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249: guard3

Day 1

'Guard the post', he says. Ha! What am I guarding it from? This is stupid. It's not like any of the troublemakers from Britain are going to come here, since we've sent them all away. Good riddance, too. People were always coming over, trying to borrow a broom here, or a hoe there. Then they'd keep it for hours before bringing it back. You'd think if they needed one for that long, they'd go out and buy one.

Day 2

This is it! I'm not coming in tomorrow. Since that clumsy miller lost his arm and was sent away with the other decrepit folk, the baker hasn't made any bread, and now I have to make a trip to get some. If the miller had been more careful, we wouldn't be in this situation. I really should give him a piece of my mind, but then I'd have to go to Paws, and I've heard that place smells. I'd rather just go get the bread.

255: poison

Poison and its Effects


Poison is a constant danger, so be alert and try to keep a cure on hand when possible.

When poisoned, your vision will be distorted, and you will see the effect as a green flush creeping across your health bar. If you do not find a cure, your health will begin to decrease, and you will eventually lose the portion of your health that is showing green.

Beware of unclean environments, where toxins thrive. Beware also of certain unclean creatures, such as rats, as well as some creatures who are naturally poisonous, such as spiders.

336: knockout

The Big Bad Knight's Guide to Mercy

When fighting, it is not always necessary to kill one's opponents. Often, a good hard hit with a non-bladed weapon can put them out of commission long enough for you to do whatever needs to be done, without taking their life. It is recommended to be far away when the victim recovers, however, for the resulting headache has been known to make people a bit crabby.

337: canttake

The world is packed with items, but not everything you will find will be useful! Since people have a limited amount of carrying capacity, some items will simply not be available to keep. They can be moved or rearranged, but they can't be taken with you. These items will show up in your tool belt or backpack as a red 'X'. Be assured, these items will not be needed, and you will need your space for other, more important things.

338: cantswim


Ocean Travel Without a Boat?


Swimming the ocean may sound like an exciting venture, but it can be dangerous to swim in places that are too deep! The waters in an ocean are turbulent and can cause a person to lose their breath and drown quickly. If you see your breath meter going down at an extremely rapid rate, this is a good sign that the waters are too deep! You would do best to turn around and swim back to safer waters, and enlist the services of a boat captain.

340: Moongate Journal Text


Most citizens of Britannia have heard stories of magical portals known as Moongates. In fact, the stories are true. The Twin moons of Britannia, Trammel and Felucca, cause the Moongate to rise and set as they move through the firmament. These Moongates are magical gateways that can take one far across the land, even across time and through the firmament. The mechanism as to why is little understood, but the few who have mastered the Moongates secrets have been able to use them as vehicle of great adventure.

341: Save and Load Instructions

Load and Save: To save a game, click in the lower text window of an empty slot and type a description. Click on the 'S' in the journal to save. To load a game, click on the 'L' to load a saved game. To start a new game, load the game called 'New Game.'

384: binding


On the Binding of Spells


To add a spell to your spellbook, one must find a binding Pentagram, which can be identified by the candles placed at each of the five points. Then one must place the spell scroll and reagents in the center of the Pentagram, light each of the candles, and recite the incantation for the spell.

388: Ship Instructions




Click on the ship to take control of the vessel. Once you have control, hold down the right mouse button to move forward. Your captain will stay on the ship with you.

Click the left mouse button to fire the forward cannons if you encounter any enemies. Hit ESC to weigh anchor and walk around the ship. If the water is shallow enough, you'll even be able to get off, explore, and get back on by left clicking on the ship.

Since docking is more difficult, your captain will take control when you get close to a dock and sail you into port.

389: vultures


Ched's Book of Vultures


Someone told me once there was no good book written about vultures. Well, I think that's because they spend all their time up in the mountains, and seem to like high places. They also hate fire, so they to avoid building their nests near a camp. Maybe they're afraid their nests will catch fire.

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