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Castle & Village Dialog

Castle & Village | Keep | Towne | Dwelling

Castle 0:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Alistair the Bard

[You see ]a melancholy musician.

[hello]A fine day to thee {AvatarName}!

<job>I try to lift people's spirits through my music!

<bye>Good day to thee, friend!

<spir|musi>Once, this was a happy place, where all could come to shed the worries of the world for a brief time."[NL][NL][Wait]"But now, times have changed and all that remains are memories!

<memo>Memories of the good times.

<good|time>When Lord British ruled this land with a firm but just hand.

<just|hand>'Tis hard for a monarch to walk the line of power and fairness.

<line|mona|powe|fair>We miss the true ruler, and yet hope for his return!

Castle 1:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Stephen

[You see ]a large, jolly man with a very dirty apron.


<job>I am the lower kitchen chef.

<bye>May thou stay as well fed as I am!

<apr>Well, what dost thou expect! I've been working in the kitchen!

<cook|chef>I love to cook, especially for banquets!

<kitc>'Tis small but well stocked.

<banq>Alas, we have not had one since the master left us.

<his|mast>Yes, 'tis very sad, though I hope for his return, so I may once again place roast pheasant before him!

<roas|phea>'Twas his favorite.

<stoc>We have many delicacies from every region of the Kingdom!

<deli>We even have pheasant!

<king|regi>All over!

Castle 2:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Treanna"[NL][NL][Flag 17][What is thy name?]

[You see ]a young girl.

[hello][Goto 1]

<job>I am the stable girl.


<stab>Lord British's stables are home to many of the finest breeds in the land.

<val>[Goto 2]

<lord|brit>Alas, he is no longer with us.

<bree>We have prime examples of most of the major breeds."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

<smit>[Goto 5]

[Label 1]Greetings, {AvatarName}, nice to see thee again."[NL][NL]

[Label 2]What's thy favorite breed?

<{AnyElse}>Never heard of that one, must be one of Blackthorn's new creations!

<val>Hey, mine too!"[NL][NL][Goto 3]

<step|plou|moun>Well, they're well enough I suppose, but they hath not any true spirit!

[Label 3]Ever heard of a talking horse?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<n>A mage from Paws name Bandaii claims one exists! I wish I could remember the horse's name....

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]What was its name?

<{AnyElse}>No, that's not it.

<ed>Not that one!

<smit>[Goto 5]

[Label 5]That's it!"[NL][NL][...]"I have heard it lives in Iolo's barn, by his hut in the deep forest!"[NL][NL]

Castle 3:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Margaret

[You see ]a sprightly old woman.

[hello]Aye, {AvatarName}, always a pleasure!

<job>I am the upper kitchen chef.

<bye>Drop by later for a hot bowl of soup.

<uppe|kitc|chef>We feed a whole lot o' folks here!

<folk>We serve mostly guards. Since Lord British left we get few visitors.

<visi>[Goto 1]

<brit>He took an expedition into the newfound Underworld and was killed!

<guar>They're a mangy lot, but I loves 'em.

<food|soup>[Goto 3]

<cold|day>The weather's turned quite bitter since those Shadowlords appeared!

<weat|shad>Indeed it has!

[Label 1][Flag 18]Art thou from around here?

<{AnyElse}>Nice to have thee, friend."[NL][NL][What is thy name?]

<y>I see.

[Label 2]'Tis a shame."[NL][NL]

[Label 3]Wouldst thou like some hot broth?


<y>'ere, 'ave some. It'll take the chill from thy bones on these cold days."[NL][NL][Give:][FOOD][...][Goto 4]

[Label 4]Wouldst thou pay 5 crowns to 'elp offset the cost?

<{AnyElse}>[--karma]Well, thanks anyway.


Castle 4:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Desiree

[You see ]a scruffy young girl.


<job>I help my grandmother prepare the meals!

<bye>See ya!

<gran>Her name is Margaret, and her broth is the best.

<prep|meal>It's hard work, for we feed a lot of hungry mouths.

<feed|hung|mout>Those guards eat like bottomless pits... But, none of them are as bad as Lord Stuart the Hungry!

<lord|stu>He travels around between the towns and castles and eats and eats until they throw him out!"[NL][NL][Wait]"I hear he's been working on a magic spell to create food!

<magi|spel|crea|food>It is not yet perfected, I'm told. Apparently, it only creates a small quantity, much too little for him!

Castle 5:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Drudgeworth

[You see ]a unkempt and pitiful soul with a distant stare.[NL][NL][Goto 1]


<job>I didn't do it!"[NL][NL][Goto 2]

<bye>[Goto 4]

<sent>For a crime I did not commit.

<faul|comm|crim>I didn't mean to kill 'er! Honest!

<who|kill|her>Why doesn't they believes me?"[NL][NL][...][Goto 2]

<chuc>'Twer his fault really!

<help>Why, I can show ye where it's hidden!

<it|wher|hidd>Lets me out, I'll show ye."[NL][NL][...][Goto 3]

[Label 1]Hey, come 'ere!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Yer the first soul I've seen in months!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Won't ye stay and speak with me a while?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 4]

<y>Chuckles 'ates me! Left me locked up 'ere well beyond me sentence!

[Label 2]Ye believes me, don't ye?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 4]

<y>Then let me out. I can helps ye!

[Label 3]Ye will let me out, won't ye?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 4]

<y>Aye, let's go then."[NL][End]

[Label 4]Then go! On yer wretched way, <PIGDOG>! Just ye wait 'til I get outta this hole! I'll teach ye to mess with ol' Drudgeworth!"[NL][End]

Castle 6:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Saduj

[You see ]a shifty-eyed man.


<job>I'm the gardener.

<bye>Be off!

<gard>Really! Just inspecting the plants.

<plan|insp>Thou knowest, watering and the like!

<wate|like>[Goto 1]

<blac|obje|hide|brit|cham>I know not what it is, but it rests in a sandalwood box.

<sand|box>If destroyed, there shall be no chance for that scourge British to return!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 6]

<join>[Goto 6]

[Label 1]What is the matter..."[NL][NL][...]"Dost thou not believe me?

<{AnyElse}>I see."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

[Label 2]For that matter, what art thou doing here?

<{AnyElse}>Likely story!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 3]

[Label 3]Art thou with the Oppression?

<{AnyElse}>Neither am I.

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Prove it! What's the password?


<impe>[Goto 5]

[Label 5]Greetings friend! Knowest thou of my mission?


<n>Blackthorn himself sent me here to find an object hidden in Lord British's chambers.

[Label 6]Might I join thee, that we might work together?

<{AnyElse}>Later perhaps.


Castle 7:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Stillwelt

[You see ]a big, mean, nasty, ugly guard![NL][NL][Goto 1]




[Label 1]Hey, you!"[NL][NL][...]"Dost thou not know that this is a restricted area?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Shut up!"[NL][NL][...]"Thou art not allowed up here!"[NL][NL][Goto 3]

[Label 3]Art thou going to leave on thy own or must I throw thee off the battlements?

<{AnyElse}>I didn't catch thy meaning. Didst thou understand me? I said..."[NL][NL][...][Goto 3]

<thro|n>[Combat]Thou hadst thy chance!"[NL][End]

<own|leav|y>Get off the roof, NOW!"[NL][End]

Castle 8:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Chuckles

[You see ]a bouncing jester!


<job>I am here to welcome and try to entertain!

<bye>Let me know if I might entertain thee again!

<welc>Welcome, welcome, welcome."[NL][NL][Wait]"Welcome to the castle of His Royal Majesty, His Eminence, The Immortal, currently missing, feared dead, Lord Cantabrigian British!"[NL][NL][Wait]"And, his trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent..."[NL][NL][Wait]"...Jester, Chuckles the Bumble..."[NL][NL][Wait]...That's ME!

<ente>[Goto 1]

<roya|maje|emin|immo|miss|dead|cant|brit>The same.

<cast>This one.


[Label 1]Ho eyo he hum!"[NL][NL][...]"Ho eyo he hum!"[NL][NL][...]"Ho eyo he hum!"[NL][NL][...]"Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce!"[NL][NL][...]"Didst thou enjoy that?

<{AnyElse}>Oh, I'll do it better this time!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 1]

<y>I thought thou might!

Castle 9:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Blackthorn

[You see ]the Dark Lord himself![NL][NL][...][Flag 17][Goto 5]




[Label 1]Greetings, {AvatarName}, what an unexpected pleasure!"[NL][NL][...]"Wilt thou be staying with us long?

<{AnyElse}>I beg to differ!"[NL][NL][...]"So very kind of thee to deliver thyself unto me!"[NL][NL][...]"Prepare now to meet thy fate![Combat]"[NL][End]

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Hast thou joined us in the Oppression?

<{AnyElse}>Then how considerate of thee to turn thyself in..."[NL][NL][...]"Guards! Seize this infidel![Combat]"[NL][End]

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Then, surely, thou dost know our password...."[NL][NL][...]"What is it?

<{AnyElse}>No, I'm afraid that is not it..."[NL][NL][...]"Guards! Seize this infidel![Combat]"[NL][End]

<impe>Fine! With thee on our side, we shall be invincible!"[NL][NL][...]"Please, feel free to roam my castle and grounds!"[NL][End]

[Label 5]Who dares approach the mighty Blackthorn?"[NL][NL][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 17][...]"I think not, let's try again!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 5]

Castle 10:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Gorn

[You see ]a mighty-thewed barbarian.[NL][NL][Goto 1]


<job>[Goto 1]

<bye>Take care.

[Label 1]Ah, Brohm be praised! A soul to share my cell!"[NL][NL][...]"With me for an escape?


<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]If I helps thee, wilt thou take me with thee?


<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]I've escaped many times, and been caught as many. I knows this castle likes the backs of me hands!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 4]

[Label 4]In the dead of night we must go out through a secret door that's here behinds me."[NL][NL][Wait]"Climbs up onto the roof and sneaks down the northern ladder."[NL][NL][Wait]"In Blackthorn's bedroom, go through a secret door, down the ladder on t'other side."[NL][NL][Wait]"Through the secret door to the north, down another ladder and out the back gates!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Wait there 'til morning when the drawbridge is lowered and flee for our lives!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Get all that down?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 4]

<y>Get the keys I hid in the brazier and let's be off!"[NL][NL][Join]

Castle 11:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]...."[NL][NL][...]"Thou art in grave danger!

[You see ]a scraggly, tortured soul in tattered garb.


<job>I've been here oh so many months, and all for the breaking of a Law of Virtue!

<bye>Don't leave me here! Please unlock my chains!

<grav|dang>Guards, daemons and Shadowlords abound! Thou must leave before it's too late!

<guar|daem|shad>Yes, they come here often to beat and taunt me!

<brea|law|virt>It matters not, they are all a travesty!

<trav>They defile the foundations of Virtue!

Castle 12:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Kraw

[You see ]a simple man with a crooked back.


<job>I tend the horses.


<hors|tend>Yes, we have a fine stable of thoroughbreds.

<stab|thor>Indeed, the finest. Why, we have not only the plough and mountain breeds, but even the purest breed of the High Steppes. "[NL][NL][Wait]"We lack only the Valorian warhorse, which we still seek!

<val>That breed we still lack.

<step|plou|moun>That breed we have.

Castle 13:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Weblock

[You see ]a mysterious old mage with a twisted, bony face.[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]


<job>I am here to aid thee.

<bye>Watch thy step.

<aid>[Goto 2]

<blac>Try up the northern stairs to the throne room, but he usually does not see visitors!

<gorn|hass>He is a prisoner in the dungeon!

<kraw>He is likely in the stables.

<webl>'Tis I.

<gall>The chef is probably in the kitchen.

<foul>The jester is often hard to locate!

<thro>Try up the northern stairs.

<kitc>Go up the ladder in the main foyer.

<foye>Back down the stairs.

<dung>Take the stairs behind the guardposts, near the front gates.

<roof>Climb up a corner tower from the dungeon level.

<stab>Take the ladder down.

[Label 1]Please sign in."[NL][NL][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Goto 2]

[Label 2]Where or whom dost thou seek?"[NL][NL]

Castle 14:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Gallrot

[You see ]fat and greasy man.


<job>I make the slop that feeds this lot of mangy dogs.

<bye>Oh, bugger off then.

<food|slop>A little ol' horse meat, a few young children, that sort of thing."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<meat|hors>It's cheap an' plentiful!

<youn|chil>When we can get 'em!

<cook|chef>I make the food here.

<mang|dog>Well, they may not really be dogs, but they sure is mangy!

[Label 1]Care to try some?

<{AnyElse}>Don't touch the stuff meself.

<y>Gulp..."[NL][NL][...]"Choke..."[NL][NL][...]"Gag..."[NL][NL][...]"Spit..."[NL][NL][...]"Aye, goes down a bit rough.

Castle 15:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Foulwell

[You see ]a pompous, silly man.


<job>I entertain with tales of the inquisition.

<bye>Jingle, jingle!

<tale|inqu>Why, just the other day, we had a marvelous time, watching a young lady being drawn and quartered!

<lady|draw|quar>She refused to humble herself to a guard's advances!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Isn't that a riot?

<{AnyElse}>Perhaps then, thou wouldst find more humorous the one about the visitor who failed to laugh at the Royal Jester's stories."[NL][NL][Wait]"The cook's young nephew was a little brat. He didn't laugh at my jokes, so we threw 'im in the vat!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 3]

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Wouldst thou like to join us next time?

<{AnyElse}>Just watch thyself, friend!

<y>I'll be sure to look ye up.

[Label 3]Ho, ho, ha, ha, he, he..."[NL][NL][...]"How 'bout that one, like it?


<y>I thank thee.

Castle 16:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Hassad

[You see ]an old and blind wizard.[NL][NL][Flag 17][Goto 2]


<job>I am a prisoner, just as thou art now.


<pris>I was taken from my home in New Magincia.

<magi>Therein I led a peaceful life.

<life|peac>Until the Shadowlords found me.

<foun|shad>I have knowledge Blackthorn seeks.

<know|blac|seek>That is for me to know.

<powe|word|coun>[Flag 19]I don't know of what thou dost speak.

[Label 1]Is that thee {AvatarName}?

<{AnyElse}>Then what dost thou want?

<y>Oh, good.

[Label 2]Who is there?"[NL][NL][...][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][...]What dost thou want?"[NL][NL]

[Label 3]I know of the Great Council, but what maketh thee ask me?

<{AnyElse}>I know nothing about it!

<kaik>She is a fine woman. If she has told thee of me, she must have great faith in thee."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 4]

<dawn>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]I presume thou dost seek the Word of Power for the dungeon Hythloth. Are we where I may speak freely?

<{AnyElse}>Then I shall wait.

<y>The Word thou seeketh is <IGNAVUS>!

Castle 17:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Camile

[You see ]a young woman.

[hello][Goto 1]

<job>I keep the fields.

<bye>[Flag 19]Oh, by the way..."[NL][NL][What is thy name?]"[NL][End]

<fiel>Unlike the unfortunates living in other parts of the land, our crops grow true and strong!

<crop|true|stro>Indeed they do!

<unfo|othe|land>Surely, thou knowest of the ravages of the Dark Lord!

<shad|rava|dark>Blackthorn sends the Shadowlords unto many townes, but we lie too close to Lord British's castle.

<blac>The Dark Lord, ya fool!

<clos|brit|cast>It would seem as though they don't like to get too close to the castle of the True Master!

<true|mast>[Goto 4]

[Label 1]{AvatarName}, how art thou doing on this fine day?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Hmmm... How hath thy journeys fared?

<{AnyElse}>I see, what canst I do for thee today?"[NL][NL]

[Label 3]Farewell, and a good day to thee, {AvatarName}."[NL][End]

[Label 4]Surely, thou dost agree Lord British is the rightful ruler?

<{AnyElse}>Begone, foolish knave!"[NL][End]


Castle 18:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Phillip

[You see ]a sweaty and soiled farmer.

[hello]Aye up lad, what's goin' on?

<job>I work these fields, with me chum Dibbs.

<bye>[Flag 17][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<chum|dibb>That's just me nickname for Christopher.

<chri>He works the fields with me.

<farm|fiel>It's an 'ard grind, but I shan't be doin' it long.

<long|it|grin>I've plans to become an artist!

<arti>'Till then I'll just keep workin' 'ere!

[Label 1]Cheerio!"[NL][End]

Castle 19:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Christopher

[You see ]a dashing young farmer.

[hello]G'day, {AvatarName}!

<job>I fiddle in the fields to keep me fed.

<bye>Ta, mate.

<dibb>I see thou hast been speakin' with Phillip.

<phil>He's me mate!


<fidd|fiel>I pride myself in a job well done, even if one does not enjoy it.

<enjo|job|done>What I really enjoy is writing works of fantasy.

<writ|fant>I'm currently working on an epic called 'Times of Lore!'

<time|lore>I hope to have it published soon.

<soon|publ>Through Origin, of course."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Wilt thou buy it?

<{AnyElse}>Then I'll be of little help to thee in the future!

<y>Good!"[NL][NL][Flag 18][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL]"Enchanted, I'm sure, to have met such an enlightened soul.

[Label 2]What a nice chap thou art."[NL][NL]

Castle 20:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Thentis

[You see ]a young farmer.


<job>I am a farmer."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<bye>Good journeys.

<resi>Never heard of it.

<blac>A fine man..."[NL][NL][...]"Cough, cough!

<dawn>To the others!

[Label 1]What dost thou do?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Dost thou like it?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Art thou helped, or hindered by the new laws?

<{AnyElse}>I said..."[NL][NL][...][Goto 3]


<hind>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Then might I venture to say that thou doth oppose Blackthorn's new laws?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>[Goto 5]

[Label 5]Art thou aware that this is heresy?

<{AnyElse}>It is!

<y>[Goto 6]

[Label 6]Dost thou know of the Resistance?


<y>[Goto 7]

[Label 7]Dost thou support it?


<y>[Goto 8]

[Label 8]Dost thou know their password?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>[Goto 9]

<dawn>[Goto 10]

[Label 9]What is it?


<dawn>[Goto 10]

[Label 10]Good..."[NL][NL][...]"Sorry about all the questions, but we've got to be careful."[NL][NL][Wait]"If thou art with us, meet us by the well at midnight!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Mention the password to those attending, but no one else, for spies abound!"[NL][End]

Castle 21:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Joshua"[NL][NL][Flag 8]"[NL][NL]

[You see ]a soiled farmer.

[hello]Greetings {AvatarName}!

<job>I am a farmer, of course!


<farm>Our crops grow well.

<crop>'Tis on account of the fine soil!

<soil>This soil grows the best crops.

<dawn>[Goto 1]

[Label 1]What didst thou say?


<dawn>[Goto 2]

[Label 2][Flag 19][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 19]

[Label 3]Dost thou serve the Resistance?


<y>Good!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 4]

[Label 4]Shall I tell thee what I know?


<y>I've heard much of the Shadowlords."[NL][NL][Wait]"If faced in combat, thou art drawn into their plane of existance to do battle."[NL][NL][Wait]"It seems that they cannot be killed by normal means, so most who fight them die quickly."[NL][NL][Wait]"A few souls have lived to tell that if a Shadowlord is struck down, it will vanish into thin air!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Soon after, its twisted soul shall return anew!"[NL][NL][Wait]"One named Sutek knows how to destroy them, he lives on a remote isle in the south of the Great Sea!"[NL][End]

Castle 22:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Leof

[You see ]a burly farm hand.


<job>I work for Miss Vigil

<bye>Good day.

<miss|vigi>She owns the farm.

<farm>That's where I work.

<dawn>[Goto 1]

<resi>[Goto 2]

[Label 1]Yes, sunrise is beautiful."[NL][NL][...]"Hard to Resist, wouldst thou not agree?


[Label 2]Whom dost thou resist?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<blac>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]We too resist his foul, oppressive regime!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Hast thou ever faced a Shadowlord?

<{AnyElse}>We have heard that here upon the very surface of Britannia there is a place where their energies focus!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Just where it is we have not learned, but thou might learn more if thou dost seek out Sir Sean, who lives..."[NL][NL][Wait]"Ah yes, in the Lycaeum on Dagger Isle."[NL][NL][Wait]"If thou canst find him, ask of Stonegate!Mayhap those Spectres can be dispatched from this plane of existence!"[NL][End]

Castle 23:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Vigil

[You see ]a strong, tall woman


<job>I make my living by farming.

<bye>Good hunting!

<livi|farm>[Goto 1]

<adve|roam|land|warr>That was before!

<befo>Never mind.

<neve>That's right! Never mind!"[NL][End]

<dawn>[Goto 2]

<them|frie>Thentis, Joshua, and Leof!

<then|josh|leof>We adventured together!

<lear|much>That was before the Shadowlords!

<shad>My friends and I learned much about them before we retired. Talk to them!

[Label 1]I do now, but once I roamed the land as a warrior!"[NL][NL][...]"Dost thou believe me?

<{AnyElse}>Try me then, fool!"[NL][End]

<y>Thou art perceptive!

[Label 2]Hmmm..."[NL][NL][...]"I guess that thou art with the Resistance, yes?

<{AnyElse}>O.K. have it your way.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Canst thou prove it?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<y>I doubt it!"[NL][End]

<n>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]At least thou art honest!"[NL][NL][Wait]"I feel thou art trustworthy."[NL][NL][Wait]"Before, when my friends and I were a band of stalwart adventurers, we learned much!"[NL][NL]

Castle 24:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Kurt

[You see ]a young boy


<job>I am the stable boy.

<bye>Good bye!

<stab|boy>I tend the horses.

<tend>I feed and groom them.

<feed>Oats and hay, mostly.

<oat>And hay.

<hay>And oats.

<groo>It's hard work but I enjoy the horses.

<hors>We have many breeds.

<bree>Well...."[NL][NL][...]"We have Ploughhorses, the Mountain breed, and those from the Steppes!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Unfortunately, we don't have any Valorian purebreds, But they do over in the castle!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<plou|moun|step>We have those.

<val|cast|Trea>I am sure Treanna would love to talk to thee about horses, especially Valorian horses!

[Label 1]Hast thou ever seen one?

My friend Treanna and I both love them. Treanna works in the castle and gets to see them every day!

Castle 25:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Sir Adam the Torch

[You see ]a man with singed eyebrows and charred clothes, holding a blackened box.


<job>I seek to improve water travel!

<bye>See 'ya!

<wate|trav|blac|box>Look out, this might explode.

<expl>Should be safe enough, though. What harm could a fire do, especially on board a ship!?

<fire|ship>'Twas Squire Jimmy's fault, indeed. I told him to keep that torch away from my experiment, but nooo! He never listens!

<expe|idea>I found that a mixture of sulfur ash, mandrake, and the powder they fire cannons with will unleash great power when burned!

<unle|powe>Enough to make a ship sail sixscore knots faster!"[NL][NL][...]"For a second or two, anyway."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]This could be a great breakthrough, dost thou agree?


<Y>I wish I could convince Master Hawkins.

Castle 26:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Squire Jimmy

[You see ]a wide-eyed young boy[NL][NL][Flag 17]


<job>I am apprenticed to Master Hawkins!

<bye>Come back and see us ever and anon!

<hawk>Hawkins, the third generation master shipwright!

<ship|mast|appr>His grandfather designed the HMS Cape, fastest ship that ever sailed! Now Master Hawkins and his servants ply the family trade.


<Cape|HMS>Master Hawkins misplaced the plans for 'er long ago, and nothing since has been so fast. Still, we try many new ideas!"[NL][NL][Wait]

<idea>Ask Sir Adam!

[Label 1]I say, thou dost seem rather well-travelled. What news of the world hath thee?

<{AnyElse}>Ah, that's the same news as anyone else's. They teach us in school that 'tis all for the common good. I suppose that we're to believe what we're taught."[NL][NL][Wait][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL]

Castle 27:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Flint

[You see ]a short, bearded stump of a man


<job>I work me forge, craftin' fine ship parts!

<bye>Come back anytime, I'll be here.

<part|forg|ship>Nowadays, they're turnin' to all this newfangled magical stuff to run ships, an' away from the days of sweat and iron!

< swea|iron|stuf|magi|days>In my younger days, we thought it queer to use aught but what grew by the beaches in the vessels we made."[NL][NL][Wait]"And proud we were indeed of our handiwork, even when it sank."[NL][NL][Wait]"Then, just as I learned the craft, we began to make use of more iron and steel than wood. An' things were just fine up 'til now.

<til|unti|now>Now with all that magic, no one knows what's goin' on!

Castle 28:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Glinkie

[You see ]a wisened adventurer!


<job>I've come to Paws to visit the guild.

<bye>Until we next meet.

<guil>I hear they have some of the best gems made.

<gem>I am searching for the mystic Shrine of Spirituality, and feel they would be of good use!

<spir|shri>I fear it was destroyed!

<dest>[Goto 1]

<word|powe>Whilst at the destroyed shrine, yell the word of power."[NL][NL][Wait]"Then meditate upon the Shrine's virtue with the proper Mantra for three cycles.

[Label 1]Dost thou know where to find it?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Where?

<{AnyElse}>I don't think so.

<moon|mid|gate|equa>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Art thou saying that I must enter a Moongate to reach the Shrine of Spirituality?


<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]At midnight?


<y>Oh, no wonder I never found it!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Well, that one is likely safe then..."[NL][NL][Wait]"But, should thou see one destroyed..."[NL][NL][Wait]"Remember they can be restored with the Words of Power!

Castle 29:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Bandaii

[You see ]a mysterious mage.


<job>I seek a magical beast.

<bye>Farewell friend.

<magi|beas>Since the last age, rumours abound of a legendary horse!

<rumo|lege|hors>I search for Smith, the notorious talking horse!

<smit|talk>I do not doubt the rumours, but this I must see for myself!"[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<magi|fly|carp>Yes, I once had a magic flying carpet."[NL][NL][Wait]"I wilt tell thee where it was, if thou wilt help me find the talking horse!

<iolo|hut>[Goto 3]

[Label 1]Dost thou believe in talking horses?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Hast thou seen one?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Was it Smith?

<{AnyElse}>Think of that, another!

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Where didst thou see him?


<iolo|hut>At last!"[NL][NL][...]"For thy efforts I will tell thee that I gave a magical carpet to Lord British himself!"[NL][NL][Wait]"He kept it in his private chamber atop his castle! If thou can get it, I'm sure thou can use it."[NL][End]

Castle 30:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Ava

[You see ]a pretty young girl.

[hello]Welcome, {AvatarName}.

<job>My sister and I care for this temple.

<bye>Lead a life of Virtue.

<temp>The Temple of Virtue.


<virt>Here, we hold the Eight Virtues sacred."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<eigh|sacr>Indeed we do.

<fals|shar>[Goto 5]

<visi>Ask my sister!

[Label 1]Dost thou wish to make an offering?

<{AnyElse}>Do as thou wilt.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2][Flag 19]We welcome thee."[NL][NL][...][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 20][Goto 3]

[Label 3]We ask for 5 gold crowns, wilt thou give?

<{AnyElse}>As thou wilt.

<y>[gold-005]We thank thee.

[Label 4]We ask for 5 gold crowns, wilt thou give?

<{AnyElse}>As thou wilt.

<y>[gold-005][++karma][++karma][++karma][++karma][++karma]We thank thee.

[Label 5]Art thou the Avatar of legend?

<{AnyElse}>Virtue makes no mistakes."[NL][NL][...]"We shall tell thee what we know of the Shard of Falsehood."[NL][NL][Wait]"Ask my sister of her vision!

Castle 31:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Leona

[You see ]a pretty young girl.


<job>We care for the temple.


<temp>The Temple of Virtue.


<fals|virt|shar>Talk with my sister.

<visi>In the deep of night, many moons ago, a vision came unto my sister and I..."[NL][NL][Wait]"We saw the Shard of Falsehood deep below a dungeon named Deceit."[NL][NL][Wait]"The path that was revealed traveled first southwest across many high peaks, opening to a large system of caverns."[NL][NL][Wait]"Then the way led southwest. At a major intersection it turned northwest, soon branching northeast."[NL][NL][Wait]"After a long journey northward, the passage turned west. Here the path went on to rocky hills to the southwest, then turned northwest."[NL][NL][Wait]"Over a lake it ran, unto a massive series of great falls, ending in a larger lake."[NL][NL][Wait]"Here, upon a small isle, lies the Shard of Falsehood!

Castle 32:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Ambrose

[You see ]a frail and injured fighter.


<job>I am resting.

<bye>Good luck, thou shalt need it!

<rest>A long and brutal battle 'twas.

<long|brut|batt>I was deep below the surface of Britannia, in search of the fabled mystic weapons of the Avatar!

<myst|weap|avat>I had heard that they lay at the foundation of the Great Abyss!

<abys>Though the Abyss is gone, I descended through the mines of Hythloth to search out the mystics.

<sear|mine|hyth>Within the Underworld, where the Abyss once was, the lava still flows, north of the underground entrance of Hythloth."[NL][NL][Wait]"'Tis there, northward across cavernous peaks from the dungeon, amidst the boiling lava, that the mystic arms are said to lie!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Dost thou seek the fate of Lord British?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>Remember only the Mystic arms work near great evil. Only such evil could hold our lord!

Castle 33:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Thorkin

[You see ]a broad-chested, burly man.

[hello]Ahar there, {AvatarName}.

<job>I be a blacksmith.

<bye>If'n ye haves need of a smithy, gimme a shout, matey!

<blac>I works metal fer The Rusty Bucket an' Buccaneer's Booty.


<rust|buck>I makes the iron rivets 'n bindins fer their ships.

<bucc|boot>I forge most all er' thems fine weapons.

<fine|weap>Sharp swords and nasty daggers!

<rive|bind|ship>Only the best.

<swor>Good fer slitt'n the gullet of a fat merchant."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<dagg>Sharp 'n deadly!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Interested in makin' a purchase?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>Too bad.

<y>Talk to Kitiara, I'm sure ye'll be more'n satisfied!"[NL][NL][Flag 8]

Castle 34:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Scally

[You see ]a chubby old bard.


<job>Likin' ye might expect, I entertain.


<expe|ente>Why, I is the best singer 'ere in this whole towne!"[NL][NL][Wait]"'Course, I is the only singer in this whole towne..."[NL][NL][Wait]"No matter..."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<pira|davi>A real nasty ol' bloke I 'ear!

<nast|blok|crot|misb>Aye, but I've also 'eard he was a great inventor!

<inve>Some say he's made a strange tool to aid in navigation.

<tool|navi>I believes he called it a..."[NL][NL][...]"Err..."[NL][NL][...]"Ahh..."[NL][NL][...]"Umm..."[NL][NL][...]"...Sextant.

<sext|wher>No one knows just where ol' David's off to, but I've 'eard some speculat'n he's runnin' a lighthouse.

[Label 1]Wouldst ye likes me to sing ye a song, there mate?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]


<y>"There once was a pirate named David, so crotchety and misbehav'd."[NL][NL][Wait]"And then one day, he sailed away, only to where, he would not say.

Castle 35:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Bidney

[You see ]a scruffy, smelly man.


<job>I loves to drink!


<drin>Rum, that's me favorite."[NL][NL][...]"Hic!"[NL][NL][...]"'Scuse me.

<rum>Yo ho ho!

<ho|yo>And a bottle of rum!

<bott>Of rum!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 1]

<moun|clim|grap>Grapple of Rum!"[NL][NL][...]"Hic!"[NL][NL][...][Goto 4]

<pira>[Goto 5]

[Label 1]Ey, got any?

<{AnyElse}>Hic, oh.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Might I have a li'l taste?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 3]Please?

<{AnyElse}>Grumble... Hic!

<y>Aye, thanks mate!... Hic!

[Label 4]Didst ye ask me 'bout mountain climb'n?

<{AnyElse}>I used to be a..."[NL][NL][...]"Hic..."[NL][NL][...]"Mountain climber..."[NL][NL][...]"Gave it up..."[NL][NL][...]"Too dangerous..."[NL][NL][...]"So, I 'came a pirate!

[Label 5]Gave me grapple to a man named Lord Michael..."[NL][NL][...]"Lived o'er at the Emapthical Abbeyneyney..."[NL][NL][...]"Hic... Zzzzz..."[NL][End]

Castle 36:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Sven

[You see ]a swarthy pirate.


<job>I'm a pirate!!!

<bye>I need a drink!

<pira>Aye, but once upon a time, I was a glassblower.

<glas>Used to make fine and wonderful things, I did.

<fine|wond|thin>Oh, sculptures, crystals and the like.

<scul|crys|like>Aye, fine they were too."[NL][NL][Wait]"But, there were'nt much money in it, so I 'came a pirate!

<glas|swor|weap>I once tried to make glass weapons, but all my attempts failed."[NL][NL][Wait]"I have heard, though, of magically enhanced crystalline swords of great power!

<magi|enha|crys|grea|powe>They were said to have been lost in the Serpent's Spine by the captain of a great airship.

<capt|air|ship>Airships sound like a heap of nonsense if thou wert to ask me!

Castle 37:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord Dalgrin

[You see ]a tall man in pirate attire.[NL][NL][Flag 18]"Greet'ns stranger, I am Lord Dalgrin."[NL][NL][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL]


<job>[Goto 1]

<bye>Watch out fer them keel haulin' seadogs of that Blackthorn feller.

<bloo>Dead foes don't talk!

<pira>I plunder where'er the winds take me.

<wind|sea>I been 'round the world many a time!

<dead|foes>I've had my share.

<roun|worl|time|shar>More'n I can count."[NL][NL][...]"But today, I thinks I'll just relax an 'ave a drink with Tierra!

<drin>Rum, me thinks.

<rum>Smart arse!

<tier>Aye, she's a feisty wench..."[NL][NL][...]"But, give'r a drink and she'll oft'n 'ave a bit a news fer ya.

[Label 1]Avast ye mate, surely thou dost know who I am, don't ye?

<{AnyElse}>Why, I am the most bloodthirsty pirate to sail the seas.

[Label 2]Why, shiver me timbers, if it ain't ol' {AvatarName}!"[NL][NL]

Castle 38:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Tierra

[You see ]a feisty wench.

[hello]A goodly day unto thee {AvatarName}.

<job>[Flag 17]What makes ye think it's any o'thee business?

<bye>[Flag 18]Beat it!

<busi>None of yours.

<drin>Sure, I'll drinks with ye..."[NL][NL][...]If'n I canst only find my glass.

<glas>I left it round 'ere somewhere.

<roun|ere|some>I canst not seem to remember.

<reme>Speak'n of which..."[NL][NL][Flag 19][...]"I canst not remember yer name..."[NL][NL][...][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 19]

[Label 1]{AvatarName}, thou ought to know by now."[NL][NL]

[Label 2]See ya later, {AvatarName}."[NL][End]

[Label 3]Dost ye think me pretty?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<n>Thou hast the beauty of an orc thyself!"[NL][End]

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]I likes thee, perhaps I canst help thee!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Dost ye wish ye couldst climb mountains?

<{AnyElse}>Well, Bidney here used to..."[NL][NL][Wait]"Talk to him 'bout mountain climb'n.

Castle 39:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Geoffrey

[You see ]a large and impressive fighter."[NL][NL][Wait]"{AvatarName}!"[NL][NL]"Greetings, and well met!"[NL][NL][Wait]"'Tis I, Geoffrey, thy old friend of battles past!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]


<job>I await thy request to join with thee in battle!

<bye>Come for me soon!

<trou>With Blackthorn and the Shadowlords!

<blac>Indeed, what a tyrant!

<shad>Such foul spectres of Evil!

<tyra|spec|evil>[Goto 3]

<join>[Goto 4]

[Label 1]Have the years treated thee well?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>That is unfortunate."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

<y>Ah, that is good."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

[Label 2]I presume thou hast heard of our troubles."[NL][NL]

[Label 3]Is it time we set off against them?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<n>Soon, I hope.

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Shall I join thy party now?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 4]

<n>Soon, I hope.

<y>I am eager for battle!"[NL][NL][Join]