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023: Bow Marksmanship

Bow Markmanship

by Iolo Fitzowen

There is a zen to shooting well. Become one with your bow. Clear your mind of all thoughts save that of flying with the arrow to strike the target, and you will not miss.

024: Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang

Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang

by Ian Fleming

This wonderful childrens's story of a car that could fly has been pleasing youths and adults alike for many generations.

025: Collected Plays

Collected Plays

by Raymundo

Housed inside this anthology of stage works are such greats as "Three on a Codpiece", "The Trials of the Avatar", "The Plagiarist", "Clue", "Thumbs Down" and several other prize-winning pieces. For convenience in production, several suggested costumes and make-up techniques are listed in the back.

026: Dilzal's Almanac of Good Advice

Dilzal's Almanac of Good Advice

Gambling is the surest way of getting nothing for something.

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.

Never play backgammon with a centaur.

027: Enclyclopedia Britannia, Volume II

Encyclopedia Britannia

Volume II. F - L.

Here is another volume in a long series of books detailing every known geographical location and historical personage. This work covers Faalga, the ancient sage of reptiles, through Lyceaum, the reknowned library that is now a part of Moonglow.

028: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume I

Encyclopedia Britannia

Volume I. A - E.

Another volume in a long series of books detailing every known geographical location and historical personage. This work covers Aakara, the first mayor of Trinsic, through Exodus, the vile offspring of Mondain and Minax.

029: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume III

Encyclopedia Britannia

Volume III. M - P.

Here is another volume in a long series of books detailing every known geographical location and historical personage. This tome covers Kanos, an historical tower in ancient Yew, through Pusmoran, the orginator of the rarely-used fourth person point of view.

030: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume IV

Encyclopedia Britannia

Volume IV. Q - U.

Here is another volume in a long series of books detailing every known geographical location and historical personage. This book covers Quaaxetlornicom, the mythilogical snow beast of the North, through, Utopia, the proposed manifestation of the time-honored concept of a perfect society.

031: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume V

Encyclopedia Britannia

Volume V. V - Z.

Here is another volume in a long series of books detailing every known geographical location and historical personage. This tome covers Vargaz, contemporary storyteller and compiler of legendary parables, through Zyand, a prehistoric island.

032: Everything an Avatar Should Know About Sex

Everything an Avatar Should Know About Sex

(all pages in this book are blank!)

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