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Ultima > I Mondain > Who's Who

Who's Who

   There are so many more extras and coincidental references than actual characters in this game. This list contains all those characters with names or titles that have some level of interactivity or renown. The coincidences of towne names is not included in the scope of this reference.

Lord British Lord of castle one in the lands of Lord British. As you play the Ultima games you may become quite familiar with this man. He is the alter ego of Richard Garriott.
Regent of the Lost King Lord of castle two in the lands of Lord British. There is still a king or a lord of another kind sitting on the throne of this keep. So who's the lost king, ahh, that's a story for another time. 
King of Barataria Lord of castle one in the lands of the Feudal Lords.
King of Rondorin Lord of castle two in the lands of the Feudal Lords.
King of Olympus Lord of castle one in the lands of the Dark Unknown.
Black Dragon King Lord of castle two in the lands of the Dark Unknown.
White Dragon King Lord of castle one in the lands of Danger and Despair.
Shamino Lord of castle two in the lands of Danger and Despair. Here's another individual you may recognize later. At the start of this story, King Shamino reigned over much of the lands of Danger and Despair. 
Mondain The bad dude, only met at the very end of the game. Though only second and third hand accounts have reached your ears, all of them point to Mondain as the cause of these evils.
Gwino The jester at the castles; is a thief and has a key to one of the castle cells. I've oft wondered if Gwenno (introduced later) is related to this miscreant. The only way to get the key from him is to kill him.  
Iolo The town fool, a thief with a song on his lips "Ho eyoh he hum." That song gives him away more than anything. Though he is a bit more reserved when next you meet, this is in fact Iolo Fitzowen (pronounced Yow-low), bard bowyer and sometime adventurer. Just stay away from him while walking the townes. 
The Wench
The Lecher
Characters that hang out in the bar and if you're weak enough and they're close by when you buy a drink, they'll take half your money. There is only a wench with male players, or a lecher if the player chose the female gender. They are easy enough to avoid. Simply stay a step away from them while grilling the bartender at the pub for information. You would do better to concentrate on avoiding Iolo.
The princesses of the castles, locked up in one of its cells. Freeing them when you are advanced enough is necessary to solve the game.
Lord Eldric D'Charbonneux Owner of weapon and armor shops in town one.
(Li'l) Karelia Owner of the food store in town one.
(Mad) Chad Owner of the magic shop in town one.
Scooter Owner of the transport shop in town one. 
(Mystic) Melinda  Owner of the magic shop in town two.
Max Owner of the armorer in town two. 
Dr. Cat Owner of the pub in town three.
(Psychic) Sam Owner of the magic shop in town four.
Mary Owner of the pub in town six.
Kurstable Owner of the pub in town seven. 
Dav Owner of the pub in town eight.
(Sly) Sam Owner of the transport shop in town eight.