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033: Gargoyle Like Me

Gargoyle Like Me

by Darok

Within this work lies a fascinating novel of a human who poses as a Gargoyle to view what life is like from the Gargish point of view. The story is a remarkable mix of historical and entertaining facts from encounters with many gargoyles. A particular emphasis of the work is the importance of the gargoyle family structure.

As there is no evidence of gargoyles having a gender, it is odd how close "father" gargoyles maintain a relationship with their (presumably) adopted sons. The attitudes seems similar to that of how the more intelligent, winged gargoyles treat the wingless. There is an air of condescension, but the feelings of care still exist, as if the wingless were children to be protected and watched over by the winged.

034: Gone with the Wisp

Gone with the Wisp

by Margareta Mitchellino

This novel, purportedly written by a young gypsy woman, depicts the golden days of Britannia. Filled with short anecdotes Mitchellino claims came from her people, the piece is quite amusing.

035: How Death Affects Those Who Work Around it Regularly

How Death Affects Those Who Work Around it Regularly

Day 1: Subject (Tiery) seems friendly enough and willing to accept my company.

Day 2: Subject exhibiting strange sense of humor, very morbid.

Day 3: No contact with subject.

Day 4: Subject makes continual references to recent conversations with cemetery occupants.

Day 5: ...

036: Karenna's Pregnancy Workout

Karenna's Pregnancy Workout

by Karenna

Herein are many words of wisdom for use within the realm of combat and exercise for pregnant women. The drawings included perfectly illustrate in explicit detail how these forms differ from more conventional styles, and how pregnancy truly affects fighting skills.

037: Karenna's Total Body Workout

Karenna's Total Body Workout

by Karenna

Found upon the pages of this combat and exercise training manual are words that expand upon the original edition. Sadly, this work has recieved much less attention than Karenna's other two.

038: Karennas Workout

Karenna's Workout

by Karenna

Found within this plain-bound volume is a combat and exercise training manual. The work provides simple yet complete illustrations demonstrating a variety of steps that will not only disable an opponent, but also aids in good cardiovascular circulation.

039: Key to the Black Gate

Key to the Black Gate

The pages bound within this book contain well-documented clue information from the invaluable sources at Origin Systems.

040: Knights of Legend, Volume I

Knights of Legend, Volume I

Once, in the kingdom of Ashtalarea, there was a great war. For a time it seemed the forces of evil would triumph, but through the valiant efforts of Seggallion, the greatest knight in the land, the forces of the dark lord Pildar were finally driven back and defeated. All was well for a time, but years later Pildar had grown powerful again. From his dark tower he wove his evil schemes, and managed to capture the Duke, and the great knight Seggallion as well. With his greatest foe out of the way, he was prepared once more to set out on a campaign of conquest. In those troubled times, a party of great heroes arose. After many perilous adventures they finally won their way to Seggallion's prison and set him free. They then set forth to discover what had become of the Duke...

041: Kodeks Benmontas

Kodeks Benmontas

dur anmurde vastim ui volde lem monte anvolde lem. ista ver ew behde. a ui nes tutim reski lem an min persa de ui. zentu ku an uiscar ansa por. a ni sa zentu ku an porcar. tu nes per te pri si kui re leinle. er duk anvolde lem, ew ark lem de via feltas. a duk lem ku lentas ew vervid.

The Book of Administration


For countless ages, we winged ones have led the wingless ones. This is right and proper. But we must always remember that they are no less valuable than we. A body with no head cannot move. But neither can a body with no legs. All must function in unity if anything is to be achieved. So guide the wingless ones and keep them from paths of error. But guide them with respect.

042: Kodeks Benommani

Kodeks Benommani

vas praetim, vas vidlem naksatilor kalle kodeks ante termur. ita rele vastim benommani. kodeks terle ante terort pritas, teresta re vidle pa lem nesde vasuis. vidlem terreg, monle pa naksatilor, juksarkle kodeks ku saeykt grav. sol lem ad omde vestas trak uis canle terpor ew leg kodeks. ante kodeks skrile pri ben ew ver res kui kuae. lem nes sol terpor kodeks, leg lem, ew inuislok lemde monuis aptade. ku verinde uis ew ankadsa ski, tu mante est ten un, or, ew us nesle re pos apta via. ista est desintas uide murom, ew ita uide zenmur sa per kodeks uisde ew bende. ista est kuauis kodeks est: re mon gargh zenmur trak ultim benommani.

The Book of Prosperity


Long ago, the great seer Naxatilor summoned the Codex into the world. Thus began the great time of prosperity. The Codex was placed within the Temple of Singularity, there to be viewed by those requiring its knowledge. The seers of the land, led by Naxatilor, protected the Codex with a forcefield. Only those upon sacred quests for wisdom are allowed to reach and read the Codex. Within the Codex is written the one right and true answer to any problem. One has but to reach the Codex, read it, and interpret its advice properly. With perfect wisdom and infallible knowledge, all that remains is to have the control, passion and diligence required to follow the proper course. These are the underpinnings of our society, and so our race is able to use the Codex wisely and well. This is the reason why the Codex exists: to lead the Gargoyle race to ultimate prosperity.

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