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Keep Dialog

Castle & Village | Keep | Towne | Dwelling

Keep 0:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Johne, Captain Johne.

[You see ]an unkempt mage in tattered robes.[NL][NL]"At long last, another living soul!"[NL][NL]


<job>I fear the Shadowlords!


<fear|shad>Years ago, my ship was swallowed by a massive whirlpool. The remains of my ship washed up on this isle with myself and three others."[NL][NL][Wait]"When I recovered, I explored my surroundings, and found a great gem broken into three shards."[NL][NL][Wait]"The Shards, full of evil, drove me to kill my three companions, and from their blood sprang the three Shadowlords. "[NL][NL][Wait]"Taking the Shards deep into this underworld, they entrapped Lord British, and hold Blackthorn in their power."[NL][NL][Wait]"They spare me only to taunt me with such news until my dying day."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Wilt thou save Britannia?


<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Might I join thee?


<y>Let me avenge my wrongdoing."[NL][NL][Join]

Keep 1:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Sir Simon

[You see ]a strong, spry man.


<job>I am lord of this keep.


<keep>We fled here when the tyrant Blackthorn began to spread his self-righteous rule.

<blac|rule>The land has not been the same since the loss of Lord British."[NL][NL][Wait]"A good friend. I wish I knew of a way to help him.

<brit|help>All I know is that his crown jewels, the Crown, the Sceptre and the Amulet must be recovered.

<crow>A powerful artifact. Lord British once told me of its ability.

<abil>When worn, it absorbs all magical forms of attack, no matter how powerful.

<scep>A mighty item of immense power. It is said that when used it can disperse all magical barriers, even in the ethereal plane."[NL][NL][Wait]"I hear 'tis held by the Shadowlords themselves, in their earthly fortress!

<amul>Of that, my wife knows more than I.

Keep 2:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lady Tessa

[You see ]a tall, beautiful woman.


<job>I practice the mystical arts.

<bye>Tread softly, thy destiny is a great one!

<arts|myst>I can see thou art no ordinary mortal, but the Avatar of legend, and thus familiar with my profession.

<prof|lege|avat>[Goto 1]

<amul>[Goto 2]

[Label 1]I see it in thy eyes, but tell me, dost thou support Blackthorn's rule?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<n>I knew that one who has tread the path of Virtue could not agree with the current state of affairs."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 2]

[Label 2]I have seen the Amulet which Lord British once bore. It lies forgotten in the Underworld, amongst the graves of valiant warriors."[NL][NL][Wait]"With only this can thee find thy path in a place of unholy darkness, which I have forseen shall block thy way."[NL][NL][Wait]"'Tis beyond such a place that thou must search, if thou art to mend the injustice wrought upon the world by Blackthorn and his spectres!"[NL][End]

Keep 3:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord Seggallion

[You see ]a wistful looking man.


<job>I am the lord of this keep.

<bye>Farewell, stranger!

<keep>A fine homestead, furnished with the proceeds from my old profession.

<home|prof|proc|old>Many years ago, I carved my living from the seafaring trade routes of Britannia.

<trad|rout|livi>You know..."[NL][NL][Wait]"I demanded a fair toll for passage through my waters..."[NL][NL][Wait]"The fact that this usually amounted to all of their belongings is irrelevant!

<star|spy>I used my spyglass to study the stars."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Wouldst thou like to see it?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>I used it on many nights for navigational purposes. I use it but rarely now."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

[Label 2]Dost thou study the stars?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]What is it said that the eight planets represent?


<virt>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]I would like thee to have my spyglass, Wouldst thou like it?


<y>[Give:][SPYGLASS]Use it wisely!

Keep 4:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Temme

[You see ]a tall, dark woman.


<job>I am a mage of great repute!

<bye>Nice talking shoppe.

<grea|repu>Modesty was never one of my great virtues. But, I am actually quite good."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto1]

<spel|thin|near|disa>I know I've got the words right, but I may have mixed the reagents improperly, I think.

<word>I use the chant... "[NL][NL][...]"Now, don't tell anyone else..."[NL][NL][...]"<AN YLEM>!

<an ylem>Not now, fool! Am I still here?

<y>Good, watch it!

<reag>I think it was Ash and Mandrake..."[NL][NL][Wait]"But, then again, perhaps it was Garlic and Blood Moss..."[NL][NL][Wait]"Oh, I don't know. I've never had a very good memory.

[Label 1]Would ye be impressed if I told thee that I can cast a spell that CREATES light even on the darkest night?

<{AnyElse}>Well I've done better."[NL][End]

<y>Well! If ye think that's good, I've NEARLY made things disappear!

Keep 5:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Dufus

[You see ]a clumsy looking boy.


<job>I am apprentice to the Great Mage Temme!

<bye>Nice talking with thee!

<mage|temm|grea>The most all-powerful mage to walk the surface of Britannia.

<appr>I am lucky enough to be chosen as understudy to the Great Mage Temme, so that one day I too can cast powerful spells.

<powe|spel>Beyond imagining! Why, one day I even saw her nearly kill a Giant Rat with a single spell.

<gian|rat>Yes, 'tis true, I saw it with my own eyes!"[NL][NL][Goto 1]

<spy>Lord Seggallion uses it to study the stars! If thou ask, he might show it unto thee.

[Label 1]Would ye like me to tell thee something really amazing?

<{AnyElse}>Oh, well.

<y>Just the other day, the Great Mage Temme lit a fire with no flint or steel, but merely Lord Seggallion's spyglass.

Keep 6:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Quintin

[You see ]a round, jovial man.


<job>I am the cook for this keep.

<bye>May thou never get indigestion!

<cook>Yes, I simmer up plenty of tasty dishes for the residents of this abode.

<keep>One of the better looking keeps I have worked in.

<tast|dish>They have to be good, or else the Lord will order Temme to turn me into a newt!


<resi|abod>A mixed bunch with an interesting history, Before he retired, my lord was a famous pirate. Now, even he fears Blackthorn."[NL][NL][Wait]"But, I mustn't gossip!

<blac>I mustn't gossip.

<goss>Like I said, I don't wish to tell tales, but if thou dost have an ear for gossip, I've never heard anyone who talks as much as my friend Telila."[NL][NL][Wait]"She lives in the city of Britain, ask her for some rumours or gossip!

Keep 7:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Thrud

[You see ]a dark, heavyset man.


<job>An infamous mercenary!


<infa|merc>I enjoy killing immensely!

<kill|imme>[Goto 1]

<item|jewe|weap>[Goto 2]

[Label 1]Surely thou hast heard of the time when I butchered an entire village?

<{AnyElse}>I had just returned from a war across the sea, when on my way home, I stopped at an inn."[NL][NL][Wait]"The meal I ate there gave me indigestion for two days! Upon recovery, I killed the innkeeper and his entire staff."[NL][NL][Wait]"The ensuing outcry forced me to dispense with the rest of the village!

[Label 2]The Jeweled Sword and Shield are fine weapons indeed! Wouldst thou like them?

<{AnyElse}>Thy loss!

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]I will let thee have these great weapons for the Resistance's password, which thou hast so cleverly discovered."[NL][NL][Wait]"Tell me, what is it?

<{AnyElse}>Liar! Guards![Combat]"[NL][End]

<dawn>May they serve thee well![Give:][JEWLSHLD][Give:][JEWLSWRD]"[NL][End]

Keep 8:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Elistaria

[You see ]a tall, dark lady


<job>I dabble in the dark arts.

<bye>Begone, wretch!

<dabb|arts|dark>I play with forces beyond the comprehension of most mortals.

<forc|comp|mort>I conjure daemons and such.

<daem|demo>Yes! My favorite creatures! Thou hast seen my two best summonings guarding this keep.

<oppr>[Goto 2]

<impera>[Goto 4]

<miss|item>The Jeweled Weapons of course! Ask Thrud for them!

[Label 2]What is the password?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 9]

<impera>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]Ah yes, now I remember. Thou art the one infiltrating the Resistance."[NL][NL][Wait]"Here, wear this badge when thou doth wish to show thou art with Blackthorn and the Oppression!"[NL][NL][Give:][BADGE][Wait]"It may be that Thrud has some items that may be useful in your mission."[NL][NL]

[Label 9]Daemons! Kill this wretch![Combat]"[NL][End]<


Keep 9:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Balinor

[You see ]a leather-winged abomination[NL][NL][Goto 1]




[Label 1]Foul mortal, thou hast disturbed my peaceful rest!"[NL][NL][Wait]"My bound duty is to prevent intruders from passing! And so I shall!"[NL][NL][Wait]"But first, thou dost seem an educated person and so I offer thee an educated solution to the problem at hand..."[NL][NL][Wait]"I suggest a battle of wits for thy passage. If I win, I shall slay thee, if thou dost win, I shall let thee pass to face the perils within!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Dost thou accept?

<{AnyElse}>So be it![Combat]"[NL][End]

<y>Ah good, I've not tested my wit for some time!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 2]

[Label 2]What is as tall as a house, round as a cup, and all the king's horses can't draw it up?

<{AnyElse}>Hah! Thou hast failed! Now to keep my part of the bargain![Combat]"[NL][End]

<well>Thou hast guessed well, foolish one, but thou hast committed a fatal blunder!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Never trust a Daemon's word! Hah, hah, hah![Combat]"[NL][End]

Keep 10:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lady Janell

[You see ]a wise and beautiful princess.


<job>I am Queen of the Magi of Britannia.

<bye>Fare thee well, and quest ye forever for Truth.

<quee|mag|brit>Evil times are before us, but the hearts of our people shall perservere.

<hear|peop|dark|time>Though the days grow darker, there are many who still seek the light of Truth.

<seek|ligh|trut>I know of two sisters, ascetics of a temple of Virtue, who know of the evil artifact which most opposes Truth!

<arti|evil|temp|oppo>Seek out the twin sisters in the hidden city of Cove, and ask them of the Shard of Falsehood!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Dost thou meditate at shrines?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Dost thou seek the Shrine of Spirituality?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>Enter one of the mystic moongates at precisely midnight. Then shalt thou find the Shrine!

Keep 11:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord Shalineth

[You see ]a tall man with a bearing of wisdom and power.[NL][NL][Wait][Flag 18][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL]"Well met, worthy servant of Truth!"[NL][NL]


<job>I am the Lord of the Keep of Truth.

<bye>Go, abandon not thy quest for Light!

<keep>The Lycaeum is the Keep of Truth.

<trut>We use the precepts of Truth to strengthen our magic.

<magi>It is Truth that lends our arts the power to overcome all Evil, if we but trust in it.

<evil>A creature of great Evil must hide its name, for it is at the mercy of one armed with such a simple truth.

<merc|simp|name>Through the exercise of great magic and scrying, I have gleaned the name of the Shadowlord of Falsehood."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Dost thou swear not to use it foolishly?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<y>The Name of this dread lord is <FAULINEI>. Speak it not, for only at thy bidding can he enter our hallowed Keep.

<n>Thou fool."[NL][End]

[Label 2]A pleasure to see thee again, {AvatarName}"[NL][NL]

Keep 12:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Rollo

[You see ]a wisened scribe.


<job>I am scribe for the Lycaeum.

<bye>Fare thee well.

<lyca>In our libraries, we keep many of the important Britannian documents.

<scri>I serve the duties of librarian, and have written a number of the works we have published.

<libr>Our libraries are the best in Britannia.

<brit|docu>'Tis here that the journal of Lord British's expedition into the underworld was authenticated!

<jour|lord|expe|unde|auth>Yes, 'tis sad, but 'twould seem that there is little hope for his return.

<writ|work|publ>I compiled the reference work known as 'The Book of Lore.'"[NL][NL][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Hast thou seen it?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Didst thou enjoy it?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 2]

<n>Shows what thou dost know!

<y>I thank thee, kind soul.

Keep 13:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lady Hayden.

[You see ]a lovely young woman, both stately and fair.

[hello]Ah, again we meet. Well met, {AvatarName}.

<job>I seek the ways of truth and knowledge, here in the Lycaeum.

<bye>Farewell, mighty Avatar.

<stud|know|lyca>Yes, I study here with my companion, Lord R'hien.

<comp|rhie|lord|r'hi>He is the Keeper of the Royal Horses, and a fine man.

<roya|hors>I find peace in riding our sturdy mounts through the forests to the south."[NL][NL][Wait]"It helps me think of my magic and happier times.


<magi>We once wrought our spells for learning, not to save our lives when confronted by evil creatures. Peace is a more valuable part of our lives now.

<happ|time|peac>If only one still unafraid to fight for Virtue walked the land..."[NL][NL][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Art thou afraid?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<n>Then there is hope!

Keep 14:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord R'hien

[You see ]a chivalric, battle-hardened knight.


<job>I fight for the ways of Truth.

<bye>May Truth always guide thee.

<ways|trut|figh>In these days, Truth is in great peril!

<peri>Blackthorn has warped the meaning of the Virtues to match his self-righteous needs.

<warp|mean|virt|self|need>The people live as sheep, manipulated by his misguided principles!

<misg|prin>Virtue, when imposed by force rather than belief and choice, lacks the meaning that is required for a guiding force in one's life.

<stev>Hi, John! Thanks for putting me in Ultima V!

Keep 15:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord Michael

[You see ]a tall, caring man.


<job>I am lord of this castle.

<bye>Take care!

<cast>Here in Empath Abbey we protect the Principle of Love from the evils that would corrupt it.

<prin|love|corr|evil>Since the disappearance of Lord British, evil has reared its foul head, and now the three Castles of Virtue stand alone.

<thre|alon|stan|virt>The Shadowlords dare not desecrate this holy place, not even the Shadowlord of Hate!

<shad|hate>Seek out the daemon who lives in the great eastern desert. He knows much of the Lord of Hatred!

<moun|clim|grap>I have the grapple used to climb mountains."[NL][NL][Wait]"Though it allows passage through many mountains, there are some peaks which still cannot be crossed!"[NL][NL][Wait]"And, one can still fall whilst using it if one is not nimble enough!"[NL][NL][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Wouldst thou like it?


<y>Use it well, and be careful![Give:][GRAPPLE]"[NL][End]

Keep 16:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Cory

[You see ]a pretty young girl.


<job>I am the cook for this castle.

<bye>See thee!

<cast>A great fortress, saving us from the turmoil engulfing Britannia.

<cook>I certainly do! Many delicacies pass from my kitchens onto the plates of hungry souls.

<hung|soul|deli>Such mouth-watering dishes as fried shark and sauteed squid au poivre.

<shar|squi>[Goto 1]

<turm|engu|brit>Ever since Lord British disappeared, the entire kingdom has gone to ruin. Blackthorn only hinders matters.

<hind|matt|blac>Blackthorn claims he is the true ruler!

<lord|brit>I wish he would return!

[Label 1]Ah! A connoisseur! Wouldst thou like to try some?

<{AnyElse}>Thy loss.

<y>Here, eat this.."[NL][NL][...]You put the morsel in your mouth...[NL][NL][...]Such food as this you've never tasted! It melts in your mouth, tasting of a thousand different spices, all perfectly matched![Give:][FOOD][Wait][NL][NL]"Good, huh!

Keep 17:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Hardluck

[You see ]a cheerful man.


<job>I am the Abbey jester!

<bye>May fate smile brightly on you!

<Jest>I juggle and sing fine songs!

<sing|song>Blackthorn once was a fine ol' man."[NL][NL][Wait]"Upon fine principles he would stand."[NL][NL][Wait]"But then came the Shadowlords, full of evil."[NL][NL][Wait]"Blackthorn's soul they came to steal."[NL][NL][Wait]"All at once the Tyranny began."[NL][NL][Wait]"All because of Fate's dark hand!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<abbe>Empath Abbey!

<empa>Hey, thou ought to be a jester too!

<jug>Nah, not in the mood.

[Label 1]Like it?


<y>Thou may have noticed that it points out that Blackthorn himself is not responsible for the evils he imposes."[NL][NL][Wait]"Rather, he is trapped, as we are, under the control of the truly evil Shadowlords, only more so."[NL][NL][Wait]"A pity.

Keep 18:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Barbra

[You see ]a serene lady.


<job>I am keeper of the flame of Love.

<bye>Tread carefully, Avatar. The fate of our world depends on thee.

<flam|love>One of the three Principles, Avatar of legend!

<lord|brit|virt|lege|prin|avat>[Goto 1]

<keep>I tend and protect the sacred flame of Love, to show the world that all hope is not yet lost!

<hope|lost>Since the loss of Lord British, evil, especially in the form of the three Shadowlords, has infested this land.

<shad>They oppose the basic fabric of Virtue!

[Label 1]Thou dost know it is thy duty to try and recover what this kingdom has lost. Dost thou intend to?

<{AnyElse}>Too bad.

<y>Then perhaps I have a vision that may help thee."[NL][NL][Wait]"I saw a great man in a distant place."[NL][NL][Wait]"I saw him as if through a looking glass."[NL][NL][Wait]"I saw naught but his reflection."[NL][NL][Wait]"More I do not know."[NL][End]

Keep 19:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Tim

[You see ]a spritely young man.


<job>I am the bard for this castle.

<bye>Journey safely!

<bard>Yes, I play and sing for the inhabitants of this castle.

<inha|cast>Empath Abbey.

<play>[Goto 1]


<cour|comp|trav|ken>He trades music lessons for melodies. He is compiling a collection of Britannian folkmusic.

<less|melo|coll|folk>Recently he gave a recital in Trinsic, and then headed south."[NL][NL][Wait]"He often teaches a piece by Iolo and Gweno. 'Tis a favorite of Lord British.

<Iolo|bard|teac|piec|favo>Some even say that to play the piece on the finest instrument may cause magical occurrences.

<fine|inst|magi|occu>Only on an instrument worthy of kings!

[Label 1]Dost thou enjoy fine harpsichord music?


<y>Since Lord British's disappearance, his Court Composer Sir Kenneth is said to be traveling throughout Britannia.

Keep 20:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Toede

[You see ]a small, fat, slimy soul.


<job>I helped build Blackthorn's castle, before I was captured.

<bye>Don't leave me!

<blac>A nicer overlord I've never met!

<buil|cast>The largest, strongest, most impregnable fortress ever constructed in the history of Britannia.

<larg|stro|fort|impr>Built on the isle of three volcanoes, in the southeast of Britannia."[NL][NL][Wait]"Yes, I was the foreman for trap-door construction. There are many placed on common passageways."[NL][NL][Wait]"Blackthorn's castle, beware! If thou doth fall...."[NL][NL][...]"Think of me!

<capt>[Goto 1]

[Label 1]I was shipwrecked on this isle and captured by ones who did not share my belief in the righteousness of Blackthorn's rule."[NL][NL][Wait]"Dost thou support Blackthorn?


<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Good! Wilt thou help me escape?


<y>Then free me from these manacles!

Keep 21:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Lord Malone

[You see ]a tall, strong man.


<job>I am the lord of this castle and the surrounding land.


<cast|surr|land>This area of the kingdom was entrusted to my ancestors by Lord British in payment for their deeds of Valor.

<pay|deed|valo>My great grandfather was the famous Sir Percy, who cleared the local countryside of dragons many decades ago.

<lord|brit>I fear that Lord British is no more. He has been missing for some time. I feel sure if he still lived he would deal with the impostor Blackthorn!

<impo|blac>This castle, a bastion of Courage, is one of the last redoubts against the evil of the Shadowlords!

<evil|cowa|shad>Even Nosfentor dares not cross the sacred threshold of Serpent's Hold!

<Nosf>Speak not that name too loudly, for 'tis the name of the Shadowlord of Cowardice!

Keep 22:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Monsieur Loubet

[You see ]a tall, cynical man.


<job>I am the fencing master.

<bye>Au revoir!

<fenc|mast>I am ze best! As an enfant I learned fencing from my father who was tutor to ze king of a distant land.

<land|dist>I lived zere in my childhood, and came to Britannia upon a magical carpet!

<magi|carp>Ah, an interesting tale. Unfortunately, I zold it zoon after my arrival in Britannia."[NL][NL][Wait]"I did not know zey were so scarce here, or I would not have zold it."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

[Label 1]Monsieur, dost thou seek to discover ze fate of Lord British?


<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Perhaps zen my magic carpet would be of some use?

<{AnyElse}>I zold it to a mage named Bandaii. He lived in a village named Paws."[NL][NL][Wait]"Strange fellow, he was looking for a talking horse!"[NL][NL][Wait]"If thou canst find him, he might be willing to zell thee my carpet!

Keep 23:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Kristi

[You see ]a pretty, dark haired woman.

[hello]Oh, it's thee. Hi.

<job>I cook for the hungry mouths in this castle.


<land|evil>There are many now that Lord British is gone.

<cast|cook|hung|mout>The inhabitants, as well as any visitors.

<inha>And visitors.

<visi>We don't have too many these days..."[NL][NL][Flag][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 17]

<skul|keys>[Flag 3][Goto 1]

[Label 1]A few weeks ago there was a strange, silent mage who ate here. He gave me 5 skull keys as payment."[NL][NL][Wait]"He said they are magic and powerful, worth many gold pieces. I have no use for them."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 2]

[Label 2]I will sell them to thee for 100 gold crowns. Wouldst thou like to buy them?

<{AnyElse}>Thy loss.

<y>[gold-100][Give:][SKULLKEY][Give:][SKULLKEY][Give:][SKULLKEY][Give:][SKULLKEY][Give:][SKULLKEY]The mage said that they could open even magically locked doors.

[Label 3]I have no more, but the mage told me that he acquired them from an armourer named Shenstone!"[NL][NL]

Keep 24:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Gardner

[You see ]a sincere man.


<job>I am the keeper of the Flame of Courage.

<bye>Fare thee well!

<cour|flam|keep>I tend this Flame of Virtue against the darkness of Blackthorn and the Shadowlords.

<dark|blac|shad>Within the flames I often see visions!

<visi>Avatar, I can offer thee my vision of the Shard of Cowardice to aid thee on thy quest.

<shar|cowa|ques>Upon the Isle of the Avatar, there lies a dungeon. At its bottom lies a small, cavernous room of the Underworld."[NL][NL][Wait]"However, there are many more such small chambers, near enough to be reached by one with the proper magic!"[NL][NL][Wait]"With many uses of such magic, and a great deal of exploration, one may find the Shard of Cowardice."[NL][NL][Wait]"It lies at the location which upon the surface would be recorded as <L>'<A>",<L>'<I>".

Keep 25:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Sir Sean

[You see ]a young nobleman.


<job>I am the Keeper of the Eternal Flame of Truth.

<bye>I wish thee luck, though I fear for thy life.

<trut|eter|keep|flam>We stand against the three evil lords who ravage the land!

<evil|land|lord>The Shadowlords!

<Shad>They are foul spectres!

<foul|spec>Indeed they are!

<ston>[Goto 1]

[Label 1]Art thou afraid to journey into Evil's abode?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]


<n>Sail first thy ship unto the southernmost part of Lost Hope Bay. Travel so far as thy skiff will take thee."[NL][NL][Wait]"Some speak of a special implement that can be used to cross the mountains. Find first this equipment!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Then climb thyway through the mountains to the south."[NL][NL][Wait]"There thou shalt find the black keep Stonegate, guarded by Balinor, foulest of daemons!"[NL][NL][Wait]"This is the earthly domain of the three Shadowlords, from which few have returned!

Keep 26:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Mariah

[You see ]a weak and frail friend.[NL][NL]"{AvatarName}, my old friend."[NL][NL][Wait]"'Tis I, Mariah!"[NL][NL]


<job>I have been quite ill, for many days.

<bye>Please, return and take me with thee when thou canst.

<ill|day>The healers here, in the Lycaeum, canst heal even the wound of a Shadowlord quickly.

<shad>I met one in Moonglow some time back, but did escape with my life!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<join>[Goto 3]

[Label 1]So, art thou here to set things right?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>Then we are doomed.

<y>[Goto 2]

[Label 2]Wilt thou have need of my services?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 2]

<n>I am deeply grieved.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]My wounds are mostly healed. Shall I join with thee now?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 3]

<n>Soon, I hope.

<y>I am honored to be with thee again!"[NL][NL][Join]

Keep 27:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Toshi

[You see ]a small, nimble, deadly looking man.

[hello]Hail friend!

<job>I am a student here at the Abbey.


<abbe>Empath Abbey, castle to the Principle of Love!

<prin|trut|love|cour>'Tis one of the three Principles, Truth, Love, and Courage!

<stud>Here I learn how love can exist in a world filled with such evil!

<evil>I learn how it can be overcome.

<over|lear>Thou doth show much interest in the Principle of Love."[NL][NL][Wait]"Perhaps, thou should study here at the abbey..."[NL][NL][Flag 15][What is thy name?]"[NL][NL][Flag 17]

<join>[Goto 1]

[Label 1]I would like to join thee on thy quest!"[NL][NL][...]"Might I join thee?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>I am saddened.

<y>A great honor indeed!"[NL][NL][Join]

Keep 28:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Maxwell

[You see ]a strong, yet sleek fighter.

[hello]Ah, {AvatarName}, my good friend!"[NL][NL][Wait]"Monsieur Loubet has been telling me of thy quest."[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 1]

<job>I am a student here at Serpent's Hold.

<bye>Farewell."[NL][NL][Flag 18][What is thy name?]"[NL][End]

<serp|hold>Here we study the Principle of Courage.

<prin|cour|stud>I study the many arts and styles of fighting under Monsieur Loubet.

<mons|loub>He is a well-known Master of Arms!

<art|styl|figh>My favorite weapon is the axe!

<favo|weap|axe>Yes, the axe.

<join>[Goto 1]

[Label 1]I would like to join thee, wilt thou have me?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>A pity.

<y>'Tis indeed a great honor!"[NL][NL][Join]

[Label 2][End]

Keep 29:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Dupre

[You see ]a paladin, shining with Virtue.[NL][NL]"Ah, {AvatarName}!"[NL][NL][Goto 1]


<job>Sentri and I live here in Bordermarch. We await thy call for us to join thee!

<bye>Farewell. Return soon with good news.

<join>[Goto 3]

<duck>[Goto 4]

[Label 1]That is thee, yes?

<{AnyElse}>[Goto 1]

<n>I am sorry, I have mistaken thee for an old friend."[NL][End]

<y>I hardly recognize thee, it has been so long."[NL][NL][Goto 2]

[Label 2]Hast thou returned to Britannia to set things straight?

<{AnyElse}>Then we are doomed!

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Shall I join with thee again?

<{AnyElse}>As thou wisheth.

<y>Good, it will be good to fight by thy side again!"[NL][NL][Join]

[Label 4]Wanna buy a duck?

<{AnyElse}>They're cheap.

<y>[Goto 5]

[Label 5]It'll cost 5 gold crowns, O.K.?


<y>[gold-005][Give:][FOOD] Enjoy the duck!

Keep 30:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Sentri

[You see ]a strong fighter.[NL][NL][Goto 1]


<job>We live here in Bordermarch to escape the Shadowlords!

<bye>Farewell, good Avatar!

<evil|shad>Spectres of Evil!

<join>[Goto 3]

[Label 1]Have we not met before?

<{AnyElse}>Ah yes, I remember, 'twas before the dark times!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 2]

[Label 2]Thou art the Avatar of legend, art thou not?

<{AnyElse}>Oh, I could have sworn it was thee.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Art thou here collecting adventurers for thy cause?

<{AnyElse}>I see.

<y>[Goto 4]

[Label 4]I would be honored to join thee, wilt thou have me?

<{AnyElse}>I understand.

<y>It is indeed an honor to fight with thee."[NL][NL][Join]

Keep 31:

<name>["My name is "|"I am called "]Julia

[You see ]a kindly tinker.[NL][NL][Goto 1]


<job>I live here at the Abbey, a refuge from the Shadowlords!

<bye>Farewell, good Avatar!

<shad>They hunt all of us who helped thee on the quest. Blackthorn fears us!

<blac|fear>He feared we would find a way to bring thee back. Which is, of course, exactly what we did!"[NL][NL][Wait][Goto 2]

<join>[Goto 3]

[Label 1]{AvatarName}, it is thee, is it not?

<{AnyElse}>Oh, sorry.

<y>At long last! We had thought thy return was beyond hope!

[Label 2]{AvatarName}, is it time we took up arms again?

<{AnyElse}>I wish it were.

<y>[Goto 3]

[Label 3]Shall I join with thee now?

<{AnyElse}>Just let me know.

<y>At last, we begin anew!"[NL][NL][Join]