
will give you the Key of the Scion
in the above conversation, using this key, treat the body as you would a locked chest)
then return to Vividos. (If he has not already) He gives you the Key of the Scion and places you
on your pilgrimage.
Discovery of the Ancients-Your Fate Unfolds
your pilgrimage to find the birthplace of Moriens, Vividos will never
supply anything intelligent to you ever again in the game. Prior to the patch, the
birthplace simply didn't exist. You were just supposed to go looking for it now that you
had the Key of the Scion to open the locked doors in your way. You would be on the right
path if you just entered the door marked by the sign "Towards Fate Do You
Travel." With the patch in place the sign instead reads "The Birthplace of
Moriens" and entering therein, you may come across a stone bier sparkling with
ethereal glow and properly labeled no less. The whole point here is basically to go
through the aforementioned door and head west then north through the tower doors which
place you in the Zealan caverns.
- Heading north then east, you come to a "fork in the road." In the north wall
prior to the lever puzzle is the entrance to a fence maze. Navigating the maze is a
considerable shortcut as far as heading straight for the Zealan shrine.
- The other option starts with the lever puzzle. I know not if there is a pattern to the
switch settings, but only one at any time seems to open the gates surrounding the chest.
Unless you trip the reset switch, just keep throwing different switches until the gates
drop. Know, though, that some of the switches trigger fireballs and inversion traps. The
key in the chest (K15) opens the doors to the north.
- You head north, east, north and then west. You come to the gate controlled by plates,
one on each side makes it go up, the others, down. Head southwest, passing the exit to the
fence maze and avoiding the rolling spheres in the north-south hall. Climb the wall and
jump the chasm.
- The Skull of Quakes may be found by heading north, east, south and then west after the
switch puzzle. It sits in a trapped chest at the end of the hall.
- Some shooters in the walls can be blocked by the taper stands found about here.
- After the chasm in a small north alcove is a grave marked "AMREZHAR BY THE ANCIENT
ONES HE IS MET," obviously a clue. Note the regents for an Open Ground spell nearby,
how thoughtful of someone! Mix and cast the Open Ground and fall through the hole.
- South & west then north through some tower doors. Head east then take a little jog
south into a room filled with spheres. There is a gate here triggered by the plate on the
elevated platform on the other side of the fence. You must toss an object onto the
platform to be allowed passage. The balls don't seem right, they fall of too easily. I
instead used a nearby skull, stand a few steps from the fence and the rock-face of the
west wall, aim for a point either on the wall or the fence-top.
- The room beyond the fence has a platform to the east and the west. Under the northern
end of the west one is a table with one key (K16) and under the southern
end of the east, another key (K17) rests in a jewelry box. Jump the
glowing bar to the south.
- Head east and you will come to a set of plates with stairs behind the easternmost one.
If you have ever seen a Tower of Hanoi puzzle the solution is the same. The stairs move up
and down depending on pressure on the plate in front of them (you can use a nearby clock
instead of stepping on each one) but the key is that no taller stair my go in front of a
shorter one. The quickest solution is as follows (the west plate is 1, the middle is 2 and
the east is 3): 3 to 1, 3 to 2, 1 to 2, 3 to 1, 2 to 3, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 3 to 2, 1 to 2, 1
to 3, 2 to 3, 1 to 2, 3 to 1, 3 to 2, 1 to 2. The door at the head of the stairs should
open once this is completed.
- Have a care next, the light beams at the head of the stairs are not as the benign white
one you last saw. Cast Rock Flesh or drink a purple potion before passing through them.
Walk down the stairs and use keys K16 and K17 to open the tower doors at the entrance to
the shrine.
- Under the skeleton on the bench within the shrine is a key to get (K18).
If you have the Zealan Shield from Mythran's house you can use if here,
else you may go back to the first doors and find another shield near a body in a rough
- Upon dropping the shield near the stone bier the statues of the gods begin to speak.
They give information as well as telling you that the spirit of Kumash Gor
holds something you need and you must wrest it from him, a small chunk of blackrock.
- To enter the room you need to employ the open magic portals scroll. Upon entering, Kumash
Gor threatens you for disturbing his peace. The best way to dispatch him is by
casting the Grant Peace spell on him. Once he's gone, you may claim his scimitar but more
important, in one of the boxes behind his throne is the Obelisk Tip, make certain you get
- The statues stop you prior to leaving and inform you of the great powers possible with
the use of the Tip. They make the counsel that you must master the magics of each of the
Titans to overthrow them and become the Titan of Ether.
On the way
to the caverns you may locate the skull lock in the upper catacombs se of the door to
Moriens' birthplace. It is a glowing cyst on the east side of a small set of crypts near a
small building.
To use the
skull, act as if its a key and the glowing slot is a lock. This causes various holes in
the floor in many places, but most important, the hole where the building was leads to the
recall pad for the
catacombs (Upper Catacombs).
The Healing Arts of the Air Titan
- Having already been to Stone Cove, you have seen the door that opens on the path to
Argentrock Isle, home of the Order of Enlightenment or Theurgists as they are commonly
called. The door is in a eastern wall in the caverns just southeast of some water and
bridges, it opens with the Key of the
Scion. Once through, you cross a wooden bridge and head west by northwest to
the abbey.
- You should come across the recall pad
for this area (Argentrock Isle).
- The monk known as Xavier should be the first you talk to. He
administers the first of four tests and grants permission for the second. A typical
conversation here goes like this:
- Healing? || I wish to learn to heal.
- Yes... or No...
- What is this place?
- Who is Stratos?
- Worthy of respect?
- Enlightened?
- I wish enlightenment. -then take the Test of Wisdom.
- The Test of Wisdom in fact tests your honesty, compassion, and your appreciation for
wind. The correct answers follow.
- Your brother stands accused of thievery...: Give truthful testimony.
- Is it better first to...: Comfort a sad child.
- You sit in a tavern...: Remain quiet.
- When seeking respite: A breezy evening on the porch.
- A small child is dying...give: My sight.
- In comrades, it is wiser to look for: Honesty.
- Your liege lies dying...tell him: The battle is lost.
- You come across a battle...: Tend the injured.
- Why is wisdom greater than brawn?: A weapon destroys, wit builds.
- Your only child has run away...: Welcome him home.
- With the first test complete, Xavier urges you to go to Windy Point
(west, outside of the abbey wall) where Stratos' winds test your
Centeredness (more appropriately, they test your ability to use the mouse to keep your
character as close to the center of the symbol on the rock as possible, WHEW). Surviving
that, return to Xavier and he tells you your next instructions must come
from Stellos.
- Stellos provides that the next objective is to procure the silver ore
which will be used to make your foci. He gives you the key (K19) to the
caves beneath the abbey which are accessed by stairs (actually, a sheer drop) at the back
of the main building
- The silver is found in the deepest part of the mines (eastern-most). I've counted a
maximum of nine pieces (you need eight) but be careful, I've lost them moving them around
and they DON'T regenerate.
- If you find the "door-less" building down here, you might try the Scroll of
Unlock Magic Portals. This is where the Theurgists have hidden the Protector, the famed
- Use the recall item to beam back to Tenebrae and attempt to catch the smithy Korick
at his place of business. His shop is a normally locked building in the southern half of
Poor (west) Tenebrae. When asked, he makes the foci free of charge, but not all at once.
- Return via recall to Argentrock and place each of your foci on the Altar of Focus in the
main hall. The foci will now channel your mana directly to a spell with no regents
required. (I love theurgy, don't you!?)
- Returning to Stellos, he mentions the third test is set in the caves
below the abbey. Descending again and heading west this time you see a cliff overlooking
an isle upon which lies a wounded torax.
- Transport the torax up to the cliff using the Aerial Servant (bracer) spell.
- Heal it with either Restoration (open hand) or Healing Touch (pointing hand), then
return to the surface.
- Talking to Stellos or Xavier, you find out that Xavier's
Healing Touch focus is missing.
- Funny thing about our honest, young initiates...they lie and steal. Use the Hear Truth
(chain) when speaking with Cyrrus and you'll hear him covering for Torwin
who took the focus to Windy Point.
- You go out to the point, try to talk Torwin down, and as usual of late,
fail. Pick up the focus and maybe even the ring. (You can take the ring back to Rhian,
Torwin's mother, but it will do naught more than add to her sorrows of
- Return to Xavier his missing focus (he takes the oldest one in your
pack wether its his or not).
- Speak to Stellos and ask to take the final test, he believes you ready
and sends you back to the point to take the leap of faith.
- Stand between the pillars at the edge of Windy Point and jump west. Play hopscotch up to
Stratos and receive from her the Air Walk (wings) focus. You also get to
ask about the Breath of Wind, she provides Stellos as a source for more
info on it.
- Stellos knows the Breath resides with Stratos, though
it can't be seen with your eyes, he notes that there are many ways to see things.
- The Breath is invisible on a pedestal east of Stratos' residence. Use
Reveal (open eye) and Aerial Servant to get it.
- You can take the Breath at this time but only the Air Walk spell will continue to work
properly. Some have said that the Breath may be used to activate the other foci but I have
had problems getting this to work. The idea was something to the effect of using the
Breath on yourself or the focus, then use the focus.
Boon from a Bitter Goddess
- Return to the door in the deep catacombs and head south through the crevice. Continue by
heading east (after using the skull there should be a lava pool here to jump). You should
pass through a lightning gate into a hall and need to jump a moat to get to the door to
Carthax Lake. Use the Key of the Scion to open it.
- Upon passing into the hall of the underground lake, you may find and set the recall pad (Carthax
- Hydros' temple is in the center of a dry lake (more appropriately, a
canyon) centered in the hall. Head to the west then south over the dry riverbed. Head east
then using one of the bridges nearby (any one of which you will have to make at least one
jump) cross to the temple's plateau. Head to the east then north to the temple access
bridge where Hydros will speak.
- The titan (if you have done everything up to this point) will act the weak and wheedling
part to win you to her predicament. When asked to impart you with the power of the
Tempestry, she plies that she cannot unless you release the waters at the grave of
necromancer Kalen's beloved.
- There is no way to proceed to Daemon's Crag lest you free her. Let's just say at this
point you need some of the lava in the Mouth of the Daemon to bet a bit more solid.
- Cross back to the south edge of the dry lake, you will find a cave heading into the west
wall of the hall who's entryway houses a troll. Climb over a wall with spikes on it to the
north and continue north to a westward wall. Trip the switch and climb through the wall,
head west and pass through the automatic gate. Head south, west, north then east until you
pass through the wall to the hall where the grave lies on a stone dam.
- The troll at the beginning of these caves regenerates infinitely and is an excellent
source of cash for, say, thaumaturgic spells.
- In the troll lair west of the entryway on a body are some magic arm guards. North of the
automatic gate in a chest are some magic leggings.
- Cast a necromancer "Open Ground" on the grave. This releases the waters to
refill the lake and cool a good deal of the lava in the Mouth of the Daemon.
- Retrace your steps or use the recall item to get back to the lake to find Hydros
is no longer strapped in a powerless position. Her storms have started anew and she vows
vengeance on the line of Kalen. Return to Tenebrae.
The Path of Flame: The Sorcerers
- Devon has lost control of the weather due to Hydros'
freedom. His only suggestion is that you ask for aid from the Cabal, the sorcerers of Pyros.
- Return to the deep catacombs (by way of the Carthax Lake teleporter is best. Head north
through a electric gate then east. Trip the hidden lever to open the door and enter the
lava tunnel. Beren, the sorcerer-protector of Tenebrae, has come from
there and is waiting for you across the molten rock. You exchange words, then use Air Walk
to cross the lava and the new river, to enter Daemon's Crag.
I got stuck, I think, twice in this game. The only one I remember
now is this, the hidden switch (oh, sure I can see that grey switch on that grey
wall...sneaky, Origin, very sneaky).
- Bane lives in the closest house so you might talk to her first. She's
open enough about the Cabal and the sorcerers, but she lies about Vardion's
assassination plots.
- Vardion lives around the corner to the west. He will berate you greatly
but if you behave and play the good little suck-up, he lets you in on his plot to delete Bane.
- It doesn't matter who you pick, just give one the other's true-name. The lucky one sends
a daemon to obliterate the other and this brings the intervention of Master Malchir.
The master chastises the acolyte but backs off when they offer you as a candidate for the
- Your new mentor then gives you a key (K20) to access the back room of
the library. There are foci, reagents and books there for your use. When you are ready,
return to your acolyte mentor and ask to start the test.
- The First Acolyte asks you to imbue foci with Flash, Flame Bolt and Endure Heat. Flash
and Endure Heat are useful and needed later so go with rods. Flame Bolt is a lesser
Explosion but you will need one later, I suggest a symbol for it. You must bring most of
the items you need for the tests with you for once you start a test you must finish or it
is forfeit. You are allowed to use your mentor acolyte's reagents and foci. Make sure you
have the following list before you start:
- Three foci...whatever you wish for each spell,
- 3 volcanic ash,
- 2 pumice,
- 2 iron,
- 2 obsidian,
- 3 black candles, and
- 3 red candles.
- Once you have succeeded, the First Acolyte sends you to Malchir in the
Obsidian Fortress. The fortress is on an Isle in the lava lake to the west of the enclave
over a bridge. You will only be able to enter its doors if you have passed the initiate
tests. On entry, Malchir appears, speaks, and brings the two daemon
guards to life. Running down the stairs is easiest though you may defeat them by arms
without repercussion if you would match them.
- In the next room you meet Arcadion, hmmm does that sound familiar? Do
not attack him, you might talk though he gives not much else besides instruction and an
interesting continuity note. You are allowed use of his reagents and foci. The reagents
are in the chest near the pentacle and open by the key on the table nearby (K21).
At this point you might prepare the following:
- Armour of Flames (Rod suggested),
- Extinguish (symbol),
- Explosion (symbol or wand, I didn't use spells during fighting because of the real time
element mucking with the long setup {you know, all those fancy hand gestures, though cool
looking, take time}, so why prepare that many offensive spells),
- Summon Daemon (talisman),
- Banish Daemon (talisman),
- also make sure you keep a red candle in your inventory. You might want to empty your
inventory of unneeded material so you can carry stuff out, this will be the only time you
have access to the test area.
- When ready, you enter the test via the platform to the west of Arcadion's
pentacle. Note: the tests need not be completed in the following order.
- Armour of Flames trial (west): Cast Armour of Flames to protect yourself from the
fireballs (Intervention {closed fist}, Rock Flesh and Purple potions work as well). Head
east by southeast to find the symbol. Near the symbol is also a magic shield (Pentology
notes that the shield protects you from the fireballs too). Return to the hall.
- Endure Heat trial (east): Work your way into the test heading east then south by
southeast. When you reach the lava pits, cast Endure Heat. Using the cooler, orange spots
on the lava, jump south until you can climb up to the east (be ready to recast the spell
if it runs out). Avoid, kill or banish the daemon and get the symbol from the chest.
Return to the hall.
- Extinguish trial (south): Care must be taken getting over the bridge at the beginning of
this trial. Head south then southeast. When you get to the fires surrounding the symbol,
cast Extinguish and take it. Return to the hall.
- Flash trial (north): The best way to avoid the spiked spheres is to run along the walls
(save before trying though, here is where I found a sphere can get you up against a wall
and keep running you down without redirecting, got lucky and got away but its a bad way to
die). You could basically run over (needs healing) or jump over (need luck and skill) the
red shrooms in the next few rooms but the idea is to use the Flash spell to
"Blink" you over them. The symbol is on a platform at the end of the test.
- In the southwest of the tests is a room with a rogue sorcerer. There are some foci and
reagents that you may take if you defeat him. Be careful if you want to mix the spell as
he has it set up, it is conflagration. When I fought him he cast a few explosions
upsetting the position of the reagents. I mixed the spell without replacing them. (Note:
If there is daemon bone near the pentacle when you mix a spell, but its not part of the
spell or too far away, the talisman will be destroyed and a daemon summoned against you.
Bad, very bad.) Just take care.
- Imbuing one of the test symbols with a spell makes them permanent spell foci for
whatever spell you enchant them with, they don't run out of charges!
- When done with the tests you return to Arcadion's room by walking over
the pedestal upon wich you arrived in the test (you must have all four symbols to return).
Speaking to Arcadion, he tells you are now ready to appear before Malchir.
Walk into the west alcove and it now ports you to Malchir's sanctum.
- Walk up to the Master and he tells you to perform a Flame Bolt, an Explosion and a
Summon Daemon at him. You can use his pentacle and reagents to complete your task. When
successful, he summons a daemon which you must banish. Having done so, he teleports you
both to the Great Pentacle.
- You and the other acolytes assist the Master in the Ritual of Flame, summoning Pyros
(this is what the red candle is for). Simply answer affirmatively to the orders and
perform the chant. Note that Malchir states that he has the Tongue of
Flame to bind Pyros, its a piece you need but he's not likely to give it
- Return to the Obsidian Fortress and reenter the Master's sanctum. Malchir becomes put
out at your arrival--put out to the point he wishes you dead! You defeat him and take the
Tongue and the book "The Tongue of Flame."
- Reading the book, you find out the piece of blackrock must never pass over the Great
Pentacle or Pyros will be what must you do? Oh yes...walk
over the Pentacle with the Tongue in your possession.
- You have to loose Pyros to continue the plot, just as Hydros
had to be freed.
The Way Home Becomes Clear
- Talk to Mythran about the blackrock fragments and the Obelisk of the
Temple. He will direct you to a book he wrote that is under where the Zealan Shield hangs
(or once hung) in his house. Read it and report back to him.
- Mythran notes that the only way you may return to Britannia from Pagan
is by rebuilding the Obelisk of the Temple using the five blackrock pieces that composed
- At this point, the spell Mythran will teach you is Ethereal Travel (250
chits), get it.
- Get the Heart of Earth piece by returning to Stone Cove (via Hall of the Mountain King
and the symbol teleporter). Head trough the easternmost door at the north side of the
cove. Now you may employ one of two methods, either ... (easier):
- Follow the passages westward to a structure with a sign declaiming it as the Mariotia
- Cast "Create Golem" on the dirt *inside* the building and have the golem open
the doors.
- Cast "Open Ground" in front of the tombstone in the dirt and take the Heart
from the pit that forms.
- ... or (harder):
- Head generally north, you will jog off to the east for a bit but continue north until
the path turns west. Go west, be careful navigating the lava pool crossing you're path.
Jog a bit south then a little west then north then due west for a ways. Ignore the path to
the north unless you want to go to the Lower Catacombs back entrance.
- Heading south at the end of the west path you come to some suspended catwalks over a
boiling lava lake.
- Make your way to the west side of these platforms, you should pass through a fence and
then have to jump off a raised plateau. Move northwest until you come to a unique
- A plaque nearby reports this grave as the resting place of the "Mariotia
Conventicler," whoever the blazes that is. The key (K22) is on the
body you find here. Note that the Conventicler's ghost often haunts his remains.
- Return to the Conventicle, retracing you're steps via the now accessible north exit of
the Conventicler's grave.
- Use key K22 on the Conventicle's doors, enter and cast "Open Ground" on the
dirt, take the Heart.
- Get the Breath of Wind piece.
- Return to Argentrock Isle.
- Make your way up to Stratos' dwelling (she'll knock you down and speak
to you but you don't have to talk at length to her).
- Cast Reveal, the Breath appears on a pedestal near Stratos.
- Get the piece using Aerial Servant.
- None of the Adepts will be pleased with your act. Speaking to Stellos
after taking the Breath, you may note him waist away and die because of the loss of the
link to the Titan. (This will only happen if you finish the conversation a certain way, if
you break it off early, he continues to live.)
- Get Tear of the Seas piece.
- Go to Central Tenebrae.
- Ask Devon about the Tear.
- Devon will provide the key (K23)to the chest in his
study. (Southwest corner of castle)
- Get the Tear from the chest.
- Perform Ethereal Travel spell.
- Go to the Plateau.
- Buy the Ethereal Travel spell from Mythran (if you haven't already).
- Enchant the book by reading it while holding the blackrock fragments.
- Make sure you hold all five fragments (and perhaps some self defense and spell
paraphanilia) and use the Ethereal Travel spellbook.
Do Battle with the Immortals
You find yourself in the Void, where a portion of the Great Temple was displaced,
nearby is the Great Elemental Pentacle.
- Plane of Water. (North from the pentacle)
- Head west and keep heading west. Cross the stepping stones, point to point jump the
first two bridges, and climb the gap in the third bridge.
- Upon reaching Hydros, use the Tear of the Seas on Her (double
left-click on Tear, cursor becomes crosshairs, click on Hydros) and you will be teleported
back to the Void Pentacle. The glowing fragments house the essence of the defeated titans
so the Tear should be glowing at this point.
- Plane of Fire. (West)
- Keeping yourself enveloped in an "Endure Heat" enchantment is a good idea
here, not just for protection but as a utility to be able to walk on the semisolid, orange
- Just about due north from the entrance to the plane there is a design on the ground, a
ten-pointed star. The body nearby has a book connecting the sphere also on the body to the
design. Note that placing the sphere on one of the diamonds at a point of the star causes
the sphere and the point to vanish. Needing more orbs you have two places to go yet you
only need go to the first. The first is so:
- Head east of the design. You will come to some broken stone bridges.
- Jump across the bridges and strike north.
- Avoid plume holes and, if possible, the shooting skulls. As you head north you go
uphill, watch out for pit traps at the top of the hill.
- Daemons guard this area so be cautious. Cast "Fade from Sight" or drink a
black potion to help.
- There is a temple of a kind on the northernmost end of the hill. In the temple sits a
chest of ten spheres that you are looking for.
- Take them and return to the design.
- Note: Behind the temple is a Sword of Flamestrike, in case you need another.
- The only other spheres (in case you lost some or something) may be found to the west:
- From the design, head southwest, west, then north-the whole way solid earth.
- You come across a large building with several traps laid at the entrance. The room in
the northwest corner of the building contains a chest holding several white orbs.
- Take them and return to the site of the design.
- Once that all of the diamonds have been negated several stepping-stones emerge from the
hot lava to the north.
- Hop across the stones (the last one sinks when you jump off it, DON'T
jump vertically-the stone will disappear and you'll have nothing to land
on!) to the cooled region where Pyros may be found.
- Head north and then northwest, continue to avoid the explosive plume holes. You'll be
almost there when you come across several bodies of peasants and children.
- Avoid the animated daemons and use the Tongue on Pyros. Once again you
are teleported back to the Void.
- Plane of Earth. (East)
- Head northwest, avoid the first north pass.
- After a time you come to a lava pit. There is an invisible path suspended above the pit.
You can walk the path but its difficult, you can pick up stones at the start and use them
to divine where the path is by dropping them and seeing if they fall or are supported by
the invisible catwalk. (I found it easier just to cast "Endure Heat" and make my
way through the bottom of the pit climbing up on the other side.)
- Continue north a ways and then west.
- You come to some floating platforms. Jump them.
- Move west by southwest a while then make for the south. You will be close when you begin
walking amongst stone plants.
- Lithos' chamber is a little west of the end of the southward path
you've been hiking. Avoid the golem's He conjures and use the Heart of Earth on Him.
Again, you return to the Void temple.
- Plane of Air. (South)
- This plane is an obstacle course with no clues as to the barriers in the way. Basically,
the problem is the small platforms may, or may not, fall away. A few hints:
- Don't go after the magic items off to the sides, just work toward the north where Stratos
- Stay on the large platforms whenever possible. When on one, one thing you can do is to
baby-step up to the edge of the platform to test and see if the smaller platform you move
toward will fall away.
- Oh yeah, because of the traps this area is a test in SNSO. Don't forget to save when
progress is made!
- Upon reaching Her use the Breath as you have the other pieces. When you return to the
Ethereal Plane you should have four glowing blackrock pieces.
- Time to recreate the obelisk of the Great Temple. Place the pieces in this fashion:
- Breath on mezostel ze, just about south,
- Tongue on perivolcan ze, close to west,
- Tear on perivolcan pa, the most north point,
- Heart on mezostel pa, nearest to east.
Take out the Tip and use it on yourself. Your avatar should say, "I feel very
powerful!" Now place the tip on the aphelion (pointing southeast). Teleport lightning
takes the pieces and the obelisk is remade. Walk into it and ... ?
- Talk to Orlok. The first story he tells is about ghosts plaguing his
grandpappy. This is the quest anchor.
- Talk to Jenna. She asks wether you've heard the story and notes her
father Darion had asked Orlok about it.
- Speak with Darion. He becomes flustered and blames the uncoothed
herders north of town for spreading such malicious rumors.
- Visit Gwillim north of town or go straight to Corinth.
Gwillim will deny knowledge of the ghost unless you've already spoken to Corinth.
- When speaking with Corinth, urge her toward the past and the valley's
"legacy," she will open up about the ghost that Gwillim saw.
- Inform Gwillim of Corinth's admissions, he will be
upset but open. He will tell you where the ghost is located but be sure you have him tell
you of Kilandra's beliefs, specifically about the key.
- Kilandra is not quite right in the head, you need to drive your point
home with her.
- The first time you talk she wonders why you search for a ghost, scoffing at your
- Next time she admits knowledge of keys but not those you are looking for.
- Finally, she supplies that her dead daughter has the key to the doors.
- Get the key from Kilandra's Daughter. Go to the cemetery and upon
passing the gate, head west down the second row of markers. Read the last one (the
location I have is 3355, 28003, 8, 6), it will say "ELAINA HER MOTHERS GREATEST
TREASURE." After you read it the ghost appears and drops the key (K24)to
the ground.
- Seek the Ghost.
- Follow Gwillim's directions to the ghost cave which is just northeast
of the cave entrance leading to the Plateau. The entrance is strewn with debris that must
be moved.
- Move north until you reach the doors, open either one using Elaina's Key K24.
- Jump the water in the next cavern. The armour floats around in a room in this structure
and cannot be grasped as it jumps away as you move near it.
- Use the Theurgist's Aerial Servant spell to retrieve the armour from the ghost.
- The beginning is a small shack a ways out from the East gate of the city. Pass the gate
and head north on the walk. Turn east when it comes to a "T" and then south at
the Next "T". When the walk dead-ends, head east until you encounter a shack
with a stone amber gemstone in its center [9840.21272.*.5]
Walking into the building causes the floor to fall out and starts you on the quest, yet
you can pick up the stone if you take care.
- Some bones in the northwest corner of the starting room
cover a key (K25)
which is used to unlock the chest in the northeast corner. The key in the chest (K26)
opens the egress door on
the room's west wall. Read the book for clues.
- Head west and you'll find the second book on a pedestal. Continue west by southwest to a
room with a troll and some peasants getting along. Take the key (K27)
from the pack you find there
- Return to the pedestal where the second book is and head north. Enter the little room
and throw the switch there. Continue north, and follow the forks east, then north again.
You can find the third clue book in this hall.
- Jump the water, scale the wall and cross the stepping stones. Several of the corpses
here have potions and items.
- The fourth book notes that the Slayer is nearby. Pass the door using the key K27 and
enter the shrine.
- Climb onto the raised platform before entering the door with the web in front of it. The
Slayer sits on a bier here, take it and then pass through the door to leave. You will be
deposited near the intersection of the city and cemetery walls.
E-Mail: Silver Dragon
always available to provide help if this doesn't cover it enough (though I don't know how
it wouldn't!). Please mail comments corrections, suggestions and criticism too. Feedback
is often provided though sometimes I may take a while to get in touch.