Index[Internal File Index]: Text Title


001[001]: History of Britannia
002[002]: bestiary
014[014]: Eulogy for Sir Ricardo
015[015]: adventuring supplies2
016[016]: Hubert
018[018]: Works of JRRT
019[019]: Ethical Hedonism
020[020]: A Treatise on the Lore of Gargoyles
021[021]: Alice in Wonderland
022[022]: Baldwins Big Book of Baking
023[023]: Bow Marksmanship
024[024]: Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang
025[025]: Collected Plays
026[026]: Dilzal's Almanac of Good Advice
027[027]: Enclyclopedia Britannia, Volume II
028[028]: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume I
029[029]: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume III
030[030]: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume IV
031[031]: Encyclopedia Britannia, Volume V
032[032]: Everything an Avatar Should Know About Sex
033[033]: Gargoyle Like Me
034[034]: Gone with the Wisp
035[035]: How Death Affects Those Who Work Around it Regularly
036[036]: Karenna's Pregnancy Workout
037[037]: Karenna's Total Body Workout
038[038]: Karennas Workout
039[039]: Key to the Black Gate
040[040]: Knights of Legend, Volume I
041[041]: Kodeks Benmontas
042[042]: Kodeks Benommani
043[043]: Kodeks Destermur
044[044]: Kodeks Kir
045[045]: Kodeks Rit
046[046]: Kodeks Xen
047[047]: Logbook of the Empire
048[048]: Lord British Biography
049[049]: Morgan's Guide to Unfinished Novels
050[050]: Observations of Black Rock
051[051]: On Dreams and Visions
052[052]: Plant Lore
053[053]: Snilwit's Big Book of Boardgame Strategy
054[054]: Stranger in a Strange Land
055[055]: Struck Commander
056[056]: Tangled Tales
057[057]: The Book of Spirituality
058[058]: The Caverns of Freitag
059[059]: The First Age of Darkness
060[060]: The Five Stages of Lawn Care
061[061]: The Gargoyle Book of Prophecy
062[062]: The Lost Book of Mantras
063[063]: The Quest of the Avatar
064[064]: The Second Age of Darkness
065[065]: The Silence of Chastity
066[066]: The Third Age of Darkness
067[067]: The Wizard of Oz
068[068]: To Be or Not to Be by Wislem
069[069]: Warriors of Destiny
070[070]: Windwalke
071[071]: Ye Lost Art of Ballooning
074[074]: Dealing with the Virtuous
075[075]: The Apothecarys Desk Reference
086[086]: Killigan's Ledger
091[091]: Despise Guard Journ2
105[105]: The Bard's Guide to Counterpoint
109[109]: BeginnerSpells
110[110]: StonegateCleaner
112[112]: Tristan's Journal
139[139]: Shamino's Journal
142[142]: DarimJournal
143[143]: Book of Justice
144[144]: Sage's Journal
145[145]: Inopia
149[149]: DemonRitual
150[150]: codextemp
153[153]: Lift Repair
154[154]: Pools of Covetous
155[155]: Spy Journal
156[156]: gibberishcdx
157[452]: Codex of Ultimate Wisdom
158[159]: Darim Journal
159[160]: timelord
160[157]: Blackthorn Note
161[162]: DestardSecret
168[169]: Dragon cookbook1
169[170]: Ship Instructions
170[171]: demons
171[172]: timelord
172[173]: Mystic
173[174]: Moon
174[175]: The Ritual
181[182]: sgfireroom
182[183]: Earth Quest
183[184]: readingnfoBook
184[185]: Keymap
185[186]: melvin
228[229]: boots
229[230]: control
230[231]: Wrong
231[232]: diligence
232[233]: order
233[234]: passion
234[235]: equipping
235[236]: solwen
236[237]: kirancomppg1
237[238]: damage
238[239]: TheCell
239[240]: journal
240[241]: spellbook
241[242]: Julia's Journal
242[243]: Joshua's diary
243[244]: shopglue
249[250]: guard3
255[256]: poison
336[337]: knockout
337[338]: canttake
338[339]: cantswim
340[341]: Moongate Journal Text
341[342]: Save and Load Instructions
384[385]: binding
388[389]: Ship Instructions
389[390]: vultures
390[391]: potions
391[459]: potblack2
392[460]: potblue2
393[392]: potorange2
394[393]: potpurple2
395[394]: potred2
396[395]: potwhite2
397[396]: potyellow2
398[398]: howtopotions2
400[400]: Baking Bread
403[403]: jordan
404[404]: level4
405[405]: sleep
426[426]: kirancompall
427[427]: targeting
431[431]: 8cities
432[432]: 8dungeons
433[433]: 8iscool
436[436]: empath
437[437]: serpents
439[439]: guild
441[441]: potblack2
442[442]: potblue2
443[443]: potgreen2
444[444]: potionshowto2
445[445]: potorange2
446[446]: potpurple2
447[447]: potred2
448[448]: potwhite2
449[449]: potyellow2
453[453]: shadowlords
454[454]: moons
455[455]: serpentwyne
456[158]: wellsouls
457[456]: stones
458[457]: TheClue


113[113]: Grave1
114[114]: Grave2
115[115]: Grave3
116[116]: Grave4
117[117]: Grave5
118[118]: Grave6
119[119]: Grave7
120[120]: Grave8
121[121]: Grave9
122[122]: Grave10
123[123]: Grave11
124[124]: Grave12
125[125]: Grave13
126[126]: Grave14
127[127]: Grave15
128[128]: Grave16
129[129]: Grave17
130[130]: Grave18
131[131]: Grave19
132[132]: Grave20
133[133]: Grave21
134[134]: Grave22
135[135]: brokntombstone
136[136]: generictombstone
137[137]: Grave23
138[138]: dinastone
250[251]: Here lies Malcom
251[252]: dead mitch
402[402]: mitchstone
409[409]: ericstone
410[410]: jeanlucstone
411[411]: ninastone
412[412]: sethstone
420[420]: gregstone
421[421]: frankstone
422[422]: laurstone
423[423]: torstone

Quest Items

256[257]: itmbackpack
257[258]: itmbellcourag
258[259]: itmblackthrnnote
259[260]: itmblodcorps
260[261]: itmbooktruth
261[262]: itmbrcrystalbal
262[263]: itmcandlelove
263[264]: itmchalice
264[265]: itmcharts
265[266]: itmcodexblu
266[267]: itmcodexred
267[268]: itmcompass
268[269]: itmdarimjrnl
269[270]: itmdayla'sdoll
270[271]: itmduncandag
271[272]: itmdupreash
272[273]: itmeggshlblue
273[274]: itmeggshlgren
274[275]: itmeggshlred
275[276]: itmeggshlwhite
276[277]: itmeggshlyelo
277[278]: itmelizbaby
278[279]: itmghostbraclet
279[280]: itmghostnecklc
280[281]: itmglobeair
281[282]: itmglobeearth
282[283]: itmglobefire
283[284]: itmglobewater
284[285]: itmglypcomp
285[286]: itmglyphonest
286[287]: itmglyphonor
287[288]: itmglyphum
288[289]: itmglypjust
289[290]: itmglypsacr
290[291]: itmglypspirit
291[292]: itmglypval
292[293]: itmgringolet
293[294]: itmguardletterkillig
294[295]: itmheartstone
295[296]: itmheirloomshld
296[297]: itmjournal
297[298]: itmksblue
298[299]: itmksgreen
299[300]: itmkshield
300[301]: itmksred
301[302]: itmksyellow
302[303]: itmlevitation
303[304]: itmlhemerld
304[305]: itmlhruby
305[306]: itmlhsapph
306[307]: itmmagicglobe
307[308]: itmmagshield
308[309]: itmmathisnote
309[310]: itmminegear
310[311]: itmnunsfund
311[312]: itmpwrcube
312[313]: itmqnegg
313[314]: itmqnpowercube
314[315]: itmraxoskey
315[316]: itmredcandl
316[317]: itmredskul
317[318]: itmsigilcomp
318[319]: itmsigilhonest
319[320]: itmsigilhonor
320[321]: itmsigilhum
321[322]: itmsigiljust
322[323]: itmsigilsacr
323[324]: itmsigilspirit
324[325]: itmsigilval
325[326]: itmsingularity
326[327]: itmspellbook
327[328]: itmtomedemon
328[329]: itmtoolbelt
329[330]: itmtreaskey
330[331]: itmvialblod
331[332]: itmwtrvalve
332[333]: itmcodex
333[334]: itmbritstar
334[335]: itmreddraghead
335[336]: itmstatkey
434[434]: itmrvnkey
435[435]: itmstones


072[072]: Gwenno's Song
073[073]: Iolo's Melodies for Harp
090[090]: Despise Guard Journ1
093[093]: Mourdins Note
094[094]: Despise Cathedral
111[111]: Screetch's Journal
163[164]: boneinstructions
406[406]: ravennote
413[413]: killigannote
417[417]: jadebracelet
419[419]: katienote
424[424]: Mathis's note
429[429]: Terfin secret entrance
430[430]: nameless in prison
440[440]: destard
452[161]: tookrunes
460[397]: password


004[004]: testshop
162[163]: Aneassa's
175[176]: Herzog's
176[177]: Warrick's
176[461]: Warrick's
177[178]: James provisions
178[179]: Jean Pauls
179[180]: Phillipa's shop
180[181]: Raliegh's shop
187[188]: Britain Baker
188[189]: Britain Blacksmith buy 1
189[190]: Britain Blacksmith buy 2
190[191]: Britain Blacksmith Full List
191[192]: Britain Blacksmith Full List
192[193]: Britain Boyer buy 1
193[194]: bowyer shop sell gump
194[195]: Britain Magic Shop buy 1
195[196]: magicshop
196[197]: Britain Outfitter buy 1
197[198]: ProvisionerSell
198[199]: Britain Tavern buy 1
199[200]: Paws Healer buy 1
200[201]: Paws Healer sell 1
201[202]: Trinsic Blacksmith buy 1
202[203]: Generic Blacksmith
203[204]: Trinsic Boyer buy 1
204[205]: bowyer shop sell gump
205[206]: Trinsic Inn buy 1
206[207]: Trinsic Provisioner buy 1
207[208]: ProvisionerSell
208[209]: Elena1
209[210]: Elena2
210[211]: Elena3
211[212]: Elena4
212[213]: Irene1
213[214]: Irene2
214[215]: Irene3
215[216]: Irene4
216[217]: Vaclav1
217[218]: Vaclav2
218[219]: Vaclav3
219[220]: Vaclav4
220[221]: Gemcutter Sell
221[222]: ProvisionerSell
222[223]: magicshop
222[462]: magicshop
223[224]: Oldjakshop
224[225]: grondshop
225[226]: Generic Blacksmith
225[463]: Generic Blacksmith
226[227]: bowyer shop sell gump
342[343]: stingy magicshop
343[344]: cheap blacksmith
344[345]: cheap prov
347[348]: GrondSell
348[349]: Oldjaksell
418[418]: vaclav gypsy breastplate
425[425]: HerzogsSell
425[464]: HerzogsSell
428[428]: Aneassa Special


003[003]: signtest
005[005]: Tapestry of Ages plaque
006[006]: Banner of Compassion
007[007]: Banner of Honesty
008[008]: Banner of Honor
009[009]: Banner of Humility
010[010]: Banner of Justice
011[011]: Banner of Sacrifice
012[012]: Banner of Spirituality
013[013]: Banner of Valor
017[017]: Britain Magic Shop Plaque
076[076]: Rune of Compassion
077[077]: Rune of Honesty
078[078]: Rune of Honor
079[079]: Rune of Humility
080[080]: Rune of Justice
081[081]: Rune of Sacrifice
082[082]: Rune of Spirituality
083[083]: Rune of Valor
084[084]: Avatars Swords 1
085[085]: Corrigan Painting
087[087]: Lord British Painting
088[088]: Shamino Painting
089[089]: Despise Fountains
092[092]: Despise Wyrmguard Painting
095[095]: Altara's Sceptre
096[096]: Exodus Cards
097[097]: Fellowship Medallion
098[098]: Iolo's Music 2
099[099]: Korghin's Fang
100[100]: Mondain's Skull
101[101]: Mosh's Magical Harp
102[102]: Serpent Jawbone
103[103]: Talisman of Infinity
104[104]: The Badge of Blackthorn
106[106]: The Blue Tassle
107[107]: The Silver Horn
108[108]: Vortex Cube
140[140]: Shortcut to Yew Plaque
141[141]: Guild Plaque
146[146]: ambrosiaplaque
147[147]: wislems
148[148]: Wislems2
151[151]: levitation
152[152]: singularity
164[165]: BellofCouragePlaque
165[166]: CandleofLovePlaque
166[167]: BookofTruthPlaque
167[168]: Libraryplaque
186[187]: WrongWarden
227[228]: Shop of the Moons Sign
244[245]: animals
245[246]: austinbeaut
246[247]: parkcurf
247[248]: wildflower
248[249]: camping
252[253]: Gigantic
253[254]: Scarf
254[255]: Museum Hours
339[340]: swimsign
345[346]: West Buc
346[347]: East Buc
349[350]: holdingcell
350[351]: holdingcryst
351[352]: wingedhq
352[353]: bakery
353[354]: bastionsign
354[355]: blacksmith
355[356]: boyer
356[357]: cathedral
357[358]: covedock
358[359]: crypt
359[360]: dawn
360[361]: elenas
361[362]: gemcutr
362[363]: innsign
363[364]: Irenes
364[365]: kingshead
365[366]: lbscastle
366[367]: magshopsign
367[368]: mayorhouse
368[369]: mazesign
369[370]: Mill
370[371]: minocov
371[372]: museum
372[373]: outfitr
373[374]: prison
374[375]: provissign
375[376]: raxos
376[377]: tavern
377[378]: townsqr
378[379]: vaclavs
379[380]: samhaynes
380[381]: auctionsign
381[382]: herzogs
382[383]: jades
383[384]: keagans
385[386]: saltydog
386[387]: shipwright
387[388]: tunnel
399[399]: towrong
401[401]: GringoletSac
407[407]: duprestone
408[408]: lucero
414[414]: willlett
415[415]: westgat
416[416]: eastgate
438[438]: ravenmngw
450[450]: moonglow north gate
451[451]: moonglow south gate
459[458]: MathisMines